Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1710: To meet with


All high-level members of the Demon Dao Alliance heard that Hei Tian Wang was about to commit a danger, and they all began to worry about the safety of Hei Tian Wang.

Today's Hei Tian Wang is the backbone of the Demon Dao Alliance.

If something happened to the King of Darkness, the Demon Dao Alliance would definitely not be able to continue.

Between them and the Supreme Temple, the positions of the hunter and the prey may have to be exchanged.

Hei Tianwang's command for more than a year has helped the members of the alliance to reduce the number of casualties.

And most of those who died were willing to take risks with their lives in exchange for more benefits. It can be said that everyone is happy.

"The situation in China City is still unclear."

An alliance high-level of the Saint-Rank Seven Realms was about to dissuade him, but he was blocked by the following words with a look in the eyes of King Hei Tian.

"Of course I know that the place in Huaxia City is very dangerous, but don't we pay attention to the danger there, wouldn't the danger come to us?"

Hei Tianwang sternly said, "The reason why the strong of China City does not communicate with us may be that he disdains to communicate with us, and the other may be that he has been seriously injured and is still in a state of being pursued and killed."


Hei Tianwang's speculation made everyone's mind alive.

This seems very possible!

The strong of China City appeared almost out of thin air.

The various races in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm don't know how powerful the strong hidden here is, but the fact that the opponent kills more than 10,000 holy ranks of the Supreme Temple proves the power of this existence.

But with such a powerful being, why should he choose such a weak place to recuperate?

Serious injuries and avoiding powerful enemies are reasonable explanations.

However, some people expressed doubts.

"If the opponent has the ability to destroy more than 10,000 soldiers in the Supreme Temple, and everything is going on quietly, then hiding his identity should not be a big deal to this strong man!"

This problem is fatal.

The difficulty of hiding is much lower than the difficulty of silently obliterating more than 10,000 soldiers.

Then why didn't the other party choose to leave, but chose to kill?

You can't expect to use iron and blood to scare the Supreme Temple back, right?

This method is of course useful to the various races of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, but when used on the Supreme Temple, it is deliberately provocative.

If the Supreme Temple can be frightened by this level of threat, it is not the Supreme Temple.

They will only obliterate this madman who dared to offend the Supreme Temple.

"That's asking."

Hei Tian Wang replied solemnly.

Seeing that the Hei Tianwang has made up his mind, the senior leaders of the alliance are not able to continue to persuade him.

After all, this is the decision of the Hei Tianwang, not theirs.

They cannot replace the Dark King.

Even if it is a substitute, it is probably not willing.

After the decision was made, Hei Tian Wang decisively traversed the space and hurried towards the direction of China City.

The high-levels of the Magic Dao Alliance glanced at each other, and finally chose to follow.

Now everyone's relationship can be said to be both prosperous, and all lost.

If you can't advance and retreat together at this time, then there is no need for this alliance to exist.

What's more, they still have other calculations in their hearts.

They don't think that the Dark King will deliberately seek death.

In the past war command, Hei Tian Wang has exerted his cautious style to the extreme, and he will never take risks easily if he does not take risks.

The prerequisite for killing the enemy is to preserve one's own vitality.

Hei Tian Wang undoubtedly did a good job in this regard.

Although they didn't get the news, they made a guess from the response of Hei Tianwang.

Hei Tianwang must have been prepared long ago.

At least with a certain degree of certainty, to ensure that the situation will not deteriorate to the worst point, otherwise he will not take the risk.

This is the role played by the character of the Hei Tianwang.

Of course, there is no way to think otherwise.

If they leave the side of Hei Tianwang now, it means that they have given up on Hei Tianwang.

In this way, the demise of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm is also a matter of time.

What's more, a strong man with such a powerful strength and a mysterious origin hides so deeply in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, who believes that he has no plot?

Hei Tian Wang approached Hua Xia City and was about to speak when a colorful rainbow bridge appeared in front of him.

The Colorful Bridge leads directly to the interior of China City, and the space in front of the Colorful Bridge is distorted.

Such a method horrified the Hei Tian Wang.

The existence of holy steps can use the laws of space to a certain extent, after all, they can use any laws.

This is the instinct of any holy rank.

However, this is no longer an application of the law of space, right?

To form a stable space channel is basically to amend the law, and under the pressure of God's Domain, write your own law.

"Hei Tian Wang, please! Forget the others, I like to be clean."

A voice came from the other end of Hongqiao.

Everyone in the Demon Dao Alliance looked at King Hei Tian with questioning eyes.

Hei Tian Wang shook his head slightly and said, "I can go in by myself. If he is malicious, it doesn't matter whether you are there or not."

The strong people felt a little humiliated, but they couldn't say anything to refute.

Judging from the other party's methods just now, the opponent's spatial attainments may be very high, and it is completely possible to turn group battles into a one-on-one battle of wheels, and the initiative of the battle is in the hands of the other party.

Therefore, if the opponent is malicious and possesses the strength to kill the Dark King, I am afraid that their defenses are useless.

Hei Tian Wang decisively entered China City.

He walked across the Colorful Bridge and came to a small courtyard where a man was pouring tea.

"As expected to be the King of Darkness, he is really fearless."

Gu Nanfei poured a cup of tea to King Hei Tian, ​​"Introduce myself, Gu Nanfei, an ordinary member of the Huaxia clan."

Ordinary member?

Hei Tian Wang almost wanted to roll his eyes.

Is Huaxia so terrible?

An ordinary member has such terrible means.

Isn’t it for deliberately bluffing?

But does this make sense?

"I don't know what is the order of the Huaxia Clan to stay in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm? If you want resources, I can allocate some to you. With your damage to the Supreme Temple, you are fully qualified to obtain a lot of energetic territory.

Hei Tian Wang lowered his posture, a posture that is very good at being a man.

He couldn't see through the person in front of him.

Since he couldn't see through, and when he thought of the other side's terrible record, he could only treat the other side as a peerless powerhouse.

Moreover, he wanted to use Gu Nanfei.

If such a powerful combat power is left untouched here, wouldn't it be a waste of the existence that might become an ally?

"A place full of energy?"

Gu Nanfei seemed to have heard something funny, "If I need to, I can turn this place into a place full of vitality!"

When the voice fell, the vitality between the heaven and the earth drew the tide. The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click the "favorite" below to record the reading record of this time (see you in Chapter 1710), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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