Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1732: uncertain

With the mysterious aura of the supreme beings being broken, and the unbridled magical way spreading in the gods, the doubts that those supreme beings have experienced have become more and more, and they are no longer regarded as absolutely invincible existences.

Maybe they are still strong, but the awe of the creatures of the ancient gods have been reduced a lot.

this point is very important.

Even in the peak period of those supreme beings, they did not unify the entire ancient gods.

Because there is an eternal realm in the middle, as a barrier, all living creatures aim to explore that eternal realm, but now with the fall of the Lord of Time, the realm of eternal realm has directly disappeared.

This brings all the powerhouses closer to the supreme.

Since the supreme being can fall, can we also find a way to make the supreme being fall?

Countless powerhouses just thought.

But these are all things to do.

Chu Feng took the Lord of Good Fortune into the long river of time together.

After entering the long river of time, Chu Feng saw a Taoist in Qingpao, but could not see the face of the Taoist in Qingpao clearly.

Because the other party does not have a face, and even a specific body does not exist.

The reason why Chu Feng looks like a Taoist in a green robe is also because it meets Chu Feng's certain expectations of the Lord of Time who has never met before, that is, he thinks the other party is like this. of.

In the eyes of different lives, the Lord of Time also looks different.

Seeing this familiar opponent, Chu Feng put on a relaxed look and asked in a casual tone.

"Great Zhouguang Supreme, how do you feel during this period of time?"

Speaking respectful words in a casual tone gives people a sense of mockery, and the pride of not seeing the other person in the eyes.

But the Taoist Qingpao didn't seem to be angry about this.

"For me, there is no time interval from the moment when I am separated from the real world and can only exist in the long river of time, and there is no time interval. I am separated from reality, and you followed in."

"It sounds like a pity. In this case, can you please ask Zhou Guang Zhizun to stay in this long river forever?"

Chu Feng still said in a casual tone, as if he was just asking if he wanted to eat together at night.

The Lord of Good Fortune said loudly: "Where the great Lord of Time wants to go is not up to you. What qualifications do you have to restrict the freedom of Zhouguang Supreme?"

"Can you not speak in this tone?"

Chu Feng turned his head and said to the Lord of Creation in a helpless tone, "This will make me feel that you are just a lucky little person who has gained power. Even if you are completely wiped out, there is no sense of accomplishment."

"Your arrogance ends here."

The Lord of Good Fortune seems not to be irritated by Chu Feng's words, "The most inescapable obstacle to the return to the real world of Zhouguang Supreme is you. Now that you come to the long river of time, you are doomed to fall completely."

"is it?"

Chu Feng looked at the face of the Daoist in Qingpao that didn't exist at all, "Zhou Guangzhi, do you want to return to the real world? Do you have a reason to return to the ancient gods? Do you have anything you want to do?"

Zhou Guangzhi did not speak.

Seeing the other side's appearance, Chu Feng was clear in his heart.

The long years have wiped out Zhou Guang Zhizun's feelings and desires, making it desireless.

Today's Universe Supreme is not so much a powerful being standing at the apex of all practitioners, as it is just existence itself, just like the sun, moon and stars, just a part of the starry sky of the universe.

It exists, but it is no longer life.

At least from Chu Feng's point of view, the difference between the existence and absence of such a life is really not very big.

Anyway, even without the Supreme Universe, the river of time is still flowing, and the starry sky of the universe is still moving.

Of course, after he left, a lot of turbulence has indeed occurred in the Ancient God's Domain.

But so what?

Does this have anything to do with Zhou Guang Zhizun?

In his life form, he has lost interest in everything, and he has no feelings about the birth and death of life.

It doesn’t really matter whether it exists or not.

Including being blocked by Chu Feng in the long river of time, it seemed to have no effect on Zhou Guang Supreme.

There is no shame of failure, nor regret of falling.

If it is blocked, it will be blocked.

To Chu Feng, this matter was of great significance, but to Zhou Guang Supreme, there was nothing that could cause his mood to fluctuate.

"You seem to be right. I don't have a reason to leave for a long time."

I don't know how long it took, and as if it was just a moment, Zhou Guang Zhizun answered Chu Feng's question.

The face of the Lord of Good Fortune changed.

Zhou Guang Zhizun can be said to be the backing of his Jedi comeback.

When his own strength was not enough to fight against Chu Feng, Zhou Guang Zhizun was already his only hope.

However, looking at the current situation, Zhou Guang Zhizun was going to be shaken by Chu Feng's words and gave up the idea of ​​leaving the long river of time. Then he had no reason to oppose Chu Feng.

What else can he do?

He was about to persuade, Zhou Guang Zhizun spoke.

"I have no reason to leave the long river of time, but there is also no reason not to leave. I have no reason to interfere in the operation of God's Domain, and no reason not to interfere. I have neither the idea of ​​looking at God's Domain nor the idea of ​​not looking at God's Domain. "

Zhou Guang Zhizun's words actually silenced Chu Feng.

Such a realm is terrible.

It wasn't that it was terrifying at a high level, but Chu Feng shuddered when he thought that he unfortunately stepped into this level and might have the same thoughts as him.

That is definitely the scariest thing in the world.

Chu Feng would rather die than be an existence like the Lord of Time, that is completely annihilating his feelings.

Even lost the meaning of life directly.

The Lord of Good Fortune did not gloat, he looked at the figure of Zhou Guang Supreme, and he also felt a chill from his heart.

Was the supreme existence of the ancient gods like this?

If this is the case, it would be terrible.

"I don't have to leave the long river of time, but if I want to leave the long river of time, you are my obstacle. If you can't let you go, then I have to clear this obstacle."

Zhou Guang Zhizun said to Chu Feng.

He did not have the need to leave the long river of time, and he would not necessarily leave, maybe he would stay forever in the long river of time.

But if he wants to leave, Chu Feng cannot be avoided.

His meaning is also obvious, I don't need to leave here, but you can't stop me from leaving here.

So you have to give way.

If someone were to stand in the position of Zhou Guang supreme, Chu Feng might think this was the pride of the strong, because Chu Feng himself would do the same.

However, even Chu Feng was not sure what he thought when he changed to Zhou Guang Zhizun.

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