Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 165: A battlefield without gunpowder

The remarks led by the Gu family were mainly based on military conspiracy theories. They tried their best to discredit the image of the military, exaggerate the military's delay in martial arts, and even praised the Xiao family as a saint.

After all, people are already dead, and it is said that the dead are the greatest, how can you hack them?

Therefore, under such remarks, the wave of public opinion was overwhelmingly detrimental to the military at the beginning.

However, with the intervention of the Dawn Alliance, public opinion began to change its direction.

On a crowded occasion, the Gu family continued to spread their thoughts:

"Have you heard? The Xiao family got the original exercise method. That kind of exercise method is very dangerous. It is easy to die when practicing. This is why those people suddenly died suddenly."


"Really, didn't you see that the practitioners spread by the Dawn Alliance were basically fine after practicing? There was only one case of an accident, which was cured by Chu Feng."

"But how did I hear that they still had several problems with their cultivation methods, and as a result, they didn't even have the chance to send them for treatment?"

"I also heard, but there are still few people."

"But, why is this?"

"I'm telling you, when the exercises were only spread in the hands of the military, the danger was very high. One person can die by practicing two, but after the military's continuous attempts and improvements, it became safe. One point, only then dare everyone to practice together."

"I don't believe it, why is the military so kind?"

Even if the hard facts are placed in front of some people, they are unwilling to believe it.

At this moment, an old man was holding a broom, and while beating the young man who questioned the military, he cursed, "Boy, have you forgotten who rescued you from the monster pile? Forget who our family brought here? Have you forgotten who is blocking the monster outside the city wall?"

The young man dodges his father's broom, while anxiously defending: "Dad, listen to me, those exercises are originally for the family, and the army is..."


Another hit with a broom.

"I don't care about so many reasons."

The old man always used a strong broom to hit his son, "I know one thing, I know that our lives are given by the soldiers. Who dares to say bad things about our life-saver, I will fight him hard. "

After hearing the old man's words, many people's eyes flashed with shame.

Most of the people present were brought here by the military from the dangerous city, and even they can talk here safely because the military blocked the monsters outside the fortress.

However, they are actually doubting their savior.

Although many people still do not admit this fact, they have become silent.

The old man still reluctantly said: "Didn't you say that the Xiao family is okay? Chu Feng's exercises do not kill people, and they remind everyone how much to practice, don't practice it, the Xiao family's exercises have killed so many people. How did you become a good person? Is there any reason in this world?"

These words made many people even more ashamed.

Why do they black military and Chu Feng are actually afraid of Chu Feng's cruelty?

If you could kill Chu Feng with public opinion, it would be best.

However, to tout the Xiao family for this is too much.

However, some people became so embarrassed and angry because they were too ashamed: "What do you know, the bad old man? How do you know what the military is thinking? Gu's family is the real propagator of martial arts, they are. Let all of us become saints of supernatural beings."

When people are defending their idols, they can say anything.

These people had stood in the position of Gu's family before. The more others refuted, the more they firmed their position, almost reaching the height of belief.

The old man said: "Old man, I don't know what the military is thinking. Just tell me, can the Gu family deal with the monsters outside the city?"

After hearing this question, many people's faces changed.

After all, the military can protect them.

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded:

"Don't say that Gu family can't protect everyone?"

A wild voice focused everyone's eyes on a young man.

He came to the old man and said with an extremely arrogant attitude: "Lao Tzu tells you that the strength of the Gu family is far beyond what you can imagine as an old man. Even if the military is gone, the Gu family can resist all monsters. Until everyone has the ability to protect themselves."

Hearing the arrogant words of the young man, the old man trembled with anger.

But the people around clapped and applauded.

"Good job, it's Gu Jia."

The young man continued: "Our Xicheng Gu family is a big family with a long heritage. It is easy to protect the safety of one party, but you should not be deceived by those careerists. I tell you, as long as we follow the steps of Gu family, we Gu family Keep you okay!"

"well said!"

"That's great."

"Follow Gu's family and keep us safe!"

The words of the young people immediately received support from many people and aroused a lot of applause.

He said that they had doubts about Gu's family at the beginning, but now the young people's words dispelled their last doubts.

Since the Gu family has such confidence and confidence, what are they afraid of?

After everyone cheered and applauded for a while, the old man questioned: "Why do you protect everyone? Do you have guns in your hands?"

Fans of Gu's family were immediately thrown with cold water.

The young man slashed a utility pole by the side of the road with a hand knife, and the entire utility pole was cut into two pieces under his hand knife and fell to the ground.

Looking at the young man who looked like a demon, everyone felt a chill.

"Can a bullet punch a hole in this, can it break a telegraph pole?"

The young man shouted at the crowd and asked, "I tell you that there are countless people in our Gu family who have such strength. Now that you see such strength, do you still find bullets useful?"

The crowd fell silent immediately.

Too strong, this young man is too strong.

He was right. Being able to smash a telegraph pole with his hands is no longer human.

Of course, they overlooked a problem, that is, how many times such an attack can be issued.

However, no one raised this question at the scene. Instead, many people looked at this young man from the country with admiring eyes.

And the young man took advantage of this momentum and continued: "I will tell you! When the disaster strikes, all external weapons have lost their effect on us. Only our hands can crush everything. Fist."

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