Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1705: Terrible legion

"How did the Dark Spirit Race go?"

"I don't know, maybe they have their own plans."

"Should we leave together?"

As the holy rank powerhouses of the Dark Spirit race withdrew from the battlefield, the powerhouses of other races reacted violently.

Some holy rank powerhouses looked at the direction of the Dark Spirit Race, and looked at the soldiers in the Supreme Temple who were being slaughtered by them, and then followed the direction of the Dark Spirit Race to leave, or they were hanging not far from the Dark Spirit Race.

Under the command of the Valley Master of the Valley of Time, the powerhouses of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm were not allowed to kill each other.

Therefore, although their actions will make the Dark Spirit Race a little offensive, it will not be life-threatening.

"Big Brother, why should we follow the Dark Spirit Race? Shouldn't we take advantage of the chaos to kill more of the High Temple's clutter and improve our strength?"

Several holy rank powerhouses asked their boss, because they had reached the 6th holy rank powerhouse.

Going alone is very unfavorable.

Let alone the danger of not having support on the battlefield, even if the enemy is killed, there may not necessarily be a chance to take the enemy's body.

Enemy forces will **** back the bodies of their companions, or even burn them on the spot, and friendly forces may also **** the spoils of friendly forces.

Therefore, many holy ranks with insufficient strength will find a backer.

The existence of those powerful holy ranks also needs some supporters to increase the chance of surviving on the battlefield.

After all, those who are strong can easily be regarded as key targets by others. With some younger brothers, they can have cannon fodder cover.

Now this holy rank six realm is the leader of a small team.

"It's very simple. We are not standing high enough. Only the Dark Spirit Race can stand on the overall situation to see the direction of the battlefield. I don't know their thoughts and plans, but I know that the Dark Spirit Race must make more decisions than anyone else. reasonable."

The opponent of the Saint Realm powerhouse explained, "Although the Valley Lord treats everyone equally, in the eyes of the Valley Lord, there is no difference between high and low, but the Dark Spirit King and the Dark Sky King, their strength itself is of value. "

"That's it."

Several holy ranks existed, some unwillingly glanced at the direction of the legion of the Supreme Temple, and finally followed the footsteps of the Dark Spirit Race.

Since his position is not high enough, then follow the people who are high.

If it was in the past, they would also worry about whether the Dark Spirit King would take the opportunity to deal with them, but the current environment is different.

Above everyone's head, there is a Supreme Being.

Not the Supreme God, but the Lord of the Valley of Time.

Therefore, they are not worried at all, the King of Darkness dared to plot against them at this time.

Some of the holy ranks of the soldiers who are still staying on the battlefield and still hunting down the Supreme Temple have fallen into a frenzied killing.

The powerful power of the Demon Way cultivation system has infinitely magnified the desires in their hearts and at the same time eroded their sanity.

The supreme temple, which was originally aloft and invincible, is now being hunted as prey by them?

They are unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

In addition to killing the soldiers, the temptation to devour the strength of the opponent's body, stepping on the high temple on the soles of their feet, that unparalleled sense of accomplishment is also eroding their minds.

But soon, more soldiers from the Supreme Temple came.

Only then did they realize the reason for the departure of the Dark Spirit Race.

In other words, some of the holy ranks have guessed such a possibility, but they are still willing to stay and take a gamble.

"Run! The troops of the Supreme Temple are here!"

A holy-level existence yelled, and then quickly fled. Of course, his yelling was not to remind his companions, but to make the situation chaotic.

With his shout, all the holy steps existed, and at the same time put down their opponents and quickly left the battlefield.

But at this moment, the soldiers who had been treated as prey by them went mad.

"Don't let them go."

"For the glory of the Supreme Temple."

"Even if we sacrifice our lives, we must keep the lives of these majestic fanatics who dare to provoke the highest temple."

These soldiers, all with firm eyes, full of devotion to the Supreme God, frantically attacking the powerhouses of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm.

Even if it is at the risk of being counter-killed, it is necessary to block the opponent's footsteps.

"Are you crazy?"


"The mere supreme temple, why make you work so hard?"


Looking at the distant picture through the spatial mirroring, the Dark Spirit King's heart is full of complexity. He did not pay too much attention to the scene of the holy rank powerhouse being slaughtered by the Supreme Temple, but fixed the picture in one place.

It was a soldier of the Supreme Temple, an ordinary soldier, and his strength could reach the second stage of the holy rank.

At this time, the weapon in his hand had been broken, and he was clinging to a strong man in the fifth stage of the holy rank, trying to stop the opponent.

"go to hell!"

This powerful man in the fifth stage of the holy rank smashed the soldier's mind with a slap in the face of anger.

But even if the mind burst open and the breath of life died out, the soldier never let go.

It wasn't until this holy rank five realm powerhouse used Demon Dao technique to absorb his power, and after refining it, the soldier turned into fly ash, and finally ended his duties.

However, because of the delay of this soldier, the Supreme Temple team, which has been more than 20 people, has surrounded this holy rank five-level powerhouse. Then there was a fierce battle. After paying half the cost of the members’ lives, This strong man of the five holy ranks also hated this.

Such a scene has a great visual impact.

But the scary thing is that there is more than one such scene.

"Whether it is strong or weak, the Supreme Temple is a very terrifying enemy, but we didn't have a chance to see this in the past."

The Dark Spirit King looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, in their impression, the Supreme Temple was all high above, just like the heavenly gods in the clouds overlooking the ants in the mortal world.

But now, he saw the other side of the Supreme Temple.

In a weak situation, in order to win the final victory, every soldier can sacrifice without hesitation.

It was precisely because of this spirit of sacrifice that the morale of those soldiers never collapsed, nor did they flee, and fell into a desperate situation of being arrested when they encountered the encirclement of the holy rank beings in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm.

Even in desperation, they have been fighting.

Even if the battle reaches the last soldier, he will not give up.

After hard support and finally ushered in the arrival of reinforcements, they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, just to hinder the enemy's departure as much as possible.

Is there any limit to such an army?

How can such a terrible army completely defeat it?

"It's true that the legions of the Supreme Temple are terrible, but I absolutely don't believe that they are invincible."

Hei Tianwang's eyes are full of determination, "If the frontal battlefield does not work, then use methods other than the battlefield."Doomsday Evolution The latest chapter address of the park: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Park Address: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https: //www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile reading: https://m. readwn.com/read/148457/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below The reading record of this time (Chapter 1705 The Terrible Legion), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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