Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1718: The Dark King's Choice

"Maybe, this is the nature of the magic way!"

Seeing the unconcealable swelling in the eyes of everyone in the Demon Dao Alliance, the arrogance of the world, Chu Feng secretly shook his head.

When the people on earth fought against the demon world, the demon race at that time was actually already rotten and degenerate.

Compared with the supreme true demons that subvert the order of the highest planes, those so-called demons are just uninspiring clowns.

So when dealing with the demons, it didn't take much effort at all.

When the human race rises, the demons perish.

The Purple Star Emperor used his own power to slay the five great Demon Kings in the Demon Realm, and caused an unprecedented heavy injury to the Demon Realm.

However, Chu Feng still hoped that the demons 130,000 years ago were still a vigorous race.

If it was the time when the magic way had just spread, it might still have some value.

But he was still disappointed.

The power of the magic way comes and goes fast.

They can easily become extremely self-confident, but they can also easily lose self-confidence and become degenerate.

A victory is triumphant, swelling and incomprehensible.

When encountering some setbacks, he squirts around and loses confidence.

To say that the real merit is not without it, it is the rebellion that comes from the bones and from the soul.

Every demon master may consider asking for mercy when he is in desperation, but he will never forget his desperation.

Downwind will degenerate, but headwind will be super god.

"But isn't this just right?"

Chu Feng laughed at himself.

If the magic way is really perfect, will it be defeated by the **** way?

If the Demon Dao is really powerful, without such obvious weakness, would I still dare to spread the Demon Dao here?

Well, for the person who lifts the table, there is no need to think so much.

But it can't be changed anyway. This is a avenue that can only be used for a while, and definitely not for the future.

After defeating the Legion of the Supreme Temple, the entire Demon Dao Alliance looks like a solemnity in the sky and the earth.

Of course, at least they hadn't swelled to provoke Chu Feng.

Some slightly sensible people did not forget to drag Huaxia City into the water when they were clamoring to attack the Supreme Temple and the Holy Abyss universe.

There are also some who want to ask the owner of the Valley of Time to take action.

Those who swelled to the extreme, were already dissatisfied with Hei Tianwang's hesitation and determination to make a general attack.

"Although it has long been known that this practice system will have some drawbacks, but I did not expect the drawbacks to be so great."

The Dark Spirit King shook his head and sighed, "Now the entire Demon Alliance, the desire for war can no longer be suppressed. You can not attack the Supreme Temple, but you must not stop them from launching a war, and even take the initiative to lead."

He said these words, not to point the black king.

He was just reminding, to tell the objective facts, lest Hei Tian Wang himself is unwilling to face it.

"Of course I understand this."

Hei Tian Wang whispered, “I’m just thinking, why the Lord of the Valley of Time would spread such a road! The Lord of the Valley did predict that in the future, there will be a major disaster here, but the disaster situation exceeded our expectations. .

I have become more and more suspicious of the intention of the Valley Master to spread the Demon Dao. The only thing that can be determined is that the Valley Master's goal is definitely not the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, but the entire God Realm. "

"You dare to guess the mind of the Valley Master."

"The owner of the valley doesn't care about this."

"But this cannot be a reason for you to speculate about the uppermost mind."

"Then what if the Valley Master himself expects this?"

"how can that be?"

The Dark Spirit King is a little weird.

As an upper-level person, how can I hope that the lower-level person can figure out their own thoughts?

But when you think about it carefully, there is a huge gap between the position where he is standing and the position occupied by the valley master.

The vision of the two sides is even more different.

"Don't use our thinking to measure the valley owner, maybe the valley owner is also looking forward to it, someone can understand a little bit of his thoughts."

Hei Tianwang looked completely indifferent, "Then what we need to do next is to do what the Valley Lord wants us to do well. This is the most important thing for us and our most important value. "

"What do we do?"

The Dark Spirit King suddenly woke up, and he suddenly realized one thing, that is, that he had ignored what the Valley Master really wanted to do.

Even if he doesn't try to figure out the idea of ​​the valley owner, or explore the purpose of the valley owner, he still needs to understand what the valley owner currently wants to do.

What else do you want them to do?

Hei Tian Wang looked at the Dark Spirit King, his eyes a little sad: "It seems that the Demon Dao system has a non-ordinarily large influence on the character. You are now obsessed with the strength of the Dark Spirit Race and your own strength."

The Dark Spirit King did not deny, but was silent.

Hei Tianwang was right. He was thinking about what kind of powerful Dark Spirit Race and how to strengthen his own power.

Although in essence, nothing has changed.

But the desire for power has blinded his reason and soul, making him overlook some things.

His power, the current power of the Dark Spirit Race, comes from the Valley Master of the Valley of Time.

If even the Valley Lord of the Valley of Time can't please, then what is the significance of the existence of the Dark Spirit Race?

Thinking of this, the Dark Spirit Queen's back felt a bit cold.

He is now somewhat fortunate, but fortunately he has given the power of the Dark Spirit Race to the Black Sky King, otherwise let him continue to lead the Dark Spirit Race with such a mentality, it will definitely be an unimaginable disaster.

The entire Dark Spirit Race will be dragged into the abyss by him.

"What are you going to do?"

The Dark Spirit King asked the Heitian King.

Since you can't make the right choice, give the right to choose to someone who can make the right choice.

Hei Tian Wang turned around, facing the Dark Spirit King sideways: "I'm considering whether to sacrifice the entire Demon Dao Alliance, or sacrifice a large part to perfect myself and improve the strength of our Dark Spirit Race."

"what did you say?"

The Dark Spirit King was shocked. Isn't this what the King of Darkness reminded himself before, don't touch it?

Why now, the Hei Tianwang himself brought up this matter again?

"The past is different from the present. In the past, the Valley Lord needed the power of the entire Dark Spirit Secret Realm, and needed the improvement of the overall strength, but now the Valley Lord's pattern has been placed in the entire God Realm."

Hei Tianwang’s gaze seems to be watching the entire world, "For the Valley Lord, the Dark Spirit Secret Realm is an experimental area for testing the Demon Dao system. Now this experiment is coming to an end, and there is no need for it. .

If you want to truly help the Valley Master, you definitely don't want to use the Secret Realm of Love as a drag on the Valley Master, but at all costs, even if you sacrifice the entire Demon Dao Alliance, you have to do what the Valley Master will do next. Provide a little help. ”The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlReading the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1718 Hei Tianwang's Choice), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! (www.readwn.com)

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