Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1714: Back carbine

"It's that spear!"

Han Yunxiao suddenly realized the problem, "That is what the Supreme God deliberately asked you to absorb, so that it can be effective?"

Alsop's spear was a gift from the Supreme God.

The sacred objects specially made for the blasphemer were so easily absorbed and refined by Ye Yiyi.

How can it be so easy?

Then there is only one explanation.

The Supreme God did this deliberately, just to plot Ye Yiyi.

In order to complete this calculation, even Elshorp, the son of light, was concealed by the Supreme God.

That look of horror is not acting.

"I should be happy. The Supreme God actually used a scheme to deal with me, which shows that his power is also limited. At least, the power that can be used to deal with me is limited. The Supreme God is not invincible."

Ye Yiyi smiled reluctantly, and suddenly his body staggered, and Han Yunxiao immediately supported Ye Yiyi.

"Stop talking, I will use the sword of eternity to **** away the excess power in your body."

"No, no."

Ye Yiyi wanted to push Han Yunxiao away, but he couldn’t use any strength, “I’ll refine this power. If the two blasphemers just took the opportunity to kill me, that’s it. Proof of their waste.

When I refine this power, I will be closer to the Supreme God, and the Supreme God will regret this stupid action.

One day, I will kill the Supreme Temple and pull the Supreme God down from the high throne. "

While speaking, Ye Yiyi spit out blood again.

Han Yunxiao hugged Ye Yiyi, his heart was full of complicated feelings.

Ye Yiyi, such a weak girl, has to shoulder such a cruel mission.

Even if his body has been severely injured, he still thinks about the future battle.

"You don't have this chance."

A cold voice came, and Elshorp appeared behind the two, and the holy light dagger in his hand pierced Ye Yiyi's body.

At this critical moment, the frail color in Ye Yiyi's eyes disappeared instantly, and the holy light long sword in his hand pierced like lightning, piercing Althorpe's body.

At the same time, Han Yunxiao's wooden sword also pierced his right shoulder.

"Despicable blasphemer!"

Elshorp let out an angry roar, dragging the badly wounded body into the void again and disappearing.

Ye Yiyi turned around and said to Han Yunxiao awkwardly: "Um, I am really hurt, that is, that is..."

"I understand."

In Han Yunxiao's eyes, there was no point of blaming.

"Do you really understand?"

Ye Yiyi's eyes were full of crystals, did this wood finally understand?

"I understand, you just set a trap to make the child of light mistakenly believe that you are no longer able to move. Unfortunately, my reaction was a bit slow and I couldn't keep him."

Han Yunxiao had some apologies in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it!"

Ye Yiyi stepped on Han Yunxiao's instep fiercely, and then angrily walked towards the beam of light on the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

"Isn't it just that the reaction is a bit slow? Does it need to be so angry?"

Han Yunxiao thought about the scene just now, and blamed Ye Yiyi's acting so well that he mistakenly thought it was true.

But it is precisely this way that has the opportunity to severely damage the Son of Light.

It's a pity, if he reacted a little faster just now, the Son of Light would fall here again.

Although the final result was a bit regrettable, the Son of Light had just been stabbed by Ye Yiyi and stabbed by the Sword of Eternity. The attacks of the two were directed at the origin, which was fundamental damage.

Although it will not be severely injured, but those injuries are more difficult to make up for than re-training.

It should be considered a profit.

Han Yunxiao put down these thoughts in his heart and began to put away the soldiers of the Supreme Temple in the starry sky.

These soldiers are all fighters of the Supreme Temple. He just chose the opportunity to shoot and successfully created such a scene.

While Han Yunxiao was packing up the captives, he felt a bit of resentful eyes staring at him behind his back.

Han Yunxiao turned around, Ye Yiyi had already looked away, and helped the Thunder Corpse Dragon to release the restraint if nothing had happened.

When he turned around, he found that feeling reappeared.

This made Han Yunxiao want to cry without tears.

"Isn't it just a little bit slower to react? Doesn't it need to keep staring at me like this? Women just like to care.

Han Yunxiao forced himself to ignore Ye Yiyi's resentful eyes and continued to pack up the prisoners.

"Did the captives of the Supreme Temple become idiots after losing their power?"

Su Yuan put down a report in her hand and rubbed her eyebrows unnaturally, "So, the Supreme Temple is actually a very crude way to implant the idea of ​​loyalty to the Supreme Temple into their minds. This idea. It is also the source of their strength."

After capturing a large number of soldiers from the Supreme Temple, Ye Yiyi and Han Yunxiao studied this.

Unfortunately, the research results are limited.

Those soldiers lose their strength and become idiots.

Help them restore a part of their strength, and they will regain their faith in the Supreme Temple and become extremely loyal.

If one doesn't look good, they will try to commit suicide.

It is even more impossible to include them.

"Yes, but that's not all. Yiyi once also captured the incarnation of a child of light, knowing that the intelligence of the child of light is completely normal, um, at least 20% of the level of the earth's intelligence!"

Su Yuyan said, "Those commanders are the same. The higher the rank, the higher the degree of freedom, indicating that the Supreme God can actually brainwash them in a softer way, but the weak are not qualified to enjoy it."

According to intelligence, the brainwashing of the Supreme Temple is also divided into different levels.

It does not matter if the weak is forced to instill it, and it does not matter if it causes huge damage to the soul. The power bestowed by the Supreme God will make up for it.

After they accept the power of the Holy Light, they will also receive some of the knowledge and abilities in the Holy Light, including combat experience.

It is precisely because of this that every soldier in the Supreme Temple is very difficult to deal with. With the same strength, they can defeat more than 95% of their opponents.

The cooperation between each other is not to say that it is seamless, at least it never interferes with each other, and can exert 120% of the power.

In battle, he can be fearless, without having to consider morale.

And those who are qualified to be excellent seeds of leaders will be softer when they instill the power of the Holy Light.

The strength given to them is stronger, but the damage is reduced a lot.

As for the Son of Light, even assimilated with the Supreme God.

"Soldiers mass-produced in this model must have weaknesses that we don't know."

Su Yuan bit her lips tightly, her expression solemn.

"If the weakness is obvious, I'm afraid their enemies will be easier to spot!" Su Yuyan said.

"What if their enemies deliberately let go of this weakness?" The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www. readwn.com/book/148457.htmlReading the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read /148457/Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1714 Back to Carbine), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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