Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 187: No one can illuminate this era

Although Su Yuan didn't understand Chu Feng's true thoughts, she knew one thing, that is, if she couldn't be the person standing on the wind, at least she had to stand behind him.

Soon, the members of the Dawn Alliance began to move around Chu Feng's residence.

This process went smoothly without encountering too many obstacles. The reason is simple, because there have been many robberies by supernaturalists within the fortress.

Some awakened people have relatively high morals, and even regard themselves as saviors, but some awakened people just rely on their own power to do things.

A group of such people was killed by Chu Feng, and another group was killed by the military these days.

However, driven by hunger, many people have broken the bottom line.

They were unwilling to risk hunting monsters outside the city, and were unwilling to search for supplies in unknown places, so they had to take food from the mouths of the weak.

Many people who are willing to join the Dawn Alliance are willing to join because they have been bullied too badly. Now that they have such an opportunity to be blessed, most people are still very happy.

Some people who live and die see that people in the Dawn Alliance never have to worry about food, so they start to think badly. Such people are directly killed by Chu Feng on the spot, and they are not even given the opportunity to beg for mercy.

As an awakened person, in this era when materials are still abundant, he dare not venture out, instead he has engaged in robbery. Such a person is just a waste of food alive.

The people in the military were quite critical of Chu Feng's actions, but after seeing that the security situation in the fortress and the like had obviously improved, and many people were forced to join the military's defense team, they just let it go.

At the same time, large and small forces such as fortresses have also begun to rise, but most of them are small organizations with a small number of people. At most, there is only one group to keep warm. In addition, there is a point of care when going out to find food. The forces are not easy to manage, just like an empty shell.

Now there are two prominent forces in the city, one is Chu Feng's Dawn Alliance, and the other is Gu's family.

After all, the Gu family is an ancient martial arts family. In addition to providing cultivation techniques, it can also provide some martial arts, attracting many people who are brave enough to take risks.

Just want to learn advanced martial arts, but also need to make a certain contribution to them, this dissuaded many people.

After the residences of the members of the Dawn Alliance began to shrink and gather, the Gu family also began to follow suit. They planned a large area for themselves on the west side of the fort, and expelled all those who disobeyed, only those who joined the Gu family. People can live here.

These two methods have attracted the attention of many superpower organizations, and they have also started to learn from the trend, and even some conflicts have occurred due to the turf grabbing.

The military was very dissatisfied with this at first, but after the division of the territory was almost the same, they were surprised to find that the vicious incident of the fort had dropped a lot.

"Everyone who wants to survive now basically needs to seek the protection of the awakened, and the awakened people will not easily bleed and conflict with each other, so most people will not wander around, vicious incidents. Naturally there will be less."

Faced with the military's cross-examination, Chu Feng explained.

Now the military has to come to him for nothing, and it is not a waste of time.

In the end Zhang Ziqing couldn't bear it anymore: "You said you are not tired? We have made a lot of contributions to the security of the fortress. Instead of catching those who disrupt order, you come to us for trouble. What does this mean?"

She is not to blame for being angry, it is the military's practice that makes her very puzzling.

In this regard, the military who came to investigate Chu Feng had only a wry smile.

Although Chu Feng didn't do anything beyond the bottom line of mankind, he was a non-sincerity and unstable factor, and could break out at any time.

Chu Feng said roundly, "Don't worry, you are not afraid of shadows when you are upright. As long as we sit upright, we won't be afraid of any doubt."

This time, it was Zhang Ziqing's turn to roll his eyes at Chu Feng.

Sit up straight, does this have anything to do with Chu Feng?

But she didn't mean to refute.

Before leaving, a young military officer said, "We believe in Mr. Chu's character, but we also ask Mr. Chu to trust us. We will surely restore order to the way it was before the disaster as much as possible."

His implication is that he also asks you not to do irrational things, because when the order is restored to before the disaster, all sins will be liquidated.

Chu Feng made a military salute to him: "I never doubt your determination."

But you really can’t do it...

Chu Feng said silently in his heart.

This is a dark age, this is a desperate age, and perhaps many people can protect their light and build a warm harbor.

However, no one can illuminate this era.

Three more days have passed. In these days, the Dawn Alliance has become more and more powerful, with more and more materials such as the Alliance, and more and more territory occupied.

Now, only the Gu family of Xicheng can fight against the Dawn Alliance, um, except for the military.

After all, the threat of thermal weapons has not been eliminated until now, and no one can ignore the power of thermal weapons.

In the past few days of training, Chu Feng's strength has also reached the third rank and fifth rank, while Zhang Ziqing's level unexpectedly reached the third rank and eighth rank, surpassing Chu Feng in rank.

Of course, Chu Feng’s strength cannot be measured by his level. He is slow to increase his speed for special reasons. Many of his methods can only be used by Level 5 abilities. The Yuan Talisman is all-encompassing, which is equivalent to A superpower of the whole department, and has the precious ability of space.

In the past few days, Chu Xiaorou also learned to use abilities to kill zombies and deal with some monsters. She was very uncomfortable at first, but gradually she got used to it.

Chu Feng felt very distressed about this, but he also knew that this was a stage that everyone must go through.

If you can't improve yourself, you can't live.

After collecting supplies for the day, Chu Feng did not take Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi into his arms, but quietly left the residence with them.

"Chu Feng, you let us recharge our energy during the day, are you going to do bad things tonight?"

Zhang Ziqing looked at Chu Feng with suspicion. She knew Chu Feng too well. If she didn't foresee anything, Chu Feng would not act randomly.

Chu Feng ignored Zhang Ziqing's ridicule, but said very seriously: "Do you remember what I said to the guards outside the fortress when I came back today?"

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