Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1708: Corrector

"Actually, you can hide for longer."

Chu Feng's voice appeared in Gu Nanfei's ears.

When this group of soldiers from the Supreme Temple approached China City, Gu Nanfei found their tracks.

As long as he wants, he can quietly obliterate this team of the Supreme Temple.

Or pretending to be you a passing demon powerhouse, forcibly killing all this team.

You don’t even need to disguise your looks.

There are too many races in the ancient gods, and the image of the human race is not uncommon. Suddenly an unknown race pops up. That is normal.

But he didn't do it.

He chose to wait for the opponent, discovered the abnormality of China City, and after reporting to his superiors, he shot all this team to death.

Then his thoughts are obvious.

Gu Nanfei shook his head: "There are some things that you have to face sooner or later, and it is good to face them earlier."

"But now China City is exposed. You have to face more than the Supreme Temple." Chu Feng said.

Such a powerful force is hidden in the secret realm of dark spirits.

This is not good news for both the Dark Spirit King and the Dark Sky King.

They will definitely find a way to obliterate this unexpected factor, even if it fails, it will cause trouble to China City.

"This is exactly what I want."


"Chu Feng, you don’t have to think about the future, because you can see what kind of environment Human Race is in now, but not everyone will not think about the future. There are some things you don’t want to do, and others will do it. ."

Gu Nanfei replied, "Compared with the disasters caused by the rampage of the Demon Dao, the supreme beings who stood on the peak of the ancient Gods' Realm have obviously brought greater disasters to the Human Race. Under such threats, the demon Dao is not going to be rampant. The consequences are understandable.

However, this matter is up to you to consider and decide, I just need to cooperate and it is enough.

In addition to cooperating, I became vigilant about the Demon Way cultivation system, and of course I must understand and prevent it in advance.

I know that this approach may have some impact on you, but if the Demon Dao system can't even overcome this difficulty, can such a system really disrupt the order of the ancient gods? "

Gu Nanfei's words made Chu Feng also fall into contemplation.

That's right.

What he is doing now is actually lifting the table.

Something different from the past lifting table is that this time he chose to lift the table just to find a chance.

Compared to being forced to be helpless, or even unable to see any hope, even if he lifts the table, he may not be able to see hope. He just lifts the table with the idea of ​​dying together. Now he lacks some belief in death. .

Maybe this is not important, but it may also be important.

At this time, someone needs to help him correct his mistakes.

However, no one can stand at the same height as him.

So what Gu Nanfei is doing now is to help him create some difficulties within the controllable range.

When there are difficulties, there are solutions.

Only when the problem is discovered, there is hope of answering the problem.

"I understand."

Chu Feng retracted his gaze.

The affairs of Huaxia City quickly alarmed the high level of the Supreme Temple responsible for clearing and suppressing the secret realm of dark spirits.

They sent 15,000 soldiers to the vicinity of Huaxia City, preparing for a large-scale attack on Huaxia City.

The person in charge of the battle is an eight-level holy rank and 12 powerful experts in the seven-level holy rank. For Huaxia City, they are bound to win.

No matter what is special about this place, let's clean out the enemies here that can threaten their lives.

The actions of the Supreme Temple also alarmed the King of Darkness.

"You mean that the Supreme Temple, in such a place where vitality is lacking, has suffered heavy losses, and now more than 10,000 enemies have been sent there, preparing to razing the place called Huaxia City to the ground?"

Hearing the news from the spies, Hei Tian Wang was skeptical.

The Demon Dao Alliance has just been established. Although everyone doubts each other, such things as cheating rarely happen.

Because it will destroy everyone's limited trust.

Besides, even if it is a deception, such a clumsy lie cannot be used.

The Dark Spirit King is also a little strange: "Is there a strong race in that place? Impossible, how can there be a strong race in such a barren place? If you live in those places for a long time, your strength will decline!"

Living for too long in a place where vitality is too thin can easily lead to malnutrition, which in turn leads to depletion of blood vessels.

By constantly devouring other creatures, it may be possible to maintain power, but the number of strong people that can be supported by the entire region is also limited.

Just like an oasis in the desert, the population that can be supported is limited.

A little more life will cause the limited oasis to disappear.

Therefore, neither the Dark Spirit King nor the Dark Sky King thought that there would be a powerful race that would live there for a long time.

"But this should also be an opportunity for us. The Supreme Temple has sent so many soldiers. If they encounter stubborn resistance there, we can take the opportunity to destroy the soldiers of the Supreme Temple."

The holy realm in charge of the order said excitedly.

Some senior leaders of the alliance also agreed with this proposal.

"That's right, this is a good opportunity."

"Unexpectedly, the Supreme Temple would also encounter obstacles there."

"Be sure to seize this opportunity and teach those **** Supreme Temple shreds a lesson."

Seeing the fiercely discussing high-level leaders, Hei Tianwang pained his forehead.

Could it be that the spread of the magic way will reduce their IQ in general?

Seeing that everyone’s discussion became more and more intense, and they were even fantasizing about defeating the Supreme Temple and slaughtering the soldiers of the Supreme Temple, the King of Darkness finally couldn’t help but shouted:

"Don't you know what this means? This means that there is a very powerful force in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, but we don't know anything about this force."

The words of Hei Tianwang made the people who are addicted to fantasy wake up like a dream.

They realized that this matter was serious.

Yes, a force that can make the Supreme Temple feel a headache is indeed news that excites them.

But this force has been their neighbors for a long time, and even lived in their homes, so it's a bit of a change.

"As the masters here, you Dark Spirit Race, don't you even know any news about this power?"

The savage man asked the Dark Spirit King with doubts.

The Dark Spirit King's face was a bit ugly. If he didn't know the character of the savage man, he would almost think that he was deliberately embarrassing himself.

That's right, the Dark Spirit Race is the master of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm.

If there is a power comparable to the Dark Spirit Race in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, then it should be a headache for the Dark Spirit Race. The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1708 Corrector), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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