Su Yuan was still wary of Chu Feng, but after Chu Feng told the story of the whole incident, Su Yuan was still disarmed.

After all, if it hadn't really been with Su Yuyan and others, Chu Feng would not have been so clear about their details, nor would they have made up such a complete story.

And Su Yuyan also told Su Yuan about her experiences, and both of them corresponded to each other.

After proving that he was his own, Chu Feng asked Su Yuyan again for his trace.

Su Yuan said: "After bringing a group of students here, my elder sister went out with the military, saying that she is continuing to look for survivors. She said that there are still many people who need help in this world. Since she has this ability, Naturally, she must do her part. She came back once yesterday, and then left after a fight with me. I don't know when she will come back next time."

Chu Feng was also a little helpless. Su Yuyan insisted on taking the group of students here to seek protection. He thought that was due to Su Yuyan's sense of responsibility. After all, she was a teacher.

Unexpectedly, after she came to the safe zone, she suddenly set off again.

Chu Feng didn't know how to evaluate her character. After all, he couldn't be such a person, but he couldn't not thank and respect such a person.

Speaking of Su Yuyan, Su Yuan could not help but began to talk about the past between the two: "My sister and I grew up together, and the relationship between the two was very good, but after we grew up, the family was born because of the division of property. Disagreement, I was forced to choose the path of inheriting the family business, and my sister became a teacher."

Zhang Ziqing said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the sisters' anti-purpose things would happen in reality because of property problems."

Su Yuan shook her head: "The fact that the family members turned against each other does not mean that our sisters turned against each other. After I took all of the family business in my own hands, we had no reason to oppose each other. The reason she was reluctant to come back was because she liked it. The feeling of being a teacher."

Chu Feng nodded. He somewhat understood why there was no news of Su Yuyan in his previous life.

Because this kind of person died the most in the early stage, but this time with him, several people who should have died gathered around her, and there should be a chance to change her destiny.

Su Yuan continued: "Now we still have differences. She feels that the Awakened should use her own power to help others, but I feel that taking the opportunity to grow her own power is the most important thing."

Having said that, her tone was also full of sadness.

She and Su Yuyan were sisters who grew up together, but they missed too much disagreement, so when they grew up, they gathered together less and more. Since the disaster, everything that she had in the past has been in vain. She originally thought that after seeing Su Yuyan again , The two can support each other and overcome difficulties together, but there are still differences in their concerns.

Zhang Ziqing was a little helpless: "When Teacher Su sat and watched the mentally breakdown student jump off the building, I thought that Teacher Su had changed! I didn't expect that she still had this character."

Of course, Su Yuyan has changed. She has learned to choose and understand the fact that she can't save everyone, but she is still willing to help others when she can.

It may also be due to guilt, so she would be willing to work so hard.

Chu Feng said: "There are always some shining people in this world. It's not that they haven't seen the sinister hearts of people, but they still love life after they have seen them."

He also admires Su Yuyan very much, perhaps because she is living a life that she wants but can't live!

In his previous life, he was somewhat similar to Su Yuyan. Even if he had seen a sinister heart, he still did not despair of humanity, but he could not let his relatives and himself bear the consequences.

In this life, he only wants to protect the people he cares about, and everything else must be left behind.

Seeing Su Yuan's melancholy, Chu Feng suddenly said, "Actually, even if you two have different ideas, it doesn't mean that you can't coexist!"

Su Yuan blinked, a little puzzled: "What does this mean?"

Chu Feng said: "She wants to help others when she can, but you prefer to pursue your own strength, or make yourself strong through influence. If we can build a survival base together, then she will save those who survived. You are here to manage the survivors. Isn’t that great?"

Su Yuan was a little puzzled: "Production base, what is this?"

Chu Feng knew that he had leaked his words. After all, the concept of a survival base hadn't become popular yet, and it was only after the human beings learned the importance of a survival base after painful lessons.

However, he quickly found the explanation: "Just like in a foreign movie, we can build a shelter for survivors, which can produce food and water by itself, and can withstand the evils of the outside world."

Su Yuan wondered: "Don't we live here enough? There are military people to protect everyone, and is there a safer place than here?"

Chu Feng said: "If the military can really protect everyone's safety, why should they recruit people to participate in the defense of the fortress? Moreover, there have been a lot of money grabbing for food and even missing persons in the fortress these days. , Do you think the military does not want to take care of these things? They really have done their best."

Su Yuan was silent, she was not a fool, but she didn't want to see this.

Deep down in her heart, she still longed for a safe place where she lived, so she had overlooked the fact that the military was powerful in her subconscious mind.

However, after Chu Feng's reminder, she also understood that this situation would not last long.

Under such a situation, the army has too much to do.

All signs have shown that their strength has reached the limit, and when there is further shortage of supplies, who can guarantee that all soldiers can always maintain their original aspirations?

Therefore, planning for the future in advance is their top priority.

Su Yuan asked: "So, what do you plan to do next?"

Chu Feng said: "If we stand on our own right now, it is easy to be regarded by the military as careerists, so we need to wait for a time when even the military can't support it. Afterwards, we are willing to open up a survival base. Instead, it is helping them share the pressure."

Su Yuan gave Chu Feng a meaningful look and said, "Okay, I believe you."

Her trust in Chu Feng is not based on Chu Feng's character, but on Chu Feng's various performances these days, giving her the illusion that Chu Feng can do anything if she wants to.

Chu Feng said: "Next, try to move the members of the alliance around my residence as much as possible! Don't want to and don't force it, whatever happens."

If he behaves too arrogantly, it will be vigilant, so control it.

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