Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 190: Energy shield prototype

When the first batch of insects were killed by Gu Nanzhan, Chu Feng began to turn around and ran away.

Of course he will not be afraid of these insects, but he also understands the difficulty of these insects. What is even more terrifying is the number of these insects.

Under the cover of the night, the number of these bugs is almost endless. When one sees one after another bug emerge from the darkness, even those who are awakened will feel terrified.

Now that it has been confirmed that this disaster will come as scheduled, of course he has to deal with it as soon as possible.

Before he fled back, he had already signaled Zhang Ziqing through the [Tracking Symbol], asking Zhang Ziqing to notify the people around him as soon as possible.

After Zhang Ziqing received the news, the first person to wake up was the people next to Chu Feng.

Although she hadn't completely transformed into Chu Feng's shape, no, she was assimilated by Chu Feng, but she already understood the principle of first and later generation.

She is not acquainted with most people in the league, and she doesn't even know how many people are in the league. The first reaction is of course to wake up those around her.

After Chu Xiaoruan and Xu Yan and others were awakened, they said sleepily: "Sister Qingqing, what are you asking us for?"

Zhang Ziqing quickly said: "Remember that before we came back in the daytime, your brother told us the group of bugs he found? Now the group of bugs has flown to the fortress. If you don't want to die, you should pack your things quickly and prepare to escape."

Chu Xiaorou was immediately shocked.

In the past few days, she had seen the terrible monsters. Following Chu Feng's side, the casualties were not great, but the people who followed the other supernatural powers were all miserable.

She has killed some monsters in the past few days. It is precisely because of this that she has a deeper understanding of the terrible monsters.

Chu Xiaorou immediately said, "Really? Then we have to hurry up."

At this time, Xu Yan and Guan Qiaoqiao suddenly discovered that most of the things in the house had been cleaned up. They only needed to put these things on the armored vehicles.

But they didn't break this point.

Otherwise, if Chu Xiaorou was allowed to understand Chu Feng's preparations, then she would definitely have a grudge with her brother.

Chu Feng was reluctant to let his sister be wronged, so he could only use them to operate.

Xu Yan said, "I also heard this during the day. Chu Feng also warned and reminded the military, but I didn't expect that the bugs would actually come to the fortress."

She said this to clean up Chu Feng. Chu Feng knew that the insects were coming, and she reminded others that if they didn't listen, it would be no reason to blame him.

Then, Zhang Ziqing immediately went to wake up the others.

However, the way she wakes up others is not so simple.

A ball of water splashed directly on the faces of Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei. Before a few people became angry, Zhang Ziqing immediately said: "Get up, Chu Feng has an order."

Zhang Ziqing has also established a certain prestige among the team these days, and her words are much more efficient than explaining slowly.

Tian Jing said vigilantly: "Is it dangerous?"

Zhang Ziqing said: "Yes, there is a bug here, hurry up and wake everyone up."

With that, she immediately began to act.

When the abilities of the Dawn Alliance were awakened, they all complained.

"Are you crazy?"

"Why do you wake us up at night?"

"There are bugs, where are the bugs?"

If they hadn't known that Zhang Ziqing was the person next to Chu Feng, they would have been angry.

And Su Yuan maintained her trust in Zhang Ziqing: "Don't panic, I believe Zhang Ziqing will never wake everyone up for no reason. Since she says it is dangerous, it must be dangerous."

A yellow-haired supernatural person sneered: "Even if there is any danger, do you need to wake up so many people? Can't you guys handle it?"

After hearing what he said, many people who were nervously fighting with monsters during the day also began to be dissatisfied with Zhang Ziqing, thinking she was a bit annoying.

If it hadn't been for her appearance that made men angry at her, she would have become a target of public criticism.

And Chu Xiaorou was preparing to defend Zhang Ziqing when a familiar figure came.

"If you think a few abilities can handle it, please wait a while and protect a few more people."

Chu Feng’s icy voice came, and then a familiar figure appeared in the night, “The insects came in from the east. Everyone began to prepare to pack things and prepare for battle. If we are not the opponents of those insects, then Just be prepared to escape."

After his figure appeared, some screams were faintly heard in the distance.

After hearing these screams, many people's faces changed.

At this time, they had already understood that Zhang Ziqing was really dangerous to wake them up.

The yellow-haired person still refused to admit defeat: "Isn't it just a bunch of bugs? Does it need to make such a fuss? Today I met a swarm, but none of the bugs survived my ability."

He didn't have to confront Chu Feng, but his usual personality made him reluctant to bow his head and admit defeat, no matter what.

"well said."

"Brother Wei is good."

"Brother Wei, wait for them to see your power."

As a supernatural person, it is normal to recruit and gather a few younger brothers by the way, and everyone's flattery makes him a little airy.

What they didn't notice, however, was that the screams of fortresses were getting closer and closer, which meant that the bugs were getting closer and closer to them.

Su Yuan did not hesitate to pour a pot of cold water: "What if you are sleeping? Can you still deal with these bugs?"

Huang Mao is a little angry, why is everyone fighting against himself?

When he was about to say something, Chu Feng suddenly said, "The bug is here! Everyone is on alert."

At this moment, a black beetle came to Huang Mao's feet at some point, and bit it on Huang Mao's feet, causing him to scream in pain.

"Ah! My feet, the treatment will come soon!"

After he screamed, a few bugs emerged from the darkness and rushed towards everyone.

Several fireballs appeared in Huang Mao’s hand, flew towards the bugs, and quickly burned the bugs to death. A light-type supernatural player also took the opportunity to put a treatment on him, helping him to stop the blood. As for making him lame.

Su Yuan still reluctantly said: "Even if you are awake, you can be attacked by bugs. If you are not awakened, are you still alive?"

Huang Mao was afraid for a while, but still a little unwilling: "Why do you say that? Who knows if I can survive? Maybe after I fall asleep, the bugs won't bite me? Just a few bugs, what can they be spray?"

But Chu Feng shouted: "Be careful, everyone, the bug is here again."

As soon as his voice fell, a large number of insects emerged in the night.

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