Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1711: unacceptable

A large amount of vitality converged with Huaxia City as the center.

Feeling the change in the vitality of the world, the King of Darkness could no longer conceal the shock in his heart.

He can clearly sense that the laws of heaven and earth here have undergone some changes, and the vitality is gathering here.

Although it was not a change in the underlying laws, his mind was greatly touched by the behavior of changing the laws in one thought.

"I'm underestimating the lord."

Hei Tian Wang bowed and saluted.

His posture is more humble.

too frightening.

Such a method was beyond his imagination.

"Don't be so polite, I also plan to settle in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm for a long time, and I still need some help from the Dark Sky King."

Gu Nanfei tried to endure the smile in his heart while speaking polite remarks.

When encountering funny things, he can have no fluctuations.

However, looking at the Black Heaven King at the peak of the Holy Realm, he couldn't recognize the means of the Holy King Realm, which made him a little speechless.

The vast expanse of the ancient gods' realm actually limited their horizons.

But it's not surprising that if it weren't for Chu Feng's reminder, he didn't know how to speak in the Saint King Realm, there was such a big room for improvement.

"Your Excellency has an order, my Dark Spirit Race must complete it."

Hei Tian Wang solemnly promised.

Anyway, I promised that I don’t want money, it’s best to use it to buy people’s hearts.

Gu Nanfei was also not welcome: "I came here because of the Huaxia clan. I originally only wanted to have a safe corner and develop slowly. I didn't expect that this place was listed as the target of attack by the Supreme Temple."

Hei Tianwang's heart slammed.

Is it really an escape?

So, behind the other side, is there a powerful enemy tracking them?

The Dark Spirit Secret Realm took them in, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse.

What's more, can such a fleeing team or race meet the encirclement and suppression of the Supreme Temple, can they really do their best?

Isn't it the first time to escape?

But these words, he can only hold back in his heart.

Don't talk about these things, the other party hasn't determined yet.

Even if the other party uttered these words without evasiveness, he could only pretend that he didn't hear them, or even act as if he didn't care.

Even if you can't be friends, at least you can't be enemies.

"If this is the case, then we can only compete with the Supreme Temple, hoping to help each other with the leader." Gu Nanfei's words were beyond the expectations of the King of Darkness.

He actually agreed to join forces?

How can it be?

Are they not refugees?

As a refugee, he is actually willing to stay here and fight against the Supreme Temple?

Wait, if he would rather fight against the Supreme Temple than against their enemies in the original place, then who is the enemy of the Huaxia Clan?

Hei Tianwang's heart was full of shock.

But on the surface of him, he was still calm: "Of course, we dark spirits are willing to be friends with any race."

"Well, I will do it when needed."

Gu Nanfei made a "please" gesture.

In the next moment, Hei Tian Wang felt the scene of his body change for a while, and then he was sent out of China City and appeared to the outside world.

"The method just now, yes! It must be."

His heart was full of shock.

He was already a powerhouse of the Saint-Rank Nine Realm, and he was forcibly sent out like this without the strength to fight back.

He had only experienced this kind of feeling in front of an existence.

That is the valley master of the valley of time.

But now, he felt the same feeling from a hidden world powerhouse who was unknown.

How can this not shock him?

What is his relationship with the Lord of the Valley of Time?

No, at this level, no matter whether there is a relationship between the two parties, he is not qualified to guess.

This person in Huaxia City has already touched the realm of Valley Lord.

"Leader, how are you?"

Seeing Hei Tian Wang came out of China City so soon, the senior leaders of the alliance asked with concern.

"Leader, is there a master in China City?"

"Did he agree to join hands with us?"

"The strong here, are you good to talk?"

But seeing the Heitian King not saying a word, the strong men involuntarily stopped asking questions.

It seems that the situation is a bit bad!

"Inside, there lives a peerless power."

Hei Tian Wang replied with lingering fear, "Although there is some suspicion of disrespect, this existence has reached the height of the valley master to some extent."



"A strong man of this level actually lives here?"

The high-levels of the alliance cannot accept this fact.

how can that be?

It's too exaggerated!

Reach the height of the valley owner?

Even if it only reaches the height of that part of the strength displayed by the Valley Lord, it is an incredible thing!

However, there is no need for Hei Tian Wang to lie in this regard.

Could it be that

What he said is true?

Where is the sacred power inside?

"Don't ask about extra things. He won't be our enemy, and will always be the enemy of the Supreme Temple."

Hei Tianwang waved his hand and issued a strict order, "From now on, the entire Dark Spirit Secret Realm's Demon Dao Alliance is not allowed to disturb the quietness of this existence. Unless it is desperate, you can come to China City to ask for asylum, but you must be humble."


The senior members of the Magic Dao Alliance also know what it means to be a master who reaches the level of the valley master.

That is a peerless powerhouse who has surpassed the peak of the holy rank and walked out of his own way.

This strong man likes quietness, so you can't bother.

Fortunately, he is not an enemy.

"Haha, you played this trick really well."

Chu Feng, who was in the Valley of Time, laughed, as if Gu Nanfei was right across from him.

These actions of Gu Nanfei were obviously deliberate.

He doesn't worry about being too modest and being underestimated.

No matter what the strong do, there is a reason.

"The people of the Supreme Temple are not easy to fool, and it's okay to fool them who have never seen the world before."

Gu Nanfei said casually.

After his efforts, the Supreme Temple would not dare to offend China City easily if it did not gather enough troops.

The Magic Road Alliance will not treat China City as an enemy.

He even took the initiative to give some gifts, not to Gu Nanfei, but to everyone in China City.

Now that China City has decided to join the WTO, it's just a bit simpler.

"However, how do you plan to educate those people in Huaxia City? They are not under militarized management."

Chu Feng asked curiously.

Although Gu Nanfei has been avoiding the world.

But Chu Feng believed that he would never relax his vigilance against external dangers easily.

He must have made arrangements for China City.

"You said this, isn't it a bit too much?"

Gu Nanfei smiled and cursed, "As soon as you came to the Ancient Gods Realm, you disrupted the Dark Spirit Secret Realm like this, and now even the Supreme Being of Zhouguang has fallen. Tell me, how much effect can my preparations play?" The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlReading the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/For convenience Next time you read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1711 is too much), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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