Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1704: Unequal war

"Why do you want to kill directly? If this team is deliberately besieged, the nearby Supreme Temple team will also come to support. At this time, we can attack the reinforcements."

The Dark Spirit King looked at the one-sided fierce battle, and asked in a puzzled way.

Now, the rights of the Dark Spirit Race have been gradually transferred to the Dark Spirit King, and some of the old subordinates who were loyal to the Dark Spirit King were sent away by him to open branches and leaves outside the Dark Spirit Secret Realm.

Now he wants to drive.

Since Heitianwang is more able to find more possibilities for the Dark Spirit Race in the upcoming trend than himself, what reason does he not let go?

Simply hand over the power of the race to him.

In this regard, Hei Tian Wang was also very moved.

Faced with this kind of elders, who can take their heart and soul and sacrifice everything for you, it is impossible without any touch.

Now the Dark Spirit King is not questioning his decision, but is a little confused about his approach.

After all, the King of Darkness surpassed the King of Darkness in terms of strategy.

"The Legion of the High Temple is not stupid, and we won't let us be so stupid to fight for help. No matter how many soldiers of the High Temple we can kill, as long as we fail once, it will be forever."

Hei Tian Wang explained, “In the eyes of the Supreme Temple, those soldiers are just consumables, but for us, these soldiers are our heritage. We use the heritage to consume the opponent’s cannon fodder. Are we proud of winning?”

The Dark Spirit King thoughtfully.

Indeed, this is an unequal war.

For a behemoth like the Supreme Temple, this is a simple campaign of suppression.

It's gratifying to win, but it's not a pity to lose.

The sacrifice of some cannon fodder regiments is definitely not a pain to the Supreme Temple.

Only the fall of the Son of Light can make the Supreme God slightly moved.

But it was only slightly moved.

For the Supreme Temple, there is nothing worth it, only whether they can afford the price, and whether they are willing to pay.

Without the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, you can't afford to lose.

"Look at those directions again."

Brother Heitian pointed to the location where the Supreme Temple Legion was assembled. After receiving the news of the destruction of the squad, the Supreme Temple legion began to assemble and prepare to eliminate the holy ranks of this group of Dark Spirit Races.

When they also knew that an enemy army that could quickly kill 200 people was definitely not something they could deal with alone.

Without a wave of rallying first, it is giving away heads.

However, during the assembly process, several thousand holy realm powerhouses suddenly appeared and attacked the legions of these supreme temples.

The commander of the Dark Spirit Clan's legion did not miss this opportunity.

Nearly 10,000 holy rank powerhouses launched an attack on the legion of the Supreme Temple, and they had just assembled less than 2,000 legions, and they were killed by half in a blink of an eye.

There were also some teams who came to encounter the ambush of these holy realm powerhouses, and suffered heavy losses in an instant.

A strong man of the Dark Spirit clan burst into laughter after tearing apart the leader of a squad leader of the Supreme Temple.

"Is this the legion of the Supreme Temple? Is this the power of the Supreme Temple?"

Other holy ranks exist, and some of them are playing crazy.


"It's nothing more than the Supreme Temple."

"Kill all these invaders."

"Don't **** me, this corpse belongs to me."

A strong person who has entered the magic way will have a certain change in his soul and spirit.

They are extremely easy to become extreme.

In the course of this crazy battle, their self-confidence is also swelling, and they feel that they are omnipotent.

"Although overconfidence can easily kill itself, if you don't even have self-confidence, then this war won't need to be fought."

Hei Tianwang pointed to those strong men who were frantically looking for the Supreme Temple team and said, "The fear of the Supreme Temple is deeply ingrained in each of us. This is almost impossible to eliminate and can only be weakened.

Although with the last victory, this fear has been reduced a lot, but as a large number of strong men left the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, their self-confidence gradually diminished, becoming the victory of this war, no longer too much. Great hope.

Of course, they are not completely hopeless, but they have an illusion of the Valley Lord in their hearts, thinking that when the Dark Spirit Secret Realm is really in a crisis of life and death, the Valley Lord will not really leave them alone.

This kind of thinking has indeed brought them the courage to fight, but this is not from the heart after all, thinking that they can win. "

"So your purpose is to pull them into the water together?"

The Dark Spirit King thoughtfully said, "However, if strong people from different races are forcibly merged together, it is easy to be chaotic when commanding them. Especially in their current state, do you really have the confidence to suppress it?"

"Why should I suppress?"

Hei Tian Wang asked rhetorically.

"If you don't suppress them, how can they be used for us?"

The Dark Spirit King was a little puzzled.

"They haven't been suppressed by us now, aren't they still used by us? Together with our dark spirits, fighting against the Legion of the Supreme Temple, so why do we want to suppress it?"

Hei Tianwang pointed to the direction of the battlefield, "High-ranking people often like to control everything, but the power of control is often not as powerful as the power that can be used. If you can't let go of your way of thinking as a high-ranking person, then it's better not to think."

The Dark Spirit King was not angry for this sentence.

He also realized his problem.

Is it wrong for a person in a high position to want to control everything?

Of course it is correct.

But is he still a high-ranking person now?

In front of the Supreme Temple, in front of the Valley of Time, continuing to hold the frame of the strong, it is simply looking for death.

He has put down a lot of his prestige as a superior, but some ways of thinking have not changed.

This kind of thinking can easily bring disaster to the race.

"After the Valley Lord spread the magic way, their thoughts and personalities have changed, but their IQ is still the same, and the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages has been strengthened, so we should use another way to use their power."

While Hei Tianwang spoke, he suddenly gave orders to several powerful Dark Spirit tribes who were in charge of battlefield command.

"The whole army retreated."

Such abrupt orders caused dissatisfaction among the dark spirit clan powerhouses.

"Why retreat suddenly?"

"How can we retreat at this time?"

"What the **** is the patriarch thinking?"

"Aren't these soldiers in the Supreme Temple not killed?"

But their doubts were exchanged for even more severe orders from the Hei Tianwang.


Dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction, Hei Tian Wang is now the supreme ruler of the Dark Spirit Race.

His words are imperial decree for the Dark Spirit Race, not to mention the position in front of the Valley Lord.

They can only choose to obey. The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1704 Asymmetric War), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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