The gaze of the Lord of Creation matched Chu Feng's firm gaze. At this moment, the Lord of Creation understood how terrifying Chu Feng's determination was.

That was the belief that he would kill him at all costs.

What he wants to do must be done.

The determination to burn the jade?

Can this kind of thing scare Chu Feng?

Chu Feng emerged from the end of the era and fought all the way, facing enemies who were deemed invincible.

After fighting all the way, Chu Feng also lifted the table all the way.

He is a master of lifting the table, how could Chu Feng be afraid of lifting the table? He knows best what the person who lifts the table fears the most.

They are afraid of each other's fearlessness.

The strongest person who is determined to lift the table with the determination to burn the jade and the stone is most worried about the situation that the opponent lifts the table like himself.

So Chu Feng didn't mean to flinch.

If you want to burn jade and stone, then see if you can do it!

"Well, Chu Feng, this is what you forced me. We should have a common enemy. Before a complete break, we should have faced a common enemy, but you personally destroyed and stifled this possibility."

The Lord of Good Fortune screamed sternly, that beautiful face was already covered with hideousness, this was a cry of desperation.

"so what?"

Chu Feng responded calmly.

I just want to drive you to a dead end, I just don't want to unite with you, I just want to kill you.

I know what the best option is, so I don’t want to do it.

Because I'm desperately gaining strength, not for imperfections.

I do whatever I want.

"I don't know, what are the consequences of doing this, but I know that this must be the heaviest disaster for you. It will take a long time, open!"

The body of the Lord of Good Fortune seemed to have turned into a bridge, and it seemed to open a door to an unknown world.

He really didn't know the consequences of doing this by himself.

But he knew one thing, the Lord of Time had left the real world because of Chu Feng, and could never return.

Now that Time Changhe is reconnecting with the ancient gods, the Lord of Time wants to return to the ancient gods, and it is also Chu Feng that is most inevitable.

The gate of the long river of time opened again.

Together with the aura of the ancients and wilds, and as if to interpret the aura of all Taoism in the world, it is gradually recovering.

The apex existence of the entire Ancient Gods Territory stopped the dispute at this moment and put aside the things in their hands. They tremblingly looked at the distant river of time, feeling the terrible breath.

"How is this possible?"

"Isn't that existence already dead? Why does his breath reappear in God's Domain again?"

"Could it be that he hasn't completely fallen yet?"

"Yes, Zhouguang Supreme is the Lord of Time. As long as the long river of time is still running in this divine realm, as long as the stars of the universe have not reached the fierce end, the Lord of Time will never completely fall."

"Could it be that the eternal realm has to recover again?"

"Then what are we doing now for?"

Countless ambitious people who are frantically expanding their forces and launching a war feel unspeakable fear at this moment.

The reason they dared to jump out and casually messing up the originally peaceful ancient gods' realm was because they thought that the Lord of Time had fallen, and those eternal realm powerhouses who were high above, disappeared in the long river of time with the Lord of Time.

They have to pursue their own path in battle after battle.

They want to make up the vacant places in the ancient gods.

But with the breath of the Lord of Time, once again appearing in the ancient gods, at this moment, the fear in their hearts cannot be described in words.

If the Lord of Time is really resurrected, then everything they have now and everything they have done before is a joke.

"Haha, everything is fake."

A commander in the parade looked at the army of tens of thousands of holy ranks under his command and suddenly laughed wildly.

"The position of power is illusory, even if the power is real, the power itself is still illusory. Only what is in my own hands is the real. Let's go all away! I'm going to pursue the only reality."

The body of this strong man burst out with an aura far surpassing the nine levels of the holy rank. At this moment, he has found his own way.

The holy rank beings who had been summoned by him looked at each other, their eyes were full of confusion.

They didn't understand why their king created such a huge force with great difficulty, but now he did not hesitate to abandon it.

But how can everyone get together easily and separate?

A powerful careerist, a determined look flashed in his eyes, and he slowly walked onto the high platform.

"We are a whole..."

Such a thing happened in the entire ancient gods' realm.

Countless powerhouses and careerists, after discovering that the Book of Time had only revealed their aura, their status and power had become no longer stable, suddenly they realized how absurd and ridiculous what they were doing.

However, there are also some powerful people who have long understood that everything they have in their hands is just their own tool, and their Dao heart is as solid as a rock.

Just a breath revealed in the ancient gods' realm has already triggered an earthquake in the entire ancient gods' realm.

This is Zhouguang Supreme, this is the Lord of Time!

"Haha, Chu Feng, don't you always like to lift the table? Then get ready to meet your old opponent!"

Feeling the terrible atmosphere of the wild, the advocates of good fortune laughed wildly, "But I can be sure that you are dead today, and all your previous plans will be turned into dreams today."

"I don't know, where do you come from."

Chu Feng looked at the Lord of Creation with cold eyes.

Feeling the contempt conveyed in Chu Feng's eyes, the Lord of Creation felt that he had been indescribably humiliated.

"Just be **** your lips and wait for the Lord of Time to return..."

"So what can I do?"

Chu Feng interrupted the Lord of Creation, "Even if the Lord of Time completely returns, what will happen? He was once my defeated man, even if he returned from the resurrection, he is still my defeated man.

If the defeat of the two men will unite, it may pose some threats to me, but that's all. "

"Then you try it! I don't know what despicable means you used to successfully conspiracy against Zhouguang Supreme, but as long as I am still, the connection between Zhouguang Supreme and the real world will not be broken, your despicable The tricks are no longer useful."

The Lord of Good Fortune yelled out of anger, and now his only choice was to make a desperate move.

Is the Lord of Time the defeated opponent of Chu Feng?

He absolutely does not believe this fact.

That is the ancient gods, the oldest supreme being, how could it be defeated by Chu Feng?

I would rather believe that Chu Feng had no other way to face the Lord of Time, so he used trickery.

Otherwise, why not kill the enemy completely?

"You will know soon."

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