Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1729: The Despair of the Lord of Good Fortune

"No, it's impossible!"

Looking at the figure of Chu Feng who was constantly approaching him, the Lord of Good Fortune was forcibly controlling himself not to retreat.

I know the book of heaven and earth better than you.

Chu Feng's words echoed in his mind.

Is there anything more absurd than this in the world?

He is the incarnation of the Book of Heaven and Earth, but he does not know himself better than the enemy of the Book of Heaven and Earth. What is the point of taking the power of the Book of Heaven and Earth?

It's just a jumping clown.

Even the thought of running away is fleeting.

It's not that the Lord of Good Fortune has never thought about running away, but he also understands that running away has no meaning, because all about escape and other magical powers, Chu Feng's sword energy that can kill everything can also kill magical powers.

From the moment Chu Feng appeared, he has been firmly in control of the situation, this is a crushing duel.

Chu Feng did pay attention to the power of tactics and calculations, but Chu Feng's tactics and calculations were all in the service of power.

His calculations were just for the Lord of Creation to appear.

The back hand he prepared was to get closer to victory.

But in the real battle, Chu Feng used absolute strength to crush, crushing all the way.

The crushed Lord of Good Fortune couldn't breathe.

The Lord of Good Fortune discovered something absurdly. He is the incarnation of the Book of Heaven and Earth. He understands the endless Yuan Fu and magical powers recorded in the Book of Heaven and Earth. He can easily cultivate these magical powers to the peak and reach the summit.

However, even though he had thousands of magical powers in his hands and endless means, he didn't have any magical powers that could stop Chu Feng's sword.

One sword breaks ten thousand laws.

This absurd theory that only appeared in the world of low martial arts, in the world like the frog at the bottom of the well, turned out to be true in the hands of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng once walked the way of ten thousand laws.

His methods have also been inconsistent, at most he just selects some useful special exercises from the complicated methods.

However, after Chu Feng understood the way of ten thousand laws, he embarked on a completely opposite path.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder you set up an altar of saints on Hongmeng Star. I thought you really wanted to share the path of saints, but if you really had no other ideas, you would not disclose your blood code. Up."

The Lord of Good Fortune seems to have figured out something, “It turns out that the biggest secret of the saint’s altar is that you have cut off the road you have practiced, and you have cut down the road you have really owned, and you continue to practice and feel that you have formed a magical path ."

The altar of the saints and the seven temples have invested countless researches.

For such a magical altar that can let people experience the power of the holy steps, and even directly climb into the sky in one step, directly into the realm of transcendence and sanctification, it is absolutely impossible for the seven great temples to be greedy.

But they also saw that the biggest secret of the saint's altar is not the structure of the altar itself, but the magical power that Chu Feng stays in the altar, the realm that can arouse the resonance of the holy realm.

That is a magical power that they can't replicate in any way.

At this moment, the Lord of Creation finally understood the truth about the altar of the saint.

That was Chu Feng's realm, Chu Feng's sentiment.

He directly knocked himself out of the sentiment of the holy step, stripped it out, and stripped out the sentiment of comprehending all the avenues.

This created the magical altar of the saint and the way of the saint king.

Including the Ziyun Saint Emperor ascending to the sky in one step and achieving the Saint Emperor Realm is also the credit of Chu Feng.

That was Chu Feng directly beheading his own insight into the heavenly realm, and then stripped it out and gave it to the Ziyun Sage.

As for Chu Feng's current state?

Could it be that he can't practice again if he loses those realms?

No matter how many times Chu Feng has been lost, he is confident that he can cultivate again. This is Chu Feng's realm and consciousness.

As for the spread of the magic way, it is a little lighter.

Chu Feng stripped out the realm of his own Dao Slashing Realm, that is, the original power in the small world, and combined with the souls of some creatures, and then combined with mysterious means to complete the spread of the first batch of Demon Dao seeds.

After the seeds of the magic path are sowed, you only need to water a little bit of water to take root and sprout, and grow into a towering tree.

"Hahaha, all this is happening under my nose. No wonder you don't have any causal power in your body, because those causal powers are really driven out by you."

The Lord of Good Fortune smiled miserably, "I was originally to avoid those supreme beings in the ancient gods, and I didn't put you in my eyes at all. The only thing to worry about is that you forcibly expose your position with me and Contact, and finally die together.

But I didn't expect that I would have missed the best opportunity to kill you. "

"It's too late to regret now."

Chu Feng mercilessly once again beheaded the Lord of Creation. Although the Lord of Creation can continue to resurrect, there are limits to some things.

With the resurrection again and again, the soul essence and consciousness essence of the Lord of Creation are constantly eroding.

Even the revolution of the universe has an end, how can the Lord of Creation make it truly immortal?

Lord of Good Fortune, he must kill today.


The Lord of Good Fortune laughed wildly, as if he didn't care at all, his body was destroyed by Chu Feng time and time again.

Chu Feng didn't care either, the desperate Lord of Creation counterattacked.

Anyway, no matter what method he uses, as long as he has innate sword energy in his hands, he can break the law with force.

In the case where he has already occupied an absolute advantage, the Lord of Creation will have no room for counterattack.

Now, let the Lord of Good Fortune in desperate last go crazy!

"Chu Feng! Do you really think you are going to win?"

The Lord of Good Fortune's laughter suddenly stopped, and he stared at Chu Feng with resentment.

"If there is any method, you can use it. Besides, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will not spare your life."

Chu Feng's eyes were full of determination to kill the Lord of Creation.

He laid out for such a long time, just to kill the Lord of Creation, and today he must succeed anyway.

"Chu Feng, do you still remember Zhou Guang Zhizun who was killed by you?"

The Lord of Good Fortune suddenly said, "No, it shouldn't be said that you beheaded, but that you beheaded all the connections with the real world. For the real world, Zhouguang Supreme has disappeared.

However, as the Lord of Time, Zhou Guang Zhizun is immortal and absolutely invincible in the long river of time. "

"what do you want to do?"

The sword energy in Chu Feng's hand did not stop for a moment. He seemed to understand what the Lord of Creation wanted to do, but this was not the reason for him to shrink.

"Since you must drive me to a dead end, don't blame me for burning my jade and stone!"

Behind the Lord of Good Fortune, a phantom of a long river appeared.

"Then you will burn the jade and the stone!"

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