Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 175: Pain, anger

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, you have already experienced so many things, didn't you say that you will no longer be naive in the future? Why have you still not changed it now?"

Hiding in an empty corner, Chu Feng laughed at himself, clutching his heart.

In fact, he finally possessed the strength to deal with everyone on the other side, but in the end he still couldn't make it. He could only say that he was too naive.

The betrayal he experienced in his previous life is definitely not small, but there are also many people who sincerely treat him, and those who died for him are reminding him to cherish every hard-won feeling, so this is what he is Human nature is discouraged and at the same time cherish the reason of feelings more.

When I first saw Zhao Yuan, the surprise in the other's eyes deceived him, because Zhao Yuan really wanted to help him at that time, which is why he didn't expect Gao Yuan to shoot himself at the end.

Although he is not afraid of bullets when he is prepared now, what if he is really successfully attacked by the opponent? What kind of result would that be.

Now his heart is full of pain and boredom, and now he hopes that he can have a bottle of wine on hand to help him relieve his worries, but even if there is really a bottle of wine by his side, he can’t drink it, because in this dangerous situation To paralyze oneself is an act of seeking death.

Now he is not only living for himself, not to mention, his sister and his woman are under his protection, if he falls, what will they do?

"Dad, Mom, I kind of understand you."

Chu Feng said to himself, "If this is the case, then our folks, I will forgive them for the last time, I just hope that they won't die."

For him, setting up a bureau to kill some people is a very simple matter, but he has too many things, and because those people are not arranged by his side, he didn't make a special trip for those people.

Thinking of those people now, he has lost interest in dealing with them.

However, at this time, a dark shadow returned to Chu Feng's side. After a period of soul exchange, his face gradually became cold and angry: "Zhao Yuan, I just spared you a good life, and that's how you returned me. of?"

When he just left, he actually had the mind to monitor the other party. After all, he didn't plan to let go of the person who met Jinling Biology.

Among other things, he still needs to get the gene-enhancing potion from the opponent's hand! It was just that he was worried about Zhao Yuan's situation, so he didn't directly kill him.

However, what I didn't expect was that after leaving the Dark Mage in charge of monitoring, he waited for such a result!

He has let Zhao Yuan go, but Zhao Yuan actually told the other party about this in order to show his loyalty to Jinling Creatures. This is not just for credit, but he is worried that Chu Feng will not let him go. We must cut weeds and roots, and completely eliminate the "enemy" of Chu Feng.

Touching the "tattoo" on his hand, Chu Feng whispered: "Little guy, wait a minute, dinner will be dinner later, there is a big meal."

He is now the hope for his family and lover to live, so he can't be immersed in pain. Since he can't use alcohol to solve problems, then he can only kill.

Then he returned to everyone.

Seeing Chu Feng coming back, Zhang Ziqing greeted him, and gave Chu Feng a few crystal nuclei like Xianbao: "We just met some zombies, but they were all resolved."

However, watching Chu Feng's cold Lian, her heart trembled.

The people with blood on the knives said nothing: "Boss, we just killed the zombies."

They were picked up by the army when they first encountered danger, and now it is the first time that they muster up the courage to face such a terrifying monster. This is also an improvement for them.

"very nice."

Chu Feng casually said, "Everyone, find a place to hide. I just met a group of people, and now they should want to kill us."

Chu Xiaorou's eyes widened: "Why?"

She is still not completely desperate for humanity, like Chu Feng in her previous life. The difference between the two siblings is actually only a ten-year dark gap.

Chu Feng said: "If you want to know, after this matter is over, I will tell you the whole thing, but before that, you are not allowed to make any noise, otherwise, it is very likely to kill us all. ,including me."

Seeing Chu Feng with some cold eyes, Chu Xiaorou nodded in fear.

She didn't understand why Chu Feng made the matter so serious, but when she didn't know anything, she was more willing to trust her brother, because he was absolutely impossible to hurt herself.

I heard that if she is not obedient, she will kill everyone around her, even her brother. She can only choose to obey.

Then, Chu Feng said to Xu Yan and Guan Qiaoqiao: "You two are responsible for watching Xiaorou. If she makes any changes, I will kill you."

When Chu Xiaorou heard this, she instinctively wanted to oppose her. Why did her behavior kill her friend? But Guan Qiaoqiao covered his mouth and whispered: "Your brother is here for real."

Xu Yan nodded, and said, "Don't worry! We will look after her."

She knew in her heart that what Chu Feng said just now seemed to be a threat to them, but the real threat was his sister. After all, she herself could be lawless in front of her brother, but she didn't want to hurt people around her.

Seeing that Chu Feng was so serious, Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi were also ready.

"remaining people."

Chu Feng pointed to a mall next to him, "You now have two options. The first option is to hide inside, choose a suitable hiding place, and then wait for the results to come out. The second option is to stay and deal with me. Those enemies, however, I do not guarantee the safety of anyone’s life, including myself."

Zhang Ziqing said: "I will stay."

Just as Chu Xiaorou was about to speak, Chu Feng glared at her and said, "You have no choice."

Chu Xiaorou nodded aggrievedly. She knew that if her brother had to make any decision, she would have no room for rebuttal.

After that, everyone heard that Chu Feng could not even guarantee his own safety, and everyone was frightened, saying: "We are weak, so we won't get involved."

"Yes! With our strength, it will only drag the boss back."

"Boss rest assured, we can lie in wait, if the other party is too much, we will definitely take action, desperately will also cover the retreat of the boss."

How could Chu Feng be so naive to believe what they said, but he didn't have the need to refute, but nodded as if he believed it: "Then go in and hide!"

Then, his eyes fell on the people who remained.

Tao Jinghua, Xu Wei, Tian Jing, Zhang Ziqing, Xiaoxi, Huang Tianhua, Ye Xiaohui, and a shameless man who just joined.

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