Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1726: Causal deprivation

"You really exceeded my expectations, but only a little bit."

The figure of the Lord of Good Fortune reappeared from the fragments all over the floor again, complimenting Chu Feng with a tone of admiration.

"Just as you don't care about my identity and there is the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations, I don't need to care how strong you are, or how many methods you have. Anyway... I must not have as many methods as mine."

After speaking the last sentence, the broken space was restored to its original state, and the entire Celestial Temple, including the members of the temple, was restored to its original state.

It seemed that Chu Feng's sword just now had no achievements.

The brief encounter just now was just an illusion between the two.

Chu Feng once again raised the invisible sword in his hand and gently cut it down in the direction of the Lord of Good Fortune.

The Heavenly God Temple, which had just been restored to its original state, shattered like glass once again. The Lord of the Heavenly God Temple and Lord of Creation also shattered like glass. Between the heavens and the earth, it seemed that only Chu Feng was safe.

"Do you think this approach can kill me?"

The Lord of Good Fortune chuckled softly, "You have a word on the earth called Guiqiqiqian, don't you think it is very appropriate to use it here?"

His figure has returned to normal at some point.

The shattered Temple of Heaven has also been restored to its original state.

"Is it really?"

Chu Feng did not launch another attack on the restored Lord of Good Fortune, but looked at him with joking eyes.

Just as the Lord of Good Fortune wanted to say something, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened.

A line of blood appeared on his forehead.

The blood line continued to spread to his whole body.

It was as if his body had been cut by the mirror-like sword energy again, turning it into a piece of glass on the ground.

The glass shards returned to their original state once again, but the Lord of Good Fortune at this time had no initial calmness.

"what have you done?"

Just asking this question, the blood line filled his whole body once again, cutting his body into glass again.

There was still a playful smile on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

"Didn't you have learned all my methods and know all my magical powers? Why did I just use a trick, a trick you already know, but surprised you like this?"

"What the **** did you do?"

The Lord of Good Fortune, who was restored to its original state, shouted sharply, the calmness on his face had disappeared, replaced by a hideous and terrifying face.

He didn't expect that Chu Feng would still have this trick.

"Understanding the laws of life and the laws of space, reaching a realm like yours can indeed achieve immortality, and even return everything to the original state. No matter how I attack, there is no way to cause you essential harm."

Chu Feng explained his moves lightly, "But I know that all recovery takes time and the consumption of strength, whether it is the power of the vitality or the power of the spirit, even the power of the law and the thoughts in his heart.

What I have just done is also very simple, that is, continuous beheading. You can restore yourself and the surrounding scenes to the way they were before they were destroyed. I can also restore my sword energy to the way it didn't attack you.

If you recover 10 times, I will kill you 10 times, if you recover 100 times, I will kill you 100 times, and if you recover 10,000 times, I will kill you 10,000 times.

I want to see if your body recovers quickly or my sword energy recovers quickly. "

While speaking, Chu Feng coldly watched the body being continuously destroyed, and then quickly returned to the original Lord of Good Fortune.

"Do you think this sculpting trick is useful to me?"

The Lord of Good Fortune screamed, and a **** radiance appeared on his body, and Chu Feng's sword aura appeared again, like an invisible giant net that can cut everything, once again wrapping the body of the Lord of Good Fortune.

But this time, the body of the Lord of Creation was not broken.

The blood-colored brilliance blocked the invisible sword net.

The invisible sword energy that seemed to be able to cut everything, gradually dying out in front of this layer of glory, and the sharp feeling disappeared.

The **** brilliance also dimmed.

A blood line appeared on the cheek of the Lord of Good Fortune, and quickly disappeared again, as if it was just an illusion.

"Absolute defense, isn't it easy to use?"

Chu Feng still looked at the Lord of Creation with a joking smile. He was also using his skilled supernatural powers, but now Chu Feng was mocking the Lord of Creation who could use all his supernatural powers.

The face of the Lord of Good Fortune was a bit ugly.

Just now he used absolute defense to block Chu Feng's sword energy, but this did not mean that he won the confrontation between the two sides.

Absolute defense can block all attacks before his life and strength are completely used up.

But the price is the consumption of one's own original strength.

In other words, he just had to use his original power to consume the sword energy that Chu Feng used casually.

It can be described as killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating ten thousand.

"Chu Feng, I originally wanted to play with you for a while, but now I have lost interest in you."

The eyes of the Lord of Good Fortune were already full of undisguised killing intent, and under the cover of killing intent, there was an invisible fear.

That's right, Chu Feng hasn't shown power beyond him.

However, Chu Feng has exceeded his expectations.

He originally thought that Chu Feng's inheritance came from the Book of Heaven and Earth, and that he could control everything about Chu Feng.

But the sword aura just now was like a slap on his face.

That sword, he can only choose to force it to offset it with strength.

Although he believed that it surpassed Chu Feng in terms of strength, such behavior itself was the greatest humiliation to him.

"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Chu Feng, your power inherits the Book of Heaven and Earth. As the book spirit of the Book of Heaven and Earth, I am qualified to take back your power."

The Lord of Good Fortune announced loudly.

His voice seemed to contain the principles of heaven and earth.

The mysterious power of cause and effect emanated from him.

The Lord of Good Fortune looked at Chu Feng coldly.

"No matter how powerful your power is, the root of your power is the Book of Heaven and Earth, which is the basis of all your magical tricks.

Whether it's the Yuan Talisman system or the mystery of the rules, including your small world, everything about you comes from the Book of Heaven and Earth.

Now, I will take back everything I gave you.

Cause and effect, deprivation! "

The Lord of Good Fortune looked at Chu Feng's eyes like a poor worm.

Although he could not recover all his power, he would take away most of Chu Feng's power under the deprivation of the power of causality.

Next, Chu Feng could only experience the feeling of a mortal.

However, what responded to him was only a cold look.

"You, what did you do?"

The Lord of Good Fortune suddenly panicked.

He only felt that the power and origin in his body was losing, but the power in Chu Feng's body did not feed back on him.

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