Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1731: Long time to enter

The Lord of Good Fortune wanted to say something, but found that the surrounding area was already covered with silver chains, penetrating himself and Chu Feng's body and soul, and forcibly tied them together with a special connection.

"This is, the lock of time!"

The Lord of Creation, who knows Chu Feng very well, of course knows this trick. This is a trick that can use the power of time to block everything.

Wherever the law of time works, the lock of time can be effective.

"Activate the Time Lock at this time, what do you want to do?"

An ominous feeling sprouted in the heart of the Lord of Good Fortune.

From seeing Chu Feng's first side, nothing was under his control.

Chu Feng just so plainly forced him into a desperate situation.

In the desperate situation, he chose the method of lifting the table, summoning the long river of time, wanting to force Chu Feng back.

But looking at Chu Feng's calm eyes, no matter what unexpected situation he faced, his eyes never changed, the Lord of Creation couldn't help but panic. Why can he be so confident?

It's just a human being.

In the cradle of great wisdom civilization, mankind is only one of the weak branches.

Why can he have such confidence?

Why can't he see his doubts about victory in his eyes?

"If Zhou Guang Zhizun is truly resurrected, it is indeed a trouble for me. If this is the case, then I will not let him resurrect, but I will not leave you outside. Since I chose to raise the table, then You must have the consciousness to lift the table."

The silver chain firmly penetrates and binds the two people. Whether it is the soul of the body, or even all the marks associated with oneself, there is no possibility of escape in front of the lock of time.

As long as there is a place where time exists, there is no way to escape the scope of the lock of time.

The gate of Time Changhe opened, but the great being had not yet emerged from Time Changhe, and the lock of time closed the door again and sent two lives in.

"It's just another battlefield, then fight for a long time!"

The lock of time at this moment is just a bridge that closely connects the two of them with the long river of time.

Then, driven by a terrible attraction, neither of them could escape and fell towards the long river of time.

"Chu Feng, do you want to die with me?"

The Lord of Good Fortune shouted sternly, "Even if you fall into the long river of time, the one that Zhouguang supreme wants to kill most is still you. This is the domain of the Lord of Time. Coming here can only kill yourself. "

"Then you shouldn't be happy?"

Chu Feng asked back, "Didn't you always want to kill me? Then I have entered the long river of time, and this field that is undoubtedly necessary for me should be just in line with your intentions. Why are you discouraging me now? "

The subject of good fortune is blocked.

Of course he couldn't make it clear.

That's right, for Chu Feng, entering the long river of time is a mortal option, because in the long river of time, no existence can defeat the Lord of Time. This place can be said to be the absolute realm of the Lord of Time.

Over time, he is invincible.

Entering a place like Time Changhe to fight, he really couldn't think of any possibility of Chu Feng surviving.

At this time, Chu Feng should be panicked.

However, Chu Feng came in on his own initiative.

Obviously he opened the entrance of Time Changhe, and wanted to use Time Changhe's power to kill Chu Feng, but Chu Feng turned around and took the initiative to enter Time Changhe, and dragged him in with him.

This is beyond the calculations of the Lord of Good Fortune.

Time and time again, Chu Feng did not expect him.

Such a discovery simply caused the Lord of Creation to collapse.

Why can such a human, whose inheritance comes from the Book of Heaven and Earth, be able to do this?

The huge gravitational force of the long river of time can't break free even if it is the dominating realm. What's more, under the blockade of the lock of time by Chu Feng, the two of them have no possibility of escape, just like this falling into the long river of time.

After the Lord of Good Fortune fell into the river of time, the gate of the river of time lost its maintenance and closed again.

The powerhouses of all parties in the ancient gods breathed a sigh of relief again after feeling the breath of the Lord of Time disappear.

"Zhou Guang Zhizun, hasn't he been resurrected after all?"

"What happened just now?"

"We can feel that at the moment when the Lord of Time is about to return, someone stopped this process."

"What kind of powerful person is it that can actually do this kind of thing?"

"Did the Lord of Time still fall after all?"

"Ancient Gods Realm needs eight supreme beings to support. If you want the Lord of Time to never be resurrected, there is only one way and that is to replace the Lord of Time."

"There is only one way."

"Then accelerate the speed of the war, in the endless war, there will definitely be a new supreme appearing."

"The new supreme being must be me."

"What about becoming the supreme being, haha, even the supreme being will eventually fall. The Zhouguang Supreme, who is known as being with time, will eventually die out forever in the long river of time, and the supreme being will also fall. Haha..."

"Why is it that even a great existence like the Lord of Time will have a day of fall? Could it be that other supreme beings shot together? Or is there a great power that can obliterate the supreme being in this world?"

"What is true supremacy?"

"Is there a way that transcends all the supreme?"

The fall of Zhouguang Supreme is an unsolved mystery in the entire ancient gods.

There are not many strong people who are willing to explore this mystery, but it doesn't mean that they really don't pay attention.

Some strong people think that it should be other supreme beings.

Those truly peerless powerhouses have seen the difference.

Because after God's Domain fell into chaos, those great domains where the supreme beings were also seemed to be caught off guard. Obviously, there was no advance preparation, and the supreme beings such as the Supreme God did not show up and gave any instructions.

In other words, either the supreme beings themselves did not notify the matter.

Either it is, they also don't know.

Some existences believe that those so-called supreme existences must be planning a very important thing, otherwise they will not even show up.

There are also strong guesses that those supreme beings seem to be unable to appear easily.

Various speculations are divided.

However, the most important thing for the human race is: high above, the mysterious veil of unpredictable existence has been lifted. In the eyes of the real strong, they no longer become out of reach.

The supreme existence can also be promised.

Those eight beings standing at the apex are only more powerful practitioners.

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