Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 164: The beginning of the public opinion war

Most people in the world have nothing to do with themselves, but Chu Feng is actually such a person.

But what was different was that Chu Feng was able to foresee a farther impact. He anticipated the impact of this incident on him before the incident happened to him, but most people placed their hopes on others.

"Same, this matter was originally related to everyone's vital interests."

Su Yuan said, "The army is the defender of our current security environment. Most people understand this, but as long as it does not directly affect their lives, they will not rise up unless they are really forced to do so. A dead end, otherwise they would rather watch the army be accused by thousands of people, or even join the ranks."

Although she has not experienced the darkness of the last ten years, some people have a natural understanding of human nature.

Even those who blame the army, don’t they understand that the army is their protector? No, they understand everything, but subconsciously ignore this.

Therefore, in her opinion, Chu Feng's thoughts were taken for granted.

Chu Feng made an understatement: "Then just drive them to a dead end."

Listening to Chu Feng's plain tone, everyone felt an inexplicable chill.

Previously, the Xiao family wanted to use the power of the masses to deal with Chu Feng, but it was a pity that Chu Feng directly broke the situation with violence, directly attacking a large number of people.

Of course, it is not all violent breaking the situation.

Taking into account the influence of the Xiao family, Chu Feng first forced the Xiao family to oppose him, let them first kill themselves, and then stand on a moral standpoint, so that they were not sanctioned by the army. This seems no different. , But this is the difference between a general and a reckless man.

A member of the council cautiously said: "You, don't you want to use force directly!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were indeed shocked because of Chu Feng's concentration. After all, they were all on the same boat, and Chu Feng's affairs would really affect them.

However, Chu Feng's next words let them see the horror: "I don't have that many bullets!"

Several people immediately had the idea of ​​regret joining the alliance.

There are not so many bullets. If you have enough bullets, do you really want to kill all those who oppose you?

When they had this idea in their minds, they were shocked to discover that this possibility was not completely absent. It was really possible for Chu Feng to do such a thing.

Chu Feng said: "Next, just follow your plan just now and spread the speech. Now there have been a large number of incidents of confusion. As long as you make good use of my ability to save people, I believe you will be able to quickly expand us. What’s influential is that when disseminating speeches, one more thing must be paid attention to, that is, Gu’s family wants to take over the fortress instead of the military to protect everyone’s safety.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone felt a chill.

Chu Feng seemed to be a person who didn't care about things, but as long as he said anything, he could hit people's hearts directly.

Gu family takes over the fortress instead of the military to protect everyone's safety?

If they can really do this, then Chu Feng's words are to help them, but is this really possible?

The role of the fortress from time to time, many monsters are wandering, and the only one who can protect everyone is the army.

The Gu family may indeed have the strength. After development, it may also have the power to protect everyone in the future, but it is definitely not now.

Seeing the crowd, Chu Feng wrote lightly: "I just want to use this remark to remind everyone who is really protecting everyone. Don't get me wrong."

"will not."

"Deserves to be the chief."

"Got it."

Everyone repeatedly expressed their admiration for Chu Feng, and they did not dare to make any mistakes.

Chu Feng said: "If that's the case, then you go and do things!"

After Su Yuan and others left, the long-haired young man smiled bitterly at Su Yuan: "Do you believe that such a scheming person will really delegate power to everyone?"

His words hit everyone's minds. If Chu Feng is really the kind of cultivator or combat mad, then it is not impossible to give them money.

But Chu Feng's performance just now was clearly an old fox.

No, it should be a cunning prairie wolf.

Would such a person really delegate power to them and allow them to empty themselves?

Su Yuan gave him a white look: "If you have any doubts about the chief, you can opt out at any time, absolutely no one will stop you."

The long-haired youth is speechless.

Even if only one seat is occupied in the Dawn Alliance, it is much better than those idle and scattered alliances. How could he withdraw at this time?

"If there is no opinion, then do something!"

Su Yuan just left the team as she said.

She thought she was a very smart person, but after seeing Chu Feng, she found that her smartness did not give full play to its due value. It was not that her IQ was insufficient, but that her judgment of the situation often appeared Problems, often look at the new era with old eyes.

"Could it be that I am bound by past experience?"

Su Yuan suddenly realized her biggest problem, and then she couldn't help but became curious about Chu Feng, "What kind of environment is it like to give birth to a person like him?"

The more she thought, the more curious she became.

On the other side, Chu Feng, after handing over the matter to the Alliance, once again became the hand-handling shopkeeper, and then practiced with his direct descendants in his residence.

"In this world, survival is more important than anything else."

While demonstrating a move, Chu Feng said, "This move uses the impact of the opponent's attack to transform it into one's own speed. It is very important to survival. You must practice it well."

After a few simple instructions, Chu Feng put more energy on his sister.

No way, he is partial.

Chu Xiaorou was probably stimulated by being treated as a human character last time, so she was especially serious when practicing supernatural powers and cultivating.

Chu Feng was also very happy about this, no matter what Xiao Xunli had planned, the result was very good for him.

Chu Xiaorou has the ability to protect herself, as long as she instills some apocalyptic survival knowledge into her, then even if she has something to leave, she can protect herself and survive this dangerous era.

While Chu Feng and others are focusing on cultivation, the people in the Dawn Alliance are also constantly recruiting new members. The work of screening and culling will be done later. Now recruiting talents is the most important.

At the same time, a battle of public opinion began.

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