Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 194: Meet Gu Nanfei again

After Chu Feng refined Huang Mao, get off the car to check the situation.

The crowd onlookers saw Chu Feng come down and immediately dispersed.

At this time, they discovered that the few people on the ground were silent.

Seeing that they were breathless, the angry crowd recovered some calm.

"I didn't fight it."

"I didn't kill it."

"I, we didn't want to kill them!"

People began to wash their charges. They were indeed angry at the actions of these people, but they did not expect to kill them.

However, when people are angry, it is easy to lose their minds, and it is not clear or heavy to start.

Especially those who put supplies on this car, there is no bottom line.

They have all become warriors now, although they are not much stronger than the limits of human beings, but after all they are beyond the limits of the human body, and the start is even less serious.

After all, killing is not an acceptable thing for them, so they began to wash away their guilt.

Chu Feng looked at the fist marks on several people, and found that there were still a few stab wounds under the fist marks. This was the main reason why several people were killed.

When Chu Feng's gaze fell on a few stab wounds, several people in the crowd unnaturally hid from the crowd, and then pretended that nothing had happened.

Chu Feng did not intend to hold them accountable.

"In this world, food and water are our wealth and lives. These people rob us of our car and want to take our wealth and lives. That is tantamount to killing our lives for money and death."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone cheered.

"Leader is righteous!"

"Long live the leader!"

Now Chu Feng's words are equivalent to setting a rule for them, that is, those who want to infringe on everyone's interests are tantamount to killing money and killing them directly.

Although it sounds cruel, in the last days, if you are kind to this kind of person, then you will face a steady stream of people who take risks.

At this moment, otherwise a team of more than a dozen people broke through the insect swarm and came over.

The one who walked in the front of the crowd was surprisingly an acquaintance of Chu Feng.

"Gu Nanfei, why are you here?"

After seeing the people, Chu Feng was also a little surprised.

Although the entire fortress has not yet fully fallen, most of the area has been harassed by the insect swarms. I didn't expect Gu Nanfei to appear here at this time, obviously worrying about his safety.

Gu Nanfei looked around and smiled bitterly: "I was worried about your safety at first! Now it seems that you don't have to worry about your safety at all."

Although he did not have time to help, he was thinking of his affection in the midst of the crisis, and Chu Feng still took note: "Gu Nanfei, how is the military over there?"

Gu Nanfei said: "There are too many bugs. At night, the power of guns is greatly weakened due to the visibility. If you want to carry out rescue operations, it is easy to hit people. So now the military has no choice but to do everything possible. Kill more bugs."

Having said that, some people around him have some shame in their eyes.

Especially the person who used to confidently say in front of Chu Feng that the military will definitely restore order to the way it was before the disaster, his eyes were full of gloom.

Chu Feng said: "You just came here. This place is not easy to defend. Let's go to the side of the city wall first, then rely on the city wall to defend, and wait until dawn before changing places."

Gu Nanfei looked at the crowd, nodded and said, "It's okay, then it's up to you."

With that said, he said to several people in military uniforms around him: "There are many people here who need to be transferred. Let's take care of it!"

The duty of soldiers is to save and protect people. Now Gu Nanfei is just giving them a step. There are so many people here who need protection, and it doesn't matter if they follow along.

As a result, everyone fled in the direction of the city wall.

Although Chu Feng knew that the insect swarm's attack would not end in this way, until the entire fortress fell, the insect swarm would continue to attack, but it was late at night and it was not a time to escape, so he could only find a relatively safe place first.

When the Dawn Alliance was migrating, many people saw the actions of the Dawn Alliance, their eyes lit up, and then they took big bags and small bags to tell who was by the Dawn Alliance.

For such a person, Chu Feng did not refuse.

He doesn't take the initiative to help others, but he doesn't mind who others lead him behind.

The premise is that the opponent does not hold back.

Although many people were injured along the way, most of them arrived safely next to the city wall. Chu Feng ordered the people of the Healing Department to treat the seriously injured people, and then went to continue killing the insects.

Although his cultivation speed may not be as fast as those geniuses, he can refine everything into his own strength, and now is a good opportunity for him to improve his strength.

After solving another wave of insect swarm attacks, Gu Nanfei came to Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng looked at him hesitating and stopped, and smiled: "What do you want to say? Just say it."

Gu Nanfei came to him because he regarded him as a friend, but until now he has been following the team, it is obviously something.

Gu Nanfei said: "I already want to understand. In this troubled world, we must create a force of our own, so that we have the ability to formulate rules. Don't mention anything else, if we let the Gu family become the rulers. , That would be a disaster for most people."

He didn't think so much in the past, or it was too late to think so much.

When he found that he could help many people through the disaster, he never stopped planning to help others, but after seeing and hearing during this period, he found that he was really powerless.

Now that the spread of the exercises has started in an all-round way, after this disaster, the practice of martial arts has become the general trend, and he wants to do more.

Chu Feng said, "I thought you would think of this earlier, but what are you going to do?"

Gu Nanfei said: "After the ability reaches Tier 5, it can support an energy shield, and then use it as a foundation to prepare a safe shelter for everyone. It is much safer than such a fortress, and I want to build it. One, and then grow stronger, but this needs your help."

When the supernatural person awakens, many people have gained a lot of knowledge, including knowledge about the energy shield.

It's just that it takes a certain price to maintain the energy shield, and there are too few people with abilities that reach level 5, so not many people build it.

Chu Feng was surprised: "Are you with a Tier 5 supernatural ability?"

Gu Nanfei said: "Yes, Luo Xingyao is, he has already agreed with the military that he is ready to establish a pilot survival base as a model."

In other words, if the first survival base is successfully established, then future survival bases will follow this template.

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