Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1725: unimportant

That's right, the so-called Hallmaster of the Heavenly God Temple standing in front of Chu Feng, his true identity is the former Lord of Creation.

The battle he should have destroyed in the underworld had fallen, but he did not expect to appear here.

"You don't seem to be surprised."

The Lord of the Temple of Heaven seems to be a little dissatisfied with Chu Feng’s reaction, "Have you already guessed that I am the Lord of Creation? No, you don’t seem to have guessed it, but you seem to be saying that this is not surprising. Thing."

A peerless powerhouse who should have fallen, suddenly appeared in front of him again, normal people should be surprised.

Especially for those in control of time, determining life and death is their specialty, and no one's life and death should be concealed from them face to face.

Chu Feng was also the master of time, and he fell even as Chu Feng's face fell.

Playing life and death in front of the time controller should be an insult to the time controller.

But what Chu Feng showed, didn't care at all.

"In fact, it's normal. You even enlightened the eternal wood of the God Realm, and created a monster like the Supreme True Demon that exceeded the limit of the world, but you didn't think of a way to use these powers for your own use. This is what unusual."

Chu Feng said very calmly, "Now finally there is a reasonable explanation. Even the Supreme True Demon is only your experiment. The Life God Clan and the Purple Demon Clan are just another kind of experiment.

All experiments point to the ultimate goal, which is to take the most powerful, the power of the heavens into one's own use. Instead of enlightening the book of heaven and earth, creating a peerless and powerful person who is not controlled, it is better to make yourself incarnation of the book of heaven and earth. The book spirit. "

"If someone else says these things in front of me, I might think that the other person is an afterthought, or forcefully self-righteous, but in front of you, I can't say these things."

The Lord of Good Fortune said in an admiring tone, "After all, you are also the opponent who killed me once."

It is of course much easier to reverse the process after seeing the result than to deduce the unknown result from the process.

Such people are often said to be afterthought.

But Chu Feng is different.

He was so peaceful.

The calmness of the eyes and expressions can be easily disguised, but the calmness of the movements is difficult to conceal.

This is the instinctive reaction of the strong.

But Chu Feng hasn't changed anything.

This shows that even if Chu Feng doesn't have time to guess such a situation, he doesn't care about this degree of accident.

"Because it doesn't matter at all."

Chu Feng emptied his right hand, and the invisible sword aura condensed into a sharp long sword, "Whether you are the Lord of Good Fortune or not, since you appear in front of me, you will only end in complete destruction."

I didn't use an aggressive tone because it was unnecessary.

He was just stating a fact.

Whether or not your true body is the Lord of Creation does not really matter. There is only one important thing, and that is that you are about to die.

Complete destruction.

When Chu Feng finally found the trace of the Shuling of the Book of Heaven and Earth, the outcome of this battle was already doomed in his heart.

Chu Feng never thought he would lose.

What if the other party's is really the Lord of Creation? The Lord of Good Fortune was once his defeated man!

Regardless of any existence, standing in front of Chu Feng, there is only the doomed end of destruction.

"Hahaha...you seem to be very confident."

The Lord of Good Fortune laughed, "I know your confidence in your own strength, but have you forgotten one thing? Your strength comes from the Book of Heaven and Earth, and all your magical powers originate from me."

He is the Lord of Creation.

He is also the book spirit of the Book of Heaven and Earth.

The mysterious ancient book that Chu Feng has risen from the end of his life is part of the Book of Heaven and Earth, and his inheritance is also part of the Book of Heaven and Earth.

Yuanfu, Yuanfu, all come from the book of heaven and earth.

Those magical powers also came from that inheritance.

Even Chu Feng's own unique skills, Heavenly Scourge and God-Binding Lock, are just one of the endless combinations of Yuan Talisman.

However, today's Lord of Creation can be said to possess all the inheritance of the Book of Heaven and Earth, and possess all the means of Chu Feng.

A black spear full of destructive aura condensed in the hands of the Lord of Good Fortune.

Immediately afterwards, the scene of the entire Tianshen Temple changed.

All the guards and members, as well as the building of the Temple of Heaven, all turned into black chains, blocking the space here.

The black spear is a scourge.

These black chains are God's locks.

Even the two unique skills created by Chu Feng are now mastered by the Lord of Creation.

"I didn't see the despair in your eyes. On the contrary, I was a little disappointed. You should at least put on a surprised look, so that my behavior just now will not be like a clown."

The Lord of Good Fortune seemed to say with some dissatisfaction, and at the same time, the black spear and the lock of the gods were transformed into holy white.

"Even the follow-up changes of these two jerks, I have all mastered. I have to say that this is indeed a very good jerk."

After speaking, the white holy light spear was covered with a layer of lavender color.

The god-bound lock turned into a chain of gold and silver intertwined.

"So, I developed these two unique skills to a whole new level."

Having said this, the Lord of Creation stared at Chu Feng’s calm eyes, "At this point, can you still remain calm? Or do you think that I wasted my time and energy on these two philosophies, which is a very stupid behavior. What?"

"I don't think so, because these two jerks shouldn't take you too long."

Chu Feng gently raised the invisible sword in his hand, and said in a very casual tone, "Your research on these two faculties has indeed exceeded my level, but you have overlooked one thing."

"whats the matter?"

The Lord of Good Fortune didn't seem to see that Chu Feng was about to do it, but asked curiously.

"Although I like these two tricks very much, after all, I have devoted many years of hard work, but the times are changing, the environment is changing, and my enemies are changing, so I must also make changes and...choose!"

The invisible sword in Chu Feng's hand slid across the space, and the God-Binding Lock intertwined with golden brilliance and silver brilliance showed a very smooth gap, like a mirror surface, I don't know when to cross the middle of the God-Binding Lock.

"Learning a move that I eliminated many years ago, is it worth your pride?"

The invisible sword energy crisscrossed Chu Feng's whole body, and the entire Celestial Temple was filled with mirror-like cross-sections.

Whether it is a lock of gods, a scourge, or the Lord of Creation, in front of this mirror-like interface, they are all shattered like glass.

Chu Feng retracted his sword and stood, leaving only fragments of space around.

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