Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 193: The power of a sword

When Chu Feng yelled to leave, the people in front of him immediately gave way.

Just kidding, this monster that can't even be killed by a supernatural player, do they have to stand in front of the leader to be a hero?

Seeing the figure of Chu Feng rushing towards the insect, the eyes of several abilities were brilliant.

They tried their best just now and couldn't hurt this bug. Could it be that Chu Feng could do it?

Those who had followed Chu Feng out remembered how to deal with monsters and search for supplies with Chu Feng.

No matter how difficult it is to deal with monsters, Chu Feng can quickly find the weaknesses of monsters. Even those monsters who are good at hiding in corners and making sneak attacks when people pass by, Chu Feng understands the opponent's habits.

As long as they were by Chu Feng's side, all the monsters seemed to become weaker.

Chu Feng held the blood-drinking sword and rushed to the monster.

At this moment, suddenly a dozen insects the size of a human head pounced on Chu Feng's body.

"Be careful! Chu Feng!"

"Brother, be careful!"

Chu Xiaoren and Zhang Ziqing reminded several people, and then several ice blades and wind blades flew towards a few insects.

But even if they make a move, they can only solve the threat of a few bugs.

In their desperate sight, a few more insects appeared, surrounding Chu Feng's whole body.

"No, the leader is in danger!"

"Who is going to save him!"

"Everyone is on guard, there are bugs around us."

It seems that thinking that the danger is not only that one place, or that they have found an excuse for themselves, everyone has begun to focus on the guard around.

The insects came out from all directions, and they were desperately resisting, no one had time to help Chu Feng.

"Dance of the Fire Snake!"

A fire snake with a length of 5 meters appeared beside Chu Feng, spitting out a snake letter and biting towards the insects. Wherever the fire snake passed, all the insects turned into a ball of fire.

Chu Feng held the blood-drinking sword in his hand, and pierced it towards the little leader of the swarm.

The small leader of this swarm is a crustacean, and its strength may not be strong, but the carapace on its body is very hard, and after reaching Tier 4, it is also immune to most elemental damage.

However, after this period of growth, Chu Feng's Blood Drinking Sword had reached a terrifying level, and even Chu Feng had not tested the sharpness limit of this sword.

After the fire snake cleared the small soldiers, the blood-drinking sword easily pierced the body of the fourth-order little commander.

Chu Feng quickly used the technique to refine the leader of the insect swarm and the crystal nucleus in his body.

Seeing Chu Feng's superb performance, the crowd immediately aroused cheers.


"Leader is mighty!"

"The leader is invincible!"

Monsters that even the ability players could not deal with were just a sword matter in front of the leader, which greatly stimulated their minds.

Among them are not those without Tier 4 abilities, but even Tier 4 cannot reach this level!

Chu Feng ignored their shock, and instead gave an order: "Most insects are proportional to their strength and size. Awakeners should not easily shoot. Ordinary insects should be handed over to warriors. Those with supernatural powers will save their physical strength. Deal with the bugs again."

Chu Feng's sword just now established prestige in everyone's hearts, and now he gave an order, of course no one would dare not listen.

At this time, a car started slowly without Chu Feng's permission.

The sharp-eyed person immediately noticed the abnormal movement of the car.

"Someone wants to leave."

"Can't let him run."

"Quickly stop him."

"What a joke, this is an armored car."

When everyone saw the armored vehicle started, they immediately became alert, and the corpses that had just condensed now had a tendency to collapse again.

There are their supplies on this car! But they did not dare to stop the car physically.

Several people with supernatural powers looked at Chu Feng. They could bomb the armored car directly, but this armored car was Chu Feng's property.

With the lesson of Chu Feng just killing the monster with a sword, they did not dare to make a decision without authorization.

Chu Feng's eyes were cold, and he followed up with a stride.

The person on the armored car was Huang Mao. When Chu Feng charged towards the monster, he knew that his future would be bleak.

Others thought that Chu Feng did it to kill him, but he didn't think so because he absolutely didn't believe that a smart person like Chu Feng would do something unsure.

So at that time, he immediately picked an armored vehicle and prepared to escape.

Chu Feng had shown two armored vehicles to people before, and later confiscated 6 more. During the subsequent trip, Chu Feng silently "missed" an armored vehicle, which was actually installed in his Yuan Palace.

Currently, four armored vehicles have drivers, and the other two Chu Feng have not arranged anyone to drive them.

Huang Mao chose one of them.

He felt very lucky because the key to the car was on the car, allowing him and a few companions to escape smoothly.

At this moment, he saw a figure outside the window.

Because these armored vehicles are usually disguised as large trucks, their structure is somewhat different from normal armored vehicles. When he saw the figure of Chu Feng, he was immediately shocked.

"Keep driving!"

A fierce look appeared in Huang Mao's eyes, and he ordered the driving companion to continue driving, then took the long sword in his hand, and attached a white sword light to the sword.

Before he had time to draw the sword, he saw a golden light.

"Uh, uh!"

Huang Mao clutched his neck desperately, his heart was full of shock.

Isn't it said that the leader is an awakened in the physical arts department? Why has he now become an elemental superpower?

But he had no chance to continue thinking, golden light penetrated his throat, blood constantly gushing out, staining the entire seat.

Chu Feng opened the door of the car, then sat in, and lightly ordered, "Stop!"

Hearing Chu Feng's order, the driver immediately stopped the car.

He tremblingly said: "Leader, we didn't mean it! It's all Wei brother, no, it's the **** Li Wei who threatened us! Don't blame us!"

Now his heart is full of fear, a supernatural person! A superb power player, a power player standing at the top of the food chain, was killed when Chu Feng said he was killed.

Chu Feng faintly commanded: "Get off!"

Several people did not dare to defy and had to get out of the vehicle.

Now Chu Feng's words are absolute imperial decree for them, and no one can resist.

Seeing a few people stepping out of the vehicle, the angry crowd immediately rushed up and began to scuffle.

"I let you steal the car! I let you steal the car!"

"That's our lifesaver."

"Kill them."

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