Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1713: Wooden sword

"Success! Blasphemer!"

The anger in Elthorp's eyes flashed away, and the spear of holy light in his hand penetrated the void and pierced directly at...Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The sharp spear light was unstoppable, and instantly penetrated Thunder Corpse Dragon's head.


The Thunder Corpse Dragon let out a stern roar.

Elshorp's eyes were a little surprised.

He just attacked the Thunder Corpse Dragon just to force the blasphemer to return for help, or to save the Thunder Corpse Dragon from creating flaws.

It doesn't matter if you attack yourself.

Elise is watching!

But unexpectedly, Ye Yiyi directly gave up the Thunder Corpse Dragon and let his attack fall.

What was even more unexpected was that the Thunder Corpse Dragon was still alive.

"What is it called? I know it hurts, so be careful next time. When you see it, you will rush upwards! You are really like the waste of the Supreme Temple. You fed it last time. Will you continue to feed it this time?"

After absorbing the third beam of light, Ye Yiyi stomped the Thunder Corpse Dragon's head fiercely, causing the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon to tremble again.

Her actions made Althorpe's eyes even colder.

Humiliation, this is naked humiliation.

It was said that the legion sent by the Supreme Temple last time was feeding the Thunder Corpse Dragon, which was a humiliation to them.

This shame can only be washed away by life.

Purifying the enemies of the Supreme Temple is his only idea.

"Let's see if you can eat it!"

Alsop's eyes grew colder and colder, his body radiated with light, and the entire dark starry sky seemed to be filled with light.

Under the cover of the holy light, all the shadows disappeared.

Ye Yiyi's speed of absorbing the holy light did not stop.


The spear pierced out, and the spear light was as dazzling as the sun, and with an irresistible aura, it pierced in the direction of Ye Yiyi.

Elise stood quietly in the void, holding the long sword in her hand.

She wants to see Ye Yiyi's movements clearly.

If Althorpe returns without success, she must at least make a difference.

The spear pierced Ye Yiyi's body, and Elise's eyes widened. She saw this blasphemer girl, and she was actually pierced by a gun.

The red blood flowed down the holy light spear.

Elshorp didn't expect that this shot did not meet any resistance, so it successfully pierced the girl's body.

But the next moment, a slender hand held the spear.

"This gun is not bad, it was given to me."

Ye Yiyi didn't seem to have the consciousness of being pierced in his chest, and the left hand holding the barrel of the gun crawled out with a black pattern, covering the entire spear in a blink of an eye.

Elshorpe's complexion changed drastically, and he drew back like lightning, not even the spear in his hand.

Elise did not know when she appeared behind Ye Yiyi.

The long sword of the holy light cut towards Ye Yiyi's neck mercilessly.

The long sword swept across, and everything in front of him disappeared like a phantom.

Ye Yiyi didn't know when, it had appeared in the middle part of Thunder Corpse Dragon's body. The holy light spear covered with black patterns, like those holy light pillars, melted like snow and merged into Ye Yiyi's body.

The holy light on Ye Yiyi's body surface slowly revealed its golden luster.

The wound that was pierced was also healed in the breath, leaving only the pierced hole in the clothes, revealing a little spring.

"This, this is impossible!"

Seeing this scene, Althorpe's eyes were full of shock, as if something had broken apart, "This is the holy thing that the Supreme God personally bestowed on me in order to deal with the blasphemer? How can you digest it?"

Since his and Elise's task is to deal with the blasphemer.

However, it was absorbed by the blasphemer.

why is that?

Does the omnipotent Supreme God also have affairs?

Or is it that the horror of this blasphemer has surpassed common sense? Reached a height that the Supreme God could not understand?

Is this a joke?

"A holy thing bestowed by the Supreme God himself?"

Ye Yiyi looked afterward, "It is indeed a good gift. Can you give me more when you come next time?"

How many more?

Think of it as Chinese cabbage!

Elshorp resisted the act of destroying the image, staring at Ye Yiyi with hatred, just a blasphemer, so rampant.

"Believers of the Supreme God! You are all brave warriors of the Supreme God Temple, the people of the Supreme God, you are the guardians of the glory of the Supreme Temple, and the sword that spreads the light of the glory of the Supreme Temple!"

Alice's voice penetrated the invisible void and appeared in the ears of every Supreme Temple warrior.

"Now, blasphemers will blaspheme the glory of the Most High God and hinder the great ideals of the Most High God.

The time to dedicate ourselves to the Supreme God has arrived. Let us forget the fear of death. Let us take up the weapons to defend the glory of the Supreme God, and use our strength and courage to bring our enemies and the Supreme God’s verdict. "

Her voice was full of enthusiasm, with a strange contagious power. All soldiers who heard the voice disappeared from their fears and doubts about the blasphemer, and replaced it with the belief that there is no life.

"Wish to die for the Supreme God!"

The endless holy light rises from their bodies and converges towards Iris's body.

As the Holy Light continued to gather, their bodies gradually decayed, wrinkles appeared on their faces, and their skin dried up.

But their eyes are getting more and more fanatical.

For the glory of the Supreme God, what counts as a mere life?


Elise's eyes were round, and she lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the wooden sword blade that came out of her chest.

"Wh, when?"

She turned her head hard and saw a man with disheveled hair, looking at him with indifferent eyes.

In his hand, holding a wooden sword.

The power of the holy light converged towards Elise's body, but was absorbed by this wooden sword.

This wooden sword is like a bottomless pit.

The holy light like the tide could not fill this wooden sword no matter how much.

Elshorp appeared next to Iris, and a golden holy light dagger appeared in his hand, swiping it down.

Elise disappeared, she appeared a few steps away from Han Yunxiao.

Between the two, they were forcibly cut a "distance" by the dagger, forcibly separated.


Al Sopra took Elise, and the two entered the void together, and eventually disappeared together.

The soldiers who had been drawn out of their forces stood there blankly.

They have lost their power and can only survive in the starry sky by relying on the powerful physique of the holy rank powerhouse.

"I thought the soldiers of the Supreme Temple would not be captured. This time we seem to be lucky."

A smile was outlined at the corner of Han Yunxiao's mouth.

But at this moment, Ye Yiyi's mouth oozes blood, and then her whole body collapses.

Han Yunxiao came to Ye Yiyi's side and asked with concern: "Yiyi, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

The golden light on Ye Yiyi's body was fluctuating, and he barely squeezed out a smile, "The Supreme God wants to plot against me, haha, it is a pity that he entrusted two wastes." The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/ Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download Address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile reading: https:// m.readwn.com/read/148457/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1713 Wooden Sword) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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