Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 183: Military trust

In the face of Jinling Biology, Chu Feng didn't hide much.

Of course, what he explained was that this was also obtained information, plus some of his "guess."

After hearing Chu Feng talk about such a terrifying force, the military members were angry.

Unexpectedly, someone built such a company near their military area, and is conducting human experiments that are not allowed in the world. It's crazy!

They didn't doubt that what Chu Feng said was true or false. After all, there were more than a dozen prisoners captured by Chu Feng. It was a very simple matter to confess, and he was unlikely to lie about this kind of thing.

After listening to Chu Feng’s words, Hu Tianlu said to the adjutant next to him: "You can tell me the person in charge of the interrogation, and you can use torture directly. You must obtain the most detailed information in the shortest time, and I will report to the peak. Let Shangfeng decide."

The use of criminal methods to interrogate prisoners is generally used when they are compelled to do so, but now the matter is very important, and they can't care too much.

If everything Chu Feng said is true, then the relationship between this matter is too great.

Chu Feng waited on the spot for half an hour before receiving a reply.

Hu Tianlu looked serious: "Shangfeng said that your parents' research in the research laboratory has made breakthrough progress, and even because of the research materials you brought last time, they have developed zombie serum that can make those People who have not been bitten by a zombie for a long time recover their sobriety, but it is also limited."

Although it was good news, he still had to remain serious when it came to the military situation.

Chu Feng was overjoyed: "Really? Can I have a batch?"

With the zombie serum, he can stabilize his position even more, and can also attract and maintain the loyalty of more people.

After all, being bitten by a zombie is over. If you have a zombie serum, it will also make many people who dare not face the zombie to have the courage to fight.

Hu Tianlu said: "Of course, this is the credit of your parents. They also demanded that all the rewards obtained for this credit be given to you. The first batch of zombie serum can give you 36 copies, which adds up to all of us in the military. The shares received are the same."

Chu Feng was also moved for a while.

Poor parents in the world. He originally thought that it would take a long time for him to gain the trust of the military, but he did not expect that because of his parents, the military's trust in him would suddenly increase a lot.

After all, the military is willing to give him 36 points of zombie serum, which has already explained a lot of problems.

"You are a smart person, I believe you should understand what to do and what not to do."

Hu Tianlu said, "Shangfeng has decided not to impose any restrictions on your power development, and will provide some support in the dark, but again, I hope you can always maintain the bottom line that humans should abide by."

Chu Feng said: "Compared with those careerists, I am definitely the most harmless one."

Hu Tianlu stretched out his right hand: "I hope we will always be close collaborators."

Chu Feng shook his hand together: "It will definitely be."

As the situation worsened, Chu Feng would no longer worry about being hostile to the military.

Compared with the situation that the outside world became more and more sinister, what Chu Feng did in the future would be nothing.

Compared with Chu Feng, the military has more difficulties and dangers to face.

Of course, the biggest dilemma still comes from their own beliefs.

When Chu Feng took his own people and walked out of the barracks swayingly, with a large amount of guns, ammunition, and food in his hand, the onlookers were shocked.

"Fuck! Does the army no longer care about the possession of guns?"

"How about it? Now that crimes such as fortresses are getting higher and higher, many people are greedy for other people's mouths because of bad food, and then they rob them."

"No way, this is the result of not being able to beat others."

"The backstage of the Dawn Alliance is so hard, and the boss's strength is so great, why don't we join in and see? If everyone joins together, we can still cling together."

"Why don't you try?"

If the behavior at the gate of the city made many people tempted to join the Dawn Alliance, then the fact that Chu Feng brought out a large amount of arms from the barracks now made many people feel crazy.

Suddenly, a large number of people applied to join the Dawn Alliance.

Chu Feng resolutely handed over this matter to his hand, and reminded: "I don't have many people who can lead out every time, and every time I travel, my own income belongs to me. I also have to take half of the income that others receive. If I agree, I agree, and even if I disagree."

After all, the strong take the weak to collect supplies, so the protection of the weak also requires fees.

Therefore, although Chu Feng's condition sounds excessive, it is actually quite normal.

If it weren't for Chu Feng's presence, then those people wouldn't even dare to leave the city. Even if they did leave the city, they would die in the face of those mutant zombies.

Tian Jing asked, "Doesn't your conditions mean pushing them to the hands of those deputy leaders? Anyway, even under the command of a few of them, you can exchange materials with you."

In her opinion, Chu Feng is too tolerant of the few deputy leaders who want to join hands to empty it. Since he has such a strong strength, why should he give them so many benefits?

Chu Feng asked indifferently: "If being the leader can't bring them enough benefits, then what reason do they have to follow me? Anyway, these benefits are not from me, and you will soon understand that I did this. Why is it?"

If you want to maintain the loyalty of your subordinates, the most important thing is to give them confidence and make them inseparable from themselves.

So what Chu Feng had to do was to make his position absolute and detached, so that at least he could ensure that they would not betray, and only then could the forces develop healthily.

After sending his men to do things, Chu Feng embraced Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi and entered the house.

Seeing that the boss was about to take Zhang Ziqing to do bad things, these subordinates could only take Chu Xiaorou away, to prevent the little girl from learning badly, and by the way to make a quiet environment for the boss.

Zhang Ziqing's face blushed: "It's not night yet!"

However, after entering the room, Chu Feng suddenly said, "You are waiting here, I will come back when I solve a traitor."

With that, he quietly turned out from the window, and then disappeared.

After dispersing, in addition to Chu Feng's confidant of the original class, the team members who had returned with satisfaction also returned to their homes with their own things contentedly.

However, at this moment, a figure quietly went to Gu's base.

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