Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1727: Give up magical powers

"This is impossible. You have inherited the blessings of the Book of Heaven and Earth, and everything you have is a gift from the Book of Heaven and Earth. Why did you not return to me under the effect of the deprivation of cause and effect?"

Exceeding expectations made the Lord of Good Fortune feel extremely panicked.

Even if Chu Feng used a sword aura just now, he could play with him wantonly, and he didn't panic so much.

But now, only panic and fear were left in his heart.

This is the fear of the unknown beyond control.

What happened to Chu Feng has exceeded his cognition time and time again.

Then, how many unknown powers will Chu Feng have in his body, and how many things beyond his cognition will he do?

"No, cause and effect, punish!"

The Lord of Good Fortune let out a roar unwillingly, a powerful destructive force, through the power of causality, sent a desperate blow to each unknown place, but Chu Feng's figure stood still.

However, the Lord of Creation has understood the cause and effect.

He could feel that the destructive force just now, the target of the attack was the distant cosmic starry sky.

That is a starry sky farther than the Milky Way.

It was so far away that even the power of the Lord of Creation could not touch it, an absolutely dark area.

In the cosmic starry sky, the larger the mass of the celestial body, the greater the impact on space and the closer the distance from the ancient gods.

The reverse is also the same.

The smaller the mass of the celestial body, the farther it is from the location of the ancient gods.

In the induction of the Lord of Good Fortune, the target of the power of causality is far away to the point that even cause and effect cannot be perceived.

That is an absolutely dark area between galaxies, where even nebulae do not exist.

"So it is!"

The Lord of Good Fortune looked at Chu Feng bitterly, "It turns out that you have transferred the power of cause and effect to another person, and you have exiled that person to a far distance that can't be surpassed even in the void.

It seems that you have already prepared for this trick to me, haha, I asked myself that I have already done everything, but I didn't expect that Chu Feng's calculations were even deeper than mine. You deserve it! "

Chu Feng looked at the Lord of Good Fortune coldly, without explaining much, just swiping the long sword in his hand plainly.

It is Yi Qiuling who bears the power of cause and effect.

It was two people who got the inheritance.

Before the Mighty One fell, he arranged some backhands. Those backhands were not used to deal with the highest planes, but used to replace the position of the Lord of the Underworld, and then used to deal with the source of this inheritance.

Because he saw the truth of everything before he fell.

Even if there is no way to pass the truth down in any form, he can directly point out the way to the truth.

Divide the inheritance into two parts, just to make this plan.

One person gains most of the power of inheritance, while the other person bears most of the cause and effect of inheritance.

Yi Qiuling is the one who bears the cause and effect.

After she knew her tasks and responsibilities, she took the initiative to assume more cause and effect on herself.

Then, after doing something as a human being, he decisively exiled himself to the starry sky of the universe, the realm of absolute darkness.

When she left, she didn't leave any words, did not make any explanation, but silently assumed all this, and then waited for the arrival of this day.

The body of the Lord of Creation was broken, and then recovered.

"However, even if she assumes all the cause and effect, it is impossible for you to have no cause and effect. As long as you are still using the power obtained from me, a new power of cause and effect will be reborn."

The Lord of Good Fortune suddenly realized another important thing, and then his pupils shrank, as if thinking of an incredible possibility.

"You actually discarded all the methods and magical powers from the Book of Heaven and Earth."

The answer to this sentence was Chu Feng's invincible sword.

"Haha, you actually gave up all your magical powers! Do you know what stupid you are doing? You gave up the power of the Book of Heaven and Earth."

The reorganized Lord of Good Fortune laughed, and then a layer of blood-colored radiance appeared on his body surface, but it also contained golden light.

Chu Feng's invincible sword energy was also blocked.

This is absolute defense.

As long as you can afford the cost of defense, you can block all attacks, even the absolute defense that the power of causation can withstand.

The Lord of Good Fortune originally thought that Chu Feng might also use absolute defense to resist the attack of the power of cause and effect, and prepared follow-up methods.

But it was of no use.

But this is not important anymore.

Chu Feng actually gave up, the magical powers from the Book of Heaven and Earth, in the eyes of the Lord of Wanhua, were more absurd than giving up weapons to fight with bare hands.

This is simply self-breaking arms.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations, who had blocked everything with absolute defense, condensed black destructive sword energy in his hands.

Above this devastating sword aura, the unparalleled fighting intent and invincible will, reflected through this sword aura, the different wills are perfectly integrated.

"I think you should be very familiar with this trick! This is the last sword you forged at the expense of the entire Dawn Legion and the so-called Hell Knights to kill the Lord of the Underworld!"

The advocacy of good fortune madly uncovered the scars of Chu Feng, "Unfortunately, the Lord of the Underworld, who has guarded the highest plane for countless years and protected life and civilization for 1.3 million years, has been destroyed by the greed and selfishness of your people on earth.

Now, open your eyes and take a look!

You sacrificed so many subordinates, sacrificed so many companions to forge the invincible sword. For me, it is just a random move that can be condensed. Can you block this attack? "

The Lord of Good Fortune not only wants to kill people, but also punish the heart.

The battle of the underworld breaking is an eternal pain in Chu Feng's heart.

Countless brave soldiers lost their lives, countless soldiers who defended their homes and the country died away, and those who trusted Chu Feng did not hesitate to entrust their lives in Chu Feng's hands, entrusting China's hope for the future.

Even Chu Feng took 20 years to get out of the shadows.

However, walking out of the shadow does not mean that the shadow disappears.

The shadows are always there.

As for the accusation of killing the Lord of the Underworld?

Chu Feng didn't care much.

After the Lord of the Underworld fell, humans also assumed the responsibility of the Lord of the Underworld, and Chu Feng had a clear conscience about this matter.

A devastating sword energy descended on Chu Feng's head.

Facing a move that combined the body of the Nirvana sword, the battle spirit of heaven and the Great Nirvana strategy, Chu Feng raised his left hand and stretched out a finger.

The invisible innate sword energy condensed at his fingertips.

The invisible sword aura that looked weak, without any aura, just collided with the nirvana sword aura that destroyed everything.

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