Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 153: Reasons for the establishment of the alliance

After hearing Chu Feng's request, Xiao Tianyu felt a bit of mmp in his heart.

For the long-lasting peace of people like the fortress, run out to hunt powerful zombies. Only people with cramps will do this!

Of course, knowing that Chu Feng went out to hunt zombies not for the stability of the so-called fortress, but purely because he wanted to improve his strength, and even he recruited members of the alliance to treat others, but also to improve his strength.

However, he still hopes to improve his strength in a safer way, and it is best to enjoy the sacrifices of his subordinates in a high position instead of fighting against those terrifying monsters in person.

Seeing Xiao Tianyu not speaking, Chu Feng raised his brows: "Why, are you going to miss such a good opportunity to accumulate reputation?"

Xiao Tianyu smiled dryly: "This is indeed a good way."

Chu Feng immediately said, "If that's the case, then call a group of people and start with me!"

An imperceptible expression flashed in Xiao Tianyu's eyes, but there was still not much ripple on the surface: "Okay, I need some time."

Chu Feng said: "No hurry, I'll go to see the situation of the alliance, you will call me when you are ready."

After Xiao Tianyu turned around, his originally smiling face was immediately filled with murderous intent.

Chu Feng's attitude was already very obvious, and that was that he didn't want the Xiao family to have any opportunity at all. Since Chu Feng was not kind, he had no choice but to use an alternative plan.

After sending Xiao Tianyu away, Chu Feng began to meet with Su Yuan and other six league seat officials.

After the 7 members of the Alliance Council convened, Chu Feng looked lazy: "If you have anything, please say it quickly, and if it's okay, just do it separately!"

He looks very much like the classic line from the emperor in the TV series: "If you have something to do, you can retreat without any problems."

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't care at all, the six people felt a little uneasy.

If Chu Feng showed a strong desire for power, they wouldn't worry about anything, but the more Chu Feng showed that he didn't care about anything, the more they felt a little uneasy, because without desire, there would be no weakness.

Su Yuan said: "That's right. There are too many people who want to join the alliance. It is very inconvenient to manage. So we have formulated some management rules and regulations, but there are still some problems that cannot be solved. I want to find the chief. Come make up your mind."

Although they were saying that Chu Feng should make up his mind, if Chu Feng really opposed it in the world, they would definitely ask Chu Feng to come up with another specific plan.

However, Chu Feng didn't even have any interest in watching, so he said directly: "Then tell me when the problem is solved! Tell me where I need it, of course I don't necessarily have time."

Su Yuan said: "In fact, the biggest problem is the issue of loyalty. The mermaid who want to join the alliance are mixed, and they don’t know who is loyal and who is the spy arranged by others. But now is the golden age of development. If we really need to investigate in detail one by one, then we will miss this period because of our suspicion."

This seems to be an unsolvable problem, but in fact it is just a nonsense.

If you are worried about your subordinates rebelling, you don't know your subordinates. The company under that day will not recruit employees.

The reason why Su Yuan raised this question was actually just to test Chu Feng, to test how much Chu Feng wanted to control the alliance.

Chu Feng glanced at her faintly, and then asked: "Our alliance has only been officially established one day! I told you that the reason for the establishment of the alliance was also two days ago. Did you forget the reason for the establishment of the alliance so quickly? ?"

When Chu Feng mentioned this, everyone's faces were full of embarrassment.

Although only one day has passed since the establishment of the alliance, this day is too long.

After a busy day, or intrigue, they recruited their own subordinates by means, and thought about how to take up Chu Feng, but the most basic things were forgotten.

Chu Feng glanced at everyone faintly: "I know what you are thinking, but the world is changing too fast. Just over 10 days ago, the world was still peaceful, but it was not a short time. Within half a month, the whole world was upended.

No one can say what changes will be made in the future, but one thing is certain, that is, only food and water can allow us to survive, but only strength can ensure that the food in our hands is not taken away by others. In order to keep us alive. "

Chu Feng's words caused waves in everyone's hearts.

From the beginning, they thought that Chu Feng was just a representative sent by the military to monitor them, so they showed no interest in power.

But what Chu Feng said reminded them that they can no longer look at the present with old eyes.

Chu Feng got up and came to Su Yuan's side and said, "Didn't you just ask me how to ensure the loyalty of the Alliance members? Then I will tell you that all the rules and regulations are bullshit! I am willing to go out with us to fight monsters. Those who go out together to search for supplies are our brothers. If you don't want to, then get out.

We are not gangsters who take pleasure in oppressing others, nor are we bandits who survive by plundering. If we are people who just want to be protected by others and I dare not fight against monsters with us, what are we doing? Is it a waste of food? Still give us cheer! "

Su Yuan's body trembled, as if electric current passed through her body.

She always thought that she was not only a smart person, but Chu Feng's words made her understand one thing, that is, smartness and wisdom are not the same thing.

A middle-aged man in a leather jacket asked weakly: "But, is this really okay? Now most people stay in the fort to avoid monsters! If you really follow this standard , Then we must brush down a lot of people!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "If you can't even go out and beat zombies, then tell me, how do you want to play their value?"

The middle-aged man in a leather jacket is speechless.

It's not impossible to really play to their value. For example, taking advantage of the large number of people, occupying the resources in the city, and then bullying others.

But if he really wants to say such things, then he has no chance to go out alive.

In any case, they are living in a fortress controlled by the military. Once such a large group commits an offence, it is certain that it will be solved directly, and there may not even be an opportunity for explanation.

"I know you still have some doubts. Next, I will prove to you one thing. A large number of people may not necessarily be powerful."

There was a cold chill in Chu Feng's eyes, "No matter how many sheep, when faced with a lonely hungry wolf, they are ultimately only sheep."

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