Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 182: Dawn Alliance

After seeing Chu Feng step down from the armored car, Hu Tianlu was stunned.

He knew that Chu Feng took a group of people out of the city to collect supplies today, but why did they come back in armored vehicles?

Could it be that they ransacked an army team and failed?

Of course this is impossible, because the army's armored vehicles do not need to be camouflaged in the territory of China, only those underground forces need to be camouflaged.

After thinking for a while, Hu Tianlu still did not revoke the alert: "Chu Feng, although I still trust you very much, this is the rule of the army. Please explain the origin of these things."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will absolutely cooperate."

With that said, the people in the convoy removed a large amount of ammunition and various weapons from the vehicle.

After seeing these things, people in the military also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Since Chu Feng swaggered to take out these things, it showed that he believed that his way of obtaining these things should be justified.

Since the way he got these things is right, then the wrong way should be the enemy.

Chu Feng returned on the same day he left, plus the time he spent collecting supplies. In such a short time, how could he not run too far.

In other words, there is a terrorist organization with a large number of armed forces, hidden near them!

As Chu Feng was very cooperative and brought these armored vehicles and prisoners to follow the army to be investigated, the crowd onlookers burst into exclamation.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

"do not know!"

"Isn't this the famous Dawn Alliance?"

"I heard that the boss of the Dawn Alliance took his confidant and went out to find something together. I thought they were out looking for food, but I didn't expect to be out looking for arms!"

"I also want to join the Dawn Alliance!"

"If you want to join, will anyone accept it?"

"I heard that the conditions for joining the Dawn Alliance are actually very simple, but there is one biggest requirement, that is, they must go out of the city to fight monsters with them."

"Although I don't know how powerful their boss is, but even so many arms have been collected by them, it is estimated that...it should be very powerful! With such a boss, safety should also be guaranteed. Right!"

"How about we try?"

Chu Feng moved those arms under the car deliberately, he was just flexing his muscles.

He knows that in the last days, relying on those public opinions to promote himself, although it can produce effects in a short time, but once faced with danger, those people are simply unreliable.

If physical persuasion is to rely on fists, it can also recruit some people, but the members recruited in this way are either soft-hearted people who fear power, or people with ghosts or fears.

So even if you rely on strength to gather people's hearts, you must pay attention to skills.

What he gained from going out of the city this time is a very good opportunity for publicity. Being able to follow such a boss out of the city can eliminate so many arms. Only such a boss can give people strong confidence and let his people go willingly. Follow yourself.

The same is true for his performance before the mall. If those who have just become warriors are forced to fight the hot weapons, then it is not impossible for them to rebel on the spot.

After all, in their eyes, this is simply asking them to die.

But when Chu Feng showed strong strength and battlefield command ability, their trust and confidence in Chu Feng would increase a lot.

As long as they were not ordered to die on purpose, they would have a blind faith in Chu Feng.

Now that after such publicity, the reputation of the Dawn Alliance is even greater.

Since Chu Feng can eliminate so many hot weapons, how many things can he grab from the monster's mouth with his strength? This has to make people suspicious, and heartbeat.

After arriving at the barracks, Hu Tianlu smiled bitterly and said, "You will really give us problems!"

Now Chu Feng's power has become the largest civilian power in the fortress, and the power of the Dawn Alliance will continue to expand in the foreseeable future.

Such a powerful civilian force will also become the biggest destabilizing factor within the fortress.

If Chu Feng continues to expand, it will definitely not be a good thing for the military that desires stability.

Of course, the military will understand that this little thing is nothing at all, but it still takes a certain amount of time to accept this kind of thing now.

Chu Feng said frankly: "I don't think that my existence has caused too much bad influence on the fortress, and I can also do my best to help you remove some hidden dangers."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, the police were also somewhat helpless.

After all, Chu Feng is only contributing now. Although he has caused some minor troubles, he has made more contributions to the stability of the fortress, and he can't turn a blind eye to their morals.

Hu Tianlu said: "Of course we know that you are not doing anything dishonest now, but there are always people who worry about your future impact."

Chu Feng asked back, "Is this unnecessary?"

Chu Feng's words caused a fever on the faces of the military's interrogators. They really couldn't be convicted for what Chu Feng had not committed.

If you are jealous because a hero has done too much credit, what is the difference between them and those self-serving emperors in history?

Now even if the social order collapses, there cannot be so many remnants of feudalism!

Of course, now Chu Feng is not completely innocent. For example, the origin of those arms, such as Chu Feng's private possession of arms can be counted as a crime, but they can't use this to indict.

Chu Feng saw their embarrassment, so he smiled and said, "You will soon understand that compared with the bad influence I might cause, you have to face more troubles than you think."

Hu Tianlu asked, "What do you mean?"

Chu Feng pointed to the guns on the ground: "Aren't you curious about where these things come from? Don't you want to know why these armored vehicles are disguised as large trucks? The prisoners we captured, Don't you want to know what the forces behind them are doing?"

His question really caught the minds of the military. Compared to Chu Feng, who confessed everything to them frankly, the terrible organization that had hidden so many arms in secret might be their greater threat.

Hu Tianlu said: "We are already interrogating them, and I believe the results will come out soon."

Chu Feng said, "It just so happens that I also have a lot to explain to you, so let's confess with them by the way! lest they have a chance to lie."

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