Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 174: Human heart

Chu Feng had lost too many things in his previous life, so after he came back to life, although he became cold-blooded and ruthless, he cherished every feeling even more.

Therefore, let him see that his brother is in crisis, immediately ignore the danger, and pull his brother out of the sea of ​​suffering.


Chu Feng's body trembled slightly. This was not a fearful tremor, but because of sadness, anger, and deep pain.

Although he and Jinling creatures have hatred, but just now he was trying to save Zhao Yuan from the sea of ​​suffering!

If Zhao Yuan is just watching from one side, he can also understand the other party. After all, this is a dilemma. No matter who chooses is wrong.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party actually held a gun at him.

And Zhao Yuan said coldly: "Let go of the captain, otherwise even the awakened one will not be able to avoid my bullets at such a close distance."

"Zhao Yuan, good job."

The leader applauded, "I will report your loyalty to the company truthfully. I believe you will become the talent we really rely on before long."

The glasses were expressionless, as if they were just a cold ice sculpture.

"If you are to become the awakened, I also have a way."

Chu Feng said, "The third child, if you look back now, there is still a chance, otherwise our brotherhood will be broken now."

Hearing the name "Youngest", the body of the glasses seemed to be exposed to static electricity, but immediately after that, he quickly calmed down and gripped the pistol tighter:

"You should be the one who should turn around. This kind of lie is too naive. Do you think I will believe it? We have been roommates for so long. Can I still understand what you have for you?

Now put down the sword in your hand and join us. I will try my best to save your life. This is your only choice. "

In his opinion, Chu Feng's so-called method for making people an awakened person was nothing but a lie to fool him.

After all, when a person's life safety is threatened, it is normal to tell some naive lies to save his life.

When Chu Feng called him the third child, although there were some touches, he knew better what it needed to survive in this era.

In these short 10 days, he witnessed too much life and death around him, and when he was searching for supplies, he also witnessed a lot of darkness. Therefore, he longed to become stronger and longed to become an awakened one.

Now, it is time for him to show his loyalty to Jinling Biology.

"do not move!"

Seeing that the team leader showed signs of abnormal movement, Chu Feng brought the sword closer to his neck, the sharp blade cut through his skin, and a stream of blood flowed down the sword.

The team leader looked at Chu Feng with red eyes and immediately stiffened. He understood that the opponent was on the verge of anger and loss of reason. At this time, as long as he was slightly stimulated, he might act impulsively.

The leader reluctantly smiled and said, "He's right, join us—"

"you shut up!"

Chu Feng shouted sharply, then turned his head to his glasses, "Lao San, put down the gun in your hand, I can still assume that nothing has happened yet."

However, Zhao Yuan did not move at all. Instead, he became even more decisive: "Don’t be naive. As an awakened person, of course, you don’t understand what kind of situation we ordinary people are in. I can only get mixed up because of relationships. It’s better. Those who don’t have a background can’t even keep their own women. They can’t help seeing their wife being abused by others.”

Chu Feng's heart is getting colder now, so did the glasses still change?

He originally thought that although a lot of people can be changed in the last days, there are still many feelings that will not be changed, just like in the previous life, his parents loved him until death.

However, he still had more fantasies about human nature after all.

When he first saw the glasses, the surprise eyes of the other party could not be faked. This also made him let go of his heart, thinking that since the relationship between the two sides is still there, there is no problem.

But now, in addition to the desire to become the awakened, the glasses also have a strong jealousy. After he saw that he became the awakened, the jealousy in his heart was the most important factor that prompted him to do this behavior. The depths of his consciousness do not admit this.

The leader said: "It's better to take a step back from both of us, you put down the sword in your hand, I will also let Zhao Yuan put down the gun in your hand, and then we are separated from the world, even if you want revenge, you can only rely on your means. "

"Okay, I will give you this face."

Although Chu Feng's eyes are facing the team leader now, he said to his glasses, "From now on, we are strangers."

As he said, his figure suddenly retreated, disappeared around the corner like a bolt of lightning, and then disappeared.

Zhao Yuan put down the gun in his hand, his head was already wet with sweat.

The team leader patted Zhao Yuan on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "Good job, you saved my life today. From now on, you will be my brother. As long as the eldest brother is one day, I will never let you suffer in the company. No one wants to bully you any wronged."

The glasses were panting, and the invisible pressure from Chu Feng's body just now made him almost out of breath. Now he is finally getting better.

However, all this seems to be worthwhile.

Even in the company, the status of the Awakener is much higher than that of ordinary people. Now he is regarded by an Awakener as a sibling brother, and his status will definitely rise. If the potent that makes people strengthen can be tested, he must Will become the first group of people to experiment.

The leader said: "Receive the team! Let's go back and report this matter! The matter of collecting materials should be slowed down. Since someone wants to fight against the company, let him see the true strength of our company and let him feel it. What is true despair."

Hearing the word material, Zhao Yuan's spectacles flashed brightly.


Zhao Yuan suddenly stopped the team leader. "Before the end of the world, this roommate told me that the flu is likely to break out next. Let us prepare more supplies as spares."

A dangerous look flashed in the team leader's eyes: "Why, are you still pleading for him?"

If Zhao Yuan is such a person, then his evaluation of Zhao Yuan will be discounted.

A cruel look flashed in Zhao Yuan's eyes: "I mean, since he reminded me, he must have prepared a lot of supplies himself, and even reminded his family, as long as we find his family by following the vine, then we It will definitely be rewarding!"

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