Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1709: Terrible hidden power

"I don't know anything about this force."

Although his face was a bit ugly, the Dark Spirit King still admitted that he knew nothing about this force.

At this time, playing a swollen face to fill a fat man will only be humiliating.

Although the senior leaders of the Demon Dao Alliance laughed at the incompetence of the Dark Spirit Race, they were still shocked by this hidden force.

After the order was passed on, the reports received from the report made them feel even more alarmed.

The power of Huaxia City seemed to have just emerged.

That is, decades of history.

This time is nothing at all in the ancient gods' realm.

However, in all investigations, China City's strength has always been transparent, and it is an ordinary weak race.

For such a race, the Ancient God Realm didn't know how many were rising or dying at all times.

After all, in this energetic place, life without wisdom may happen at any time, and suddenly enlighten to gain wisdom.

They don't care about the emergence and demise of weak races.

If it weren't for this race, it would have been annihilated by a powerful race if it had mastered a method of making auxiliary materials that can be added when refining weapons, and it would have no value to live in the secret realm of dark spirits.

A force that was completely transparent in their eyes, but displayed an unusual fighting power. This force was not found in the first place, and it made them feel more frightened.

Where did this force appear?

What is their purpose?

Why is it here?

What do they want to do?

All these are a mystery.

"Until we have a fuller understanding of this force, it is better not to disturb them easily."

Hei Tian Wang finally made the final decision and issued a decision, "If China City is destroyed under the siege of the Supreme Temple, then there is nothing to say. If China City is not destroyed, then we must treat them with a more rigorous attitude."

The senior leaders of the alliance deeply agree.

It is irrational to contact rashly under unknown circumstances.

If you accidentally turn a possible ally into an enemy, then they will cry without tears.

However, if rash temptation does not work, and you can't let it go, then you can only let the Supreme Temple help them find the way.

After the meeting ended, the Dark Spirit King came to the side of the Heitian King.

"Are you scared?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

"I don't know why you are afraid, I just know you are afraid."

"Why do you think so?"

"Since the establishment of the Demon Dao Alliance, your reputation has been in full swing, attracting more and more powerful people to join the alliance, but they have joined for profit. Now you have carried the weight of the entire alliance."

The Dark Spirit King stands with his hand, "Although you seem to have been winning, your tactics have become more and more shrinking. While you are pursuing victory, you have become more and more afraid of failure. It is no longer the way it was at the beginning. Up."

"Be cautious, isn't it good?"

Hei Tian Wang looked unmoved.

"Can you decide this?"

The Dark Spirit King asked rhetorically.

The King of Darkness fell silent.

Yes, can he decide this?

The spread of Demon Dao and the establishment of Demon Dao Alliance are actually behind the meaning of the Valley Lord of the Valley of Time.

He is just a useful chess piece.

Because he is good enough, he became the spokesperson of Gu Zhu's will.

But now, the entire Demon Dao Alliance obeyed his command, and the fate of the entire Dark Spirit Secret Realm bears his back.

The heavy pressure caused him to be restrained.

He is no longer the Hei Tian Wang who used his life as a bet for his own ambitions.

His idea is correct, and his approach is correct.

Now that you have achieved such a high level, how about being more stable?

But can he decide?

On top of his head, there is a higher existence.

The will of existence overrides his own will.

Will this approach satisfy the Valley Master of Time?

Hei Tianwang did not dare to think about this issue.

"Since you have chosen this path, then go on firmly! Anyway, our Dark Spirit Race, many seeds have already been sent out, then don't be timid and do it boldly!"

The Dark Spirit King patted the Heitian King on the shoulder and walked towards his residence, "Call me when you need me."

Facing the shadow of the Dark Spirit King leaving, Hei Tianwang suddenly knelt down with a thump, and knocked three heads against the shadow of the Dark Spirit King.

Even if both sides have been enemies for a long time.

But this does not affect the fact that the Dark Spirit King is his most respected elder and his most important guide.

He was able to beat the Dark Spirit King, not because his power was stronger, nor was it because of his vision and structure that he won, but because he had the determination to sacrifice the Dark Spirit Race, but the Dark Spirit King did not.

He can do whatever it takes to win, but the Dark Spirit King will not.

At this point, the Dark Spirit King was comforting him and persuading him to let go of his hands and feet.

In the face of such elders, the complex emotions in the heart of Hei Tianwang can no longer be expressed in words.

Half a month later, the battle report of China City came.

No, to be precise, it was not the war report from China City, but when they went to investigate the intelligence of China City again, they found that the war had already ended.

While they were staring at it, it ended silently.

A total of 15,000 legions in the Supreme Temple fell to China City and the surrounding land, and none of them survived.

There shouldn't be one alive, right?

Even the forward who is in charge of detecting intelligence dare not get too close to China City, because once they get too close, the personnel in charge of the survey will disappear, and it doesn't make any sense to disappear.

They can only infer the mysterious disappearance of that powerful legion from the reaction of the Supreme Temple.

Even when the Supreme Temple continued to clean up, it deliberately avoided China City and the surrounding area.

"Why is there such a powerful hidden force in our Dark Spirit Secret Realm? But we don't know anything about such a force?"

Hei Tian Wang was shocked and frightened.

This is also the thought of the senior leaders of the Magic Dao Alliance.

In the face-to-face confrontation, they are inferior to the Supreme Temple.

However, even the powerful Supreme Temple Legion, in front of the mysterious force of China City, disappeared so completely.

There was no battle fluctuations, and they didn't even know when this battle happened and when it ended. Everything went on silently like this, out of their sight.

"Although they don't know their purpose, it is clear that they are also enemies of the Supreme Temple."

Hei Tianwang glanced at all the members present in this week, "No matter how you choose, I will contact the strong in China City." The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Park: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlThe full text of Doomsday Evolution Park Reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/ Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https:/ /www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com /read/148457/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1709 Terrible Hidden powers) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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