Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 160: Chu Feng's reminder

Hearing Chu Feng's question, Hu Tianlu's expression became serious.

He asked nervously, "What do you mean?"

Chu Feng took out a map in a hurry, and then began to draw a big circle on the map:

"This should be the Southern Metropolitan Military Region that can have the greatest impact! Because people like fortresses come from here. If I guess right, you have to build a huge fortress circle here, and the military region is at the core. Wherever there is a problem, you will get the fastest support."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, all members of the military immediately began to guard, and some even opened the gun insurance.

"I don't even have the authority to know what you said."

Hu Tianlu said coldly, "Although you have made a great contribution to our military, it is related to the safety of countless people. Please give an explanation."

What the military needs to consider is the overall situation. Under the overall situation, anyone can sacrifice.

Chu Feng did make a contribution. This was because they didn't arrest Chu Feng directly, but this didn't mean that they could tolerate any behavior of Chu Feng unrestrictedly.

The behavior of inquiring into the military situation like Chu Feng has already violated the military's bottom line.

Chu Feng didn't seem to see their nervousness at all, and said calmly:

"It's not hard to guess. Although the people under my hand can't fight, it's not a problem to inquire about the news. You have now started to build the fourth and fifth fortresses, and you have begun to **** some people to migrate there, and these principles happen to be true. It’s on the boundary of the same circle, so it’s easy to guess."

Hu Tianlu said, "Then what do you mean by this?"

Chu Feng asked, "When will the end times end?"

Hu Tianlu said, "Are you kidding? Now the sky has fallen. Except for a few people who still have naive fantasies, who else would naively think that the world will return to its original state?"

The world won't change to what it was before, but everyone who has survived basically has such a consensus.

"Since it can't be restored, why do you still hold on to the concepts of the old age?"

Chu Feng's voice grew louder and louder, "Now the people in the fortress are doing nothing all day long. Apart from making troubles, they can only go to you to get some compressed biscuits when they are hungry and can't stand it! However, you are planning to resist monsters. At the same time, do you have to raise them for the rest of their lives to have children? Even if you have such determination, do you have such power?"

Chu Feng's words hit Hu Tianlu's heart directly.

The military is now focusing all its energy on how to save and protect people. It's not that no one thinks about these issues, but thinking about these issues is a matter for the people above.

Hu Tianlu was also busy as a whole, and didn't have the time to think about it at all.

Now that Chu Feng mentioned it, he realized what kind of pressure the upper echelons were under.

At least they only need to perform tasks, but the decision-making of the upper level is related to the life and death of thousands of people.

Chu Feng continued: "You think my behavior is excessive, but have you ever thought, do you really have the energy to manage the complaints of those who are full? The monsters outside have become more and more. Stronger, do you really think that you can still protect the people's safety as long as you try your best?"

Hu Tianlu said: "Then what do you think we should do? Do you trust the stability in the fortress?"

If Chu Feng really said such words, then in his heart, Chu Feng would immediately become a careerist.

He didn't want Chu Feng's true face to be like this, but now there are signs of development in this direction.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "You should have already thought about what you should do at the top. I don't have much time to care. I only care about whether the people around me are safe. I don't want to change my contribution. How much in return, I only ask for one point, that is, if you cannot guarantee the safety of those around me, please allow me to fight back in self-defense.

After all, the reason why I encountered these dangers was because of the practice. "

Hu Tianlu was speechless.

In fact, the military does not have much energy to ensure the stability of the fortress. After all, they have to focus most of their energy on the dangers outside the fortress and those trapped in certain corners waiting for rescue.

Maybe Chu Feng did too much, but he was only fighting back in self-defense.

Although Chu Feng brought these dangers himself, the reason why he brought these dangers was also because he improved and spread the martial arts techniques so that more people have the ability to save themselves. Now Chu Feng is somewhat affected by doing these good deeds. People are framed, and the military still has the face to blame Chu Feng.

From a theoretical point of view, the military does not actually have much to blame for Chu Feng.

Thinking of this, Hu Tianlu sighed and said, "After this incident, most people will probably dare not provoke you, so please pay attention yourself!"

With that said, Hu Tianlu said to the soldiers behind him: "Close the team!"

He didn't come to arrest Chu Feng from the beginning, and of course there was nothing to deal with.

However, Chu Feng's words gave him some reminders that the military can no longer use the moral values ​​of the past to restrain everyone, and also consider the relationship between the military and the Awakened.

If the two sides become hostile, it is definitely not a good thing for the military.

Looking at Hu Tianlu's back, Chu Feng sighed in his heart: "I hope the military can change quickly! Otherwise, disaster will come soon!"

He did not intend to make the catastrophe that may come a few days later be made public. First, he was not sure whether the incident would continue to happen, and secondly, even if he really said it, what effect would it play?

Even if most people are able to ignore the disasters and dangers that have happened around them, the traffic rules are to protect people's safety, but the people who violate them are not always prohibited?

Just talk about the precursors of the end times. When most people see the various visions circulating on the Internet, don't they still treat these images as leisure pleasure?

So, tell this in advance that you can do nothing except cause panic.

On the other side, Hu Tianlu reported the conversation with Chu Feng to the upper level in detail, and then waited for the reply from the upper level.

Ten minutes later, the people at the upper level finally replied with a message: "From tomorrow, we will promote martial arts for the whole people, gather people out of the city to fight, and distribute weapons and food to everyone who is willing to go out of the city to fight against monsters!"

After seeing this news, the soldiers in the fort were shocked: "However, this will definitely cause a lot of confusion."

Hu Tianlu sighed and said, "However, this will allow more people to live."

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