Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1717: Time misalignment

"Where is the legion of the Supreme Temple? Why didn't they come to greet us?"

Somewhere in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, a legion of 500,000, all composed of holy ranks, descended here.

They seemed very dissatisfied.

"We have agreed to clear the secret realm of the dark spirits together, the Supreme Temple will play forward for us, and will greet us if we stand firm, but now, it is said to be welcoming us, and there is no shadow of the Supreme Temple."

A strong man of the Saint-Rank Nine Stage exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "What the **** is going on with the Supreme Temple? Even the communications sent to them, they dare not accept, it is true that our Holy Abyss Universe Nation is afraid that their Supreme Temple will fail. ."

A deputy commander of the eighth realm of Saint Rank bowed his head and said: "The commander, don't worry, it may be that the Legion of the Supreme Temple has encountered some trouble."

"Trouble? Is it so troublesome that we can't take care of us?"

"If it wasn't for the enemy to be too tricky, the Supreme Temple would not ask us to send troops from the Holy Abyss Universe Kingdom." The deputy commander insisted.

"Then wait for a while!"

The commander cursed and said, "Those brainless grandsons, don't be wiped out in this small place."

Obviously, he didn't think this kind of thing might happen.

That is the highest temple!

If he was wiped out so easily, how could he be as famous as the Universe Kingdom without Saint Yuan?

But what he didn't expect was that his words became true.

"Haha, that's nothing more than the Supreme Temple."

"Is this the Supreme Temple?"

"It's a pity that the power of the blood of the Holy Light in their bodies is really too weak, it's really not enough!"

The powerhouses of the Magic Road Alliance are enjoying the food at this moment.

The corpses of soldiers in the Supreme Temple had already piled up into mountains at this time, becoming food for the magic way, increasing their strength.

Gu Nanfei just glanced at them and left here.

He hated this kind of exercises, but he didn't need to show it.

Seeing that Gu Nanfei didn't care about these corpses, the powerhouses of the Demon Dao Alliance became even more unscrupulous.

But Hei Tian Wang was not so excited.

He received a message from the Lord of the Valley of Time.

"This time the attack on the Dark Spirit Secret Realm is the coalition of the Supreme Temple and the Holy Abyss Universe Nation, but the Legion of the Holy Abyss Universe Nation, when passing through the entrance of the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, was sent to the future by me, lest the two legions really Unite."

"The methods of the Valley Master are really unfathomable."

Hei Tian Wang didn't doubt the authenticity of the Gu Master's words, and couldn't help feeling frightened by the Gu Master's power.

Send directly to the future?

He didn't even dare to think about this method.

"But since the legions of the Supreme Temple have been wiped out by you, they should also be sent back by me from the future. They have a total of 500,000 legions. Pay attention to it yourself!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he no longer maintained communication.

Hei Tianwang's heart complained endlessly.

The hungry wolf just left, now the tiger is coming again.

More importantly, the Legion of the Supreme Temple was not so much annihilated by them, as it was killed to collapse by Gu Nanfei.

It was this strong man from China City who first killed all the high-levels of the Supreme Temple, and then unscrupulously slaughtered the Legion of the Supreme Temple, and only then had this vigorous victory.

If in the next war, the strong of China City do not take action, do they really have a chance of winning?

However, if he makes a move, what is the significance of the Demon Dao Alliance?

"In front of the real strong, the number is meaningless."

Hei Tian Wang couldn't help sighing.

After seeing the scene of Gu Nanfei slaughtering the Quartet with his own eyes, and then went to the scene of Gu Nanfei beheading all the strong men in the Supreme Temple, he suddenly understood.

In the face of this absolute power, the Demon Dao Alliance he worked so **** seemed to be just a joke.

One person in China City can slaughter the alliance.

He even arose in his heart, abandoning the Demon Dao Alliance and pursuing the path of absolute power.

It's not that his conviction is not firm, but the impact is too great.

But he quickly came to his senses.

"No, this is definitely not a joke."

Hei Tianwang said to himself, "Power is the foundation of everything, but the process of obtaining power is difficult. I should regard the Magic Road Alliance as a stepping stone for me to gain power, rather than the Alliance itself as power itself!"

Thinking of this, his heart felt bright.

What is strength?

Is the Demon Alliance a power?

No, until now, there are still many strong people in the Magic Road Alliance who are dissatisfied with him, or they just use this place as a platform, as long as there is a slight disturbance, they can immediately abandon the people here.

What he wants is not this kind of power.

What he really needs to do is to use the Magic Alliance as a tool, as a springboard, and a prop for his own achievements.

Of course, he is not in a hurry to reform.

Today's Demon Alliance, the reason why it can continue to maintain operation is because of its fairness and justice, rather than force suppression.

If justice is lost, the Demon Dao Alliance will be disbanded.

However, fairness and justice does not mean that it is truly absolutely fair. Absolute fairness will only cause more questions about fairness.

The reason is simple: as a member of the Dark Spirit Race, why do you maintain such an alliance if you don't seek benefits for the Dark Spirit Race?

"Power is everything!"

Hei Tianwang muttered to himself, but after he came to the alliance's high-levels, he changed his face.

"Our war is not over yet. Our enemies are not only the Supreme Temple, but also enemies from the Holy Abyss Universe Kingdom, but the enemies of the Holy Abyss Universe Kingdom have been sent to the future by the mighty power of the Valley Lord.

Now, we have solved the Supreme Temple, and the enemies of the Holy Abyss universe have not been solved, and the battle is not over yet. "

His words not only failed to alert the members of the alliance, but instead caused a new round of excitement.

"Haha, are there any enemies?"

"It's really great."

"I still think the number of enemies is too small, not enough for us to kill! I didn't expect there to be, which is really great."

"Kill! Let's fight! Are the cubs of the Saint Yuan universe also come to join in the fun? Let's fight!"

"I don't know if the power in their bodies is stronger than the soldiers of the Supreme Temple."


Looking at the confident members, Hei Tianwang's heart not only has no surprises, but is full of worries.

Where are they confident?

Have you forgotten that the war you just fought was not the result of you, but the credit of China City?

Also, before this battle, we have been winning.

Hei Tianwang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The human heart is indeed the most difficult thing to grasp.

Before fighting against the Supreme Temple, he was worried that the Alliance did not have the courage to fight the Supreme Temple.

But now, he was worried that they had too much courage, and they had swelled to the point of arrogance and ignorance.

The arrogant soldier will be defeated!

A word appeared in the mind of King Hei Tian. The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1717 Time Misplacement), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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