Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 159: The death of Xiao Xunli

Chu Xiaorou is just a commoner, well, at least a girl from a commoner's life, but now she tells a star that has attracted a lot of attention that your life is very miserable.

From an outsider's point of view, this is simply a joke, but for the person involved, it is a great irony.

After a long time, Xiao Xunli finally calmed down.

Chu Feng just stared at her, not allowing her a chance to break free from the shackles of the lock element talisman, but did not let go of her thoughts.

He has seen too many human darkness, because he is too pitiful and soft-hearted to see his opponent, but he is found a chance to kill him. He is not willing to be such a negative teaching material.

Even if Xiao Xunli really regretted it, Chu Feng would not let her stay by his side.

However, in front of his sister, he still did not do anything.

Xiao Xunli said to Chu Xiaojuu: "If it weren't for your eyebrows and Chu Feng's similarities, I can't believe that such a character would actually be Chu Feng's younger sister, and the same family would have such an extremely contrasting character."

Chu Xiaojuu said, "My brother was not like this before. I don't know why he became like this, but I think he will change back sooner or later."

Xiao Xunli looked at Chu Feng: "I think my initial thoughts should be wrong. I shouldn't hit you with pain at all. If I really want to retaliate against you, maybe I can use another form. "

Chu Feng sneered, "Do you think you still have a chance?"

The vitality in Xiao Xunli's body couldn't escape her eyes. As long as she moved slightly, he could take her life directly. She had no means left.

"How can I know if I don't try it?"

Xiao Xunli smiled slightly, then turned to Chu Xiaojuu and said, "Today's things are nothing short of surprises for you, but if there are bad guys who want to use you to blackmail your brother, what should you do in the future?"

Chu Xiaorou thought for two seconds and said: "I would rather die than be used as a bargaining chip for threats."

Xiao Xunli said: "It's really touching, but if you really die, your brother will definitely be sad, then do you want to not be threatened by others in the future?"

Chu Xiaorou's eyes lit up: "Is there such a way?"

An uneasy expression appeared in Chu Feng's heart. He said in a cold tone: "Xiao Xunli, what do you want? Don't think I dare not kill you."

Xiao Xunli ignored Chu Feng, but said to Chu Xiaojuu: "Yes, as long as you become stronger, you can not be threatened by others, and you can protect your brother in turn."

As she said, a blue light suddenly appeared on her body, and then she sank into Chu Xiaorou's body.

"This is, inheritance!"

Even Chu Feng was stunned by Xiao Xunli's actions at this moment.

When he met the ghost crow at school, Xiao Li gave Lu Ming the power at the same time he died, making him a summoner of the undead.

Now Xiao Xunli is actively doing the same thing.

However, he couldn't understand why Xiao Xunli did this. Is this revenge against him? Where is there such a method of revenge?

Xiao Xunli's beautiful body slowly fell to the ground, with a calm expression, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be filled with relief.

She was born in Xiao's family, and from the moment she was born, she was born as a tool, and was nurtured towards top-notch tools.

In front of people, she is a star that has attracted much attention, a popular idol sought after by countless people, and the jewel of the Xiao family.

However, this is not her own.

She is very jealous. She is jealous of all people who live better than her. She hates all people who are willing to pay for their ideals, because such people live for themselves, not like her, even I don't know what I like or what I really want.

When Chu Xiaorou talked about the central issue, her appearance was shattered.

"Chu Feng, I don't hate what you have done to me, but I am jealous that you have someone who really cares about you, and someone who can put your status higher than your own life."

"Your sister is in extreme contrast with you. If she is by your side, you will always remain so cruel and ruthless, and then make your sister the same as you, or be influenced by your sister, every move will be required Are you restrained by your sister?"

"No matter what the result is, it seems to be pretty good."

Xiao Xunli's consciousness gradually blurred. After the inheritance of the supernatural power, her soul was exhausted, and no means would come back.

Chu Feng took Xiao Xunli's body outside the house, and then burned it to ashes with **** industry fire.

Chu Xiaorou stared at Chu Feng doing all this without stopping or saying anything.

Today's events have had a huge impact on the little girl's worldview, and even almost separated her from her brother. The fact that Xiao Xunli passed on her supernatural powers made her wonder what to say.

Chu Feng looked at his sister and wanted to comfort him, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

He is a person who is not good at words and is better at solving problems with actions. It is really not his strong point to comfort people.

"Now that you have the power, don't waste it, get used to it!"

As Chu Feng said, he closed the door for his sister and asked her to think about it alone.

Today's events really exceeded his expectations, and the development of the situation caught him off guard, but on the surface, the results were good.

The younger sister has the ability, then she has a certain degree of self-protection, and she can feel more at ease.

And since she has become a supernatural person, she can choose a suitable contract object for her to make her situation safer.

He now has another thing, and that is to deal with the military's cross-examination.

After a while, the military came.

After seeing Chu Feng, Hu Tianlu smiled bitterly: "You really caused a big problem for me! You actually killed so many people in front of so many people, do you know how many people came to us to sue you?"

When Chu Feng suppressed the Blue Dragon Society, there was somehow evidence that the other party committed evil deeds, and everyone he saw with his own eyes had been killed. Some only saw Chu Feng coming in and out from the outside, but today is different. Not only did Chu Feng kill all the Xiao family members, he also shot at the crowd.

Now the military is also very difficult to do.

They knew that what Chu Feng did was not wrong. After all, if the Xiao family were allowed to continue to guide public opinion, it would not only be detrimental to the military, but would also affect the stability of the entire fortress.

However, if Chu Feng is allowed to kill in public like this, where will the military's majesty be placed?

Therefore, the military sent Chu Feng's "acquaintances" to make Chu Feng compromise, accept certain punishments, and then give the people an explanation.

Facing Hu Tianlu's complaints, Chu Feng slowly said, "How long can you maintain the current situation?"

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