Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 189: Insect swarm

Hearing a weird sound coming from behind, everyone in the Gu family looked back and saw several giant head-sized bugs flying in their direction.

Gu Nanzhan took a step forward and said, "Patriarch, let the younger generation handle these dirty things!"

With that, he drew a long sword from his waist, and then rushed towards a few bugs.

Patriarch Gu nodded without saying much.

He still wouldn't pay attention to a few mutated bugs, but after killing these bugs, he could easily stain his clothes.

So since someone is willing to do it for him, he certainly disdains it.

Gu Nanzhan is also a very good junior. He held a sharp long sword and raised the sword in his hand. In less than 10 seconds, these insects were all chopped in half from the middle and turned into corpses on the ground.

There was also a bug that was missed and was slapped to death by a guard next to the owner.

The vitality of the Zerg race is very tenacious. Sometimes even if the head is cut off, the body can continue to move, but if they are cut in half in the middle, then few bugs can survive.

Obviously, guarding the city wall during this time also allowed them to accumulate a lot of combat experience, and let him understand this common sense, and at this moment, he is naturally familiar.

Gu Nanzhan said: "The younger generation is incompetent, and the Patriarch is shocked."

What he said, of course, was that a bug was missed just now, and the guards around the Patriarch had taken care of it.

The owner looked very angry: "The Gu family has a younger generation like you, which is a sign of the family's prosperity. Why are you guilty! How many times better than Gu Nanfei's ineffective bastard!"

Gu Nanzhan is overjoyed and can be praised by the family, which means that his position in the family will be steadily improved. If the follow-up performance is good enough, then he has the opportunity to become the new generation of the helm of the Gu family.

Just when they were about to continue to go inside, some bugs flew into the city wall.

Gu Nanzhan ordered: "Hurry up and close the door, and I will deal with these bugs."

Obviously he had attributed the reason for the insects flying in as the door was not closed properly, so several Gu family masters immediately started their actions and closed the door.

After the door was closed, the insects that flew in were killed one by one.

Disturbed by these insects, the Patriarch didn't have the thought of greeting here, so under the leadership of the younger generation, he went to the place of Gu's residence.

However, what they didn’t know was that just outside the city, more and more insects were flying in this direction. Many insects with more powerful flying ability have begun to fly over the city wall, and some insects that can only fly low are clinging to the city wall. Up, every time you flap your wings, you jump up once.

At this time, several Gu family members on the wall were talking proudly.

"Haha, Patriarch has finally come."

"In this era, the stronger people in the past have become more powerful now. Now that the core members of the family have arrived, Chu Feng's death date is not far away."

"I heard that in the old age, the owner of the family could kick the broken iron plate with one kick, and even control his muscles to clamp bullets. I don't know how strong it can be in this era."

"Yes! Those awakened people think that they have awakened their supernatural powers, so they have their nostrils up to the sky, and they really regard themselves as gods. When the Patriarch takes action, they will understand what a true **** is."

"Hahaha, this place will become Gu's world."

After getting the news that the Patriarch came to the fortress, they have been dreaming of becoming the master here. In this new era, as long as you have the strength, you can do whatever you want.

The arrival of the Patriarch now heralds the beginning of the Gu family becoming the master of the fortress, and they have also begun to fantasize about what they can do as the loyal servants of the Gu family.

Just as they were immersed in fantasy, a black bug crawled on a member's neck quietly under the cover of night, and then opened the mouthparts like pliers and snapped the member's neck. Clip off.

"Uh, uh!"

This member of the Gu family didn't even have time to scream, so he covered his **** neck with one hand, and grabbed one hand desperately forward, unable to speak.

The few people who were talking suddenly saw the miserable condition of their companions, and their brains went blank.

After biting the man's neck, a few more insects flew up and began to enjoy this rare meal.

Then, head-sized insects flew up the city wall one after another, and flew toward everyone.

"Quick, run, ah!"

A member in charge of the patrol dragged a long tone, shouted loudly, and then turned around desperately and ran away towards the direction of Patriarch Gu under the city wall.

The remaining few people also reacted, and then ran away.

With so many bugs, they are definitely not easy to deal with.

In any case, save your own life first, this is more important than anything else.

"Ah! Help me!"

A member who fell in the back suddenly felt a pain in his thigh. A bug had flew to his body at some point, biting out a huge blood hole in his thigh, and blood constantly gushing out from the wound. , Causing him to fall to the ground.

He pleaded miserably for help from his companions, but he only attracted a glance back, and then he was surrounded by a few insects and began to bite his body.

"Ah! You can't die!"

Hearing his screaming cry, the man who looked back at his companion, hesitating whether to save him or not, immediately became cruel, and then ran towards the companions who didn't even look back.

However, he didn't take two steps before he felt his head sink. At some point, a bug had fallen on his head, and he opened his mouthparts.


The screams followed by screams awakened many people who were sleeping in their sleep.

"who is it!"

"In the middle of the night, what did the ghost shout!"

"Don't let people sleep?"

"There is no lack of virtue!"

The people who were awakened in their sleep came out cursing and shouting at the people who awakened them, and immediately after them they turned into exclamations.

"Ah! There are bugs."

"How many bugs are you afraid of as an adult?"

"Ah! Such a big bug."


When they saw the human head-sized bug, they immediately began to flee desperately. In the yelling and yelling along the way, they awakened more people in their sleep.

Some people who were too noisy at first, but didn't want to go out, now heard more and more voices, and realized something was wrong, so they opened the door and went out to check the situation.

But when they went out, all they saw were the black and overwhelming swarms of insects. In the darkness, there were no counts.


The swarms of insects struck, and the fortress began its first disaster since its establishment.

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