Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 154: question

"What is he doing?"

Everyone felt bad in their hearts, they only felt that Chu Feng might have to do something very big.

However, everyone still has a fluke mentality. In their eyes, Chu Feng is a man with a military background after all. You can see the scene of the military picking up his parents.

If such a person really does something frantic, there will naturally be someone from the military to take care of it, and maybe even what he did was originally inspired by the military.

With this thought, they also looked forward to Chu Feng's next move.

After Chu Feng sent Su Yuan and others out, he then began a conspiracy with the people around him and arranged the next action.

During the deployment of Chu Feng, a piece of news began to circulate throughout the fortress.

"Have you heard? I heard that people in the military have already begun to practice the kind of exercises that can turn people into supernatural beings. Well, they should be called martial artists. It was brought by a man named Gu Nanfei. of."

"The military is too much. Why don't you publish such a technique?"

"That Chu Feng also got the exercises from the military, but what do you think of his exercises?"

"Oh! The world is declining, and people's hearts are not ancient!"

Gu Nanfei taught the military and taught how to become a warrior. Chu Feng is now regarded as a person of military background, and his approach has begun to represent a part of the military's attitude.

It is now that the direction of public opinion in the entire fortress has begun to become weird, that is, the military holds the method of becoming a warrior, but cherishes itself and is unwilling to teach it to the general public.

Such a trend of public opinion is undoubtedly a huge blow to the military’s prestige. After all, there are so many risks in the outside world. The military does not want people to be called warriors. It is not worried that after the people’s power becomes stronger, they will think about overthrowing the military. What about Fang's rule?

Some caring people started to take action and widely taught the exercises they had obtained from Chu Feng.

"This is the exercise I got from Chu Feng. I am not a person who cherishes myself, and I will not use these things as a basis for profit and to build my own forces."

One person spoke impassionedly to a group of people, posing an unselfish appearance, "Such a technique belongs to the wealth of mankind, it should belong to the broad masses of people, it should belong to everyone, and it absolutely cannot become certain ambitions. The tools used by the family to achieve their ambitions."

"it is good!"

"well said!"

"I think you are much better than people like Chu Feng."

Some people who appeared to have joined the Dawn Alliance, but actually spread the exercises everywhere, and then took all the credit for themselves and vilified Chu Feng's image.

As the exercises began to spread on a large scale, more and more people began to question the military and Chu Feng.

At this time, Chu Feng came to Xiao's residence.

"President Xiao, I don't know if your candidate has been selected."

Chu Feng ignored the guards outside and said directly to Xiao Tianyu, "My people have already chosen, and the destination has already been chosen, just waiting for you."

Xiao Tianyu sat on the chair, looking like everything is under control: "Chu Feng, do you really think that everything will develop as you originally expected? You really think you can help the Xiao family? Playing with applause?"

On the left and right sides of him, Xiao Tianlong and Xiao Xunyang respectively, they both looked at Chu Feng with playful eyes.

Chu Feng sneered: "If I remember correctly, it should be you who want to play me between applause! Last night, I almost got on the wrong person!"

When Chu Feng mentioned this matter, the eyes of several people were full of anger.

They thought their layout was perfect! But I didn't expect that Chu Feng could easily see through their layout, making Xiao Xunli cheap for Chu Feng.

He didn't care much about his daughter's body, just the loss he had suffered.

What was even more exaggerated was that Chu Feng refused to admit it afterwards, and he didn't even want to do anything on the surface, and he still had the face to come and ask them for someone.

This is the first time they have seen such a brazen person.

"Chu Feng, don't blame us for not giving you a chance."

Xiao Xunyang said grimly, "Now apologize to us immediately, and then leave all the affairs of the Dawn Alliance to us, so that we are still close partners, even in-laws, but if you want to object, then Don't blame us for being impolite."


Chu Feng erected a long box on the ground, "What are you being kind to me?"

Xiao Xunyang wanted to say something, but Xiao Tianyu stopped him.

"Chu Feng, I know your strength may be unfathomable."

Xiao Tianyu said slowly, "Believing in absolute strength can solve everything. This concept itself is not a problem, but you don't understand what true strength is."

Chu Feng asked back, "Do you understand?"

Xiao Tianyu pointed to the outside world: "Even if it is a group of ants, a large number can kill an elephant. What's more, this group of ants has grown up. Your biggest mistake is that you don't know what the number can produce. Strength, it is even harder to see what kind of power a group of people who become warriors can produce.

The Xiao family also possesses exercises.

Although the version of the exercises they got from Gu Nanfei was relatively old, it was barely usable.

They have two advantages over Chu Feng. The first is the influence of Xiao Xunli, and the second is that they spread the exercises earlier. The only disadvantage is that they can’t make a big fanfare, but it is more convenient to cultivate their own. Core forces.

"That's it, you guys are just using my identity as a cover."

Chu Feng suddenly realized it, as if he had just seen that the Xiao family was using his identity as a cover.

"Although I don't know if you are pretending to be stupid, but it doesn't make sense anymore.

Xiao Tianyu looked calm and composed, "Let me tell you what will happen next! A dead person will not be of any use value to the military. Instead, we have mastered the advantage of public opinion and gathered people's hearts. The role of the military will be even greater.

Next, under the wave of people’s anger, Gu Nanfei and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame, and the drawbacks of the exercises will be said to be caused by you. The people don’t care about the truth at all, they only care. What they want to believe. As long as there are more people who believe, the fake will become real. "

Chu Feng said, "Then why don't you do it now?"

Xiao Tianyu said: "Because this is the least effective for you. If you join hands with me and shirk all the responsibilities on Gu Nanfei, then I can pack you into a saint and get out of the control of the military. And it gives you the qualification to challenge the military."

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