Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 192: Zerg Minor

After seeing the almost frantic behavior of these people, Chu Xiaorou was almost refreshed by their three views.

Although she has seen a lot of things with Chu Feng these days, what she has seen is only the evil of the external environment, not the evil of the human heart.

These people actually want to smash the car in order to ensure that their brother will go with them?

And Huang Tianhua and others are also at a loss. So many people, what should they do?

The crowd took the weapons provided to them by Chu Feng and approached several cars. Some of them were actually hesitant, but most of them had lost their minds at this time.

They don't have time to think too much at this time, and the urgency of the environment makes them unable to think too much. They only have one idea now, to live together and die together.

However, although Chu Feng could understand them, he could not forgive them.

"Whoever dares to get closer to the car, I will kill him."

Chu Feng took out a gun and shouted sharply, his words stopped many people.

They all had heard of Chu Feng sweeping the Xiao family in public.

He, but really will kill.

"What are you afraid of, so many of us, are you afraid of him?"

A person suddenly shouted.

So, under his urging, a dozen people immediately pushed towards the vehicle.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and there were always some people who knew how to live or die, and only knew what a lesson was until they died.


With a burst of gunfire, the dozen people walking in the front fell on the spot.



"He killed someone."


Seeing that more than 20 people in the front row were killed on the spot, those who were ready to move were immediately shocked and fled in embarrassment.

Chu Feng's actions frightened many people, but even though many people were frightened, they refused to leave.

It is of course very dangerous to become an enemy with such a person, but following such a boss makes people feel a strange sense of security.

After all, even the villain in the movie, as long as it is handsome and strong enough, can attract many fans.

At this time, Su Yuan sternly said: "We have so many awakened people, and so many guns and ammunition. If you really have the idea of ​​hitting you, do you think one of you can survive?"

Her remarks made many people with unconscious minds a little more sober. Although this is a bit too much, it is an indisputable fact.

If Chu Feng really wanted to do anything with them, just kill them directly.

At this time, Chu Feng promised: "I can promise everyone that all the power players will be guarded by the team, and no power players will be allowed to get in the car. Whether the rest want to put things in the car, You still hold it in your own hands, it's all up to you to decide, but don't blame me if you fall behind."

At this moment, someone shouted: "I believe you."

As he said, he threw something on the car and said, "If the strength of the leader really wants to do anything to us, do you need to play tricks with us?"

His words made a lot of people eager to move, but still many people remained skeptical.

Su Yuan stood up and scanned the crowd: "Where do you think our zombie serum came from? Where do you think the food and water we exchange for crystal nuclei come from? You think we provide the new Where did the clothes come from? They were all bought from the leader."

Her words shocked many people.


"Deputy leader, don't lie to us."

"real or fake."

"That's right! These things seem to be brought out by several deputy leaders, but where did these things come from?"

Hearing Su Yuan's reminder, everyone suddenly realized.

Because several deputy leaders wanted to take Chu Feng off the ground, of course they had to take all the credits to themselves. However, following their contact with the deputy leaders these days, they found that they were not as capable as they had imagined. .

On the contrary, every time their leader leads the team out, there will be a lot of gains.

Su Yuan said: "My leader wants to share those things alone or with a few people around him. Then they will not be able to finish eating for a few years. If they just leave with a few cars, you think your drags can take him away. Any help?"

In such a chaotic environment, the more hurtful words, the better.

Huang Mao and a few people around him were silent.

In fact, they didn't think about destroying the vehicle. They also felt that it was faster to run with a car than without a car. They just wanted to challenge the leader and then use the sense of existence, but they didn't expect things to develop to this point.

With Su Yuan's speech, everyone's trust in Chu Feng has increased a bit.

Just when they were about to make up their minds to follow Chu Feng, another scream came.

A thin man was clutching his waist, where a bug had been on his knees at some point.


"The bug is here again."

"Hurry up and hit the bugs!"

The sudden attack plunged everyone into riots again, and those who could still maintain their composure immediately took up their weapons and began to fight back.

Chu Feng returned to the fortress every day, and when he was bored, he refined some simple swords with the materials he collected when he went out. Each one was more than enough.

Of course, there were some panicked people who screamed and threw themselves into the night.

At this moment, a half-human red beetle appeared from the night and pounced on someone. The member of the alliance suddenly saw such a big insect appear in front of him, and his first reaction was to slash forward Hacked past.


The red beetle opened its mouth, and the pliers-like mouth directly bit off the long knife.

Looking at the half-length knife in his hand, the man was startled in a daze, and then immediately fled towards Chu Feng's direction.


"Dirt wall!"

An earth-type supernatural player summoned a rock wall, blocking the flying insects who wanted to chase.

Then, in his horrified gaze, a big hole suddenly broke through the hard rock wall, and the red beetle came out of the big hole.


A fire-type supernatural player summoned a firebird, flapped its wings and flew toward the flying insect, burning the huge flying insect into a fireball.

"Great, no, it's not right!"

Before the fire system could be happy, he discovered that this flying insect flew out of the flame like this, and his flame did not cause any decent damage to it.

When the other abilities saw the bug flying towards them, they all began to panic, and they smashed the abilities in their hands towards the window.

"It's the little leader of the swarm!"

Chu Feng shouted, "Get out of the way and let me come."

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