Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 195: Persuade Gu Nanfei

Chu Feng was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Luo Xingyao, who was suspected to have died in his previous life, to reach this level now.

However, considering the character of the Nandu Military Region, it is estimated that he wants to focus on training people like Luo Xingyao, so it is normal to pour a lot of crystal nuclei on him.

In addition, because of his own existence, it also changed the opponent's survival trajectory, such as dropping the opponent directly from the front to the rear, avoiding his death.

However, he still didn't want to owe the military too much: "Actually, I can do this too."

Gu Nanfei was shocked and said: "You have also reached the fifth rank?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "My awakening ability is quite special, I just have some such means, and I don't want to have too much involvement with the military."

Gu Nanfei expressionlessly said, "If it weren't for you to talk about the military's tiger skin, I would really believe it."

During this period of time, Chu Feng actually did something under the banner of the other party. Even his parents took the initiative to go to the laboratory of the Southern Capital Military Region. He was really ashamed to say this.

But Chu Feng didn’t feel embarrassed: “I’m just cooperating with the military. I’m a relatively close business partner, but I will never become a company. If you want to join forces with me to build a power, this is what I need to do. To the bottom line."

Gu Nanfei asked: "I don't think you hate the military, but why are you so resistant?"

Chu Feng said: "Of course I don't hate the military, and I even respect what they do, but their acting style is too fair. I am not a great man like you. I just want to live with the people around me. , So I will be partial to my own people and trample on fairness and justice."

This is why Chu Feng did not join the military.

The backing of the military is a strong backing for others. After all, their strength has always been at the top. But for Chu Feng, fairness and justice means that people around him cannot get too much extra. Take care, this is beyond his tolerance.

Maybe this kind of thinking is a bit selfish, but Chu Feng is no longer willing to be a selfless person like his previous life.

Gu Nanfei sighed: "Then we..."

"Gu Nanfei, what are you talking about?"

Chu Xiaorou also leaned over. Before Chu Feng rushed to the fortress, when she was in danger, Xu Yan notified Gu Nanfei and saved her life. She was also very grateful to Gu Nanfei.

Gu Nanfei smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just wondered if I could build a safe place."

Then, Chu Feng didn't conceal anything from his sister, so he told the story.

In this world, he could no longer prevent his sister from contacting many dark things. Now her ability to bear it has become much stronger, and Chu Feng can teach her more.

After telling Chu Xiaorou about the whole thing, Chu Xiaorou said to Gu Nanfei: "You mean, if a survival base based on an energy shield is successfully established, will it be a template for establishing a survival base in the future?"

Gu Nanfei said: "Yes, the establishment of a survival base is not just a place to live. In addition to entertainment, all living facilities must be fully equipped. Although some people built survival bases in the past, it involves the existence of the awakened. There are still many areas that need to be improved, and although the survival base cannot be said to be isolated from the world, it is destined to become a place outside the law, and one must be careful."

Chu Xiaorou asked: "Can you ensure that every survival base has people in the army to maintain order?"

Gu Nanfei shook his head: "This is impossible. The military cannot have so many people. If some people are sent to each survival base, the effect of deterrence will not be too great."

Chu Xiaojudo: "Then why do you think that the survival base built by the military can be a template for the survival base built by others?"

Gu Nanfei was stunned. He hadn't even considered this question.

After Chu Xiaorou reminded him, he suddenly realized a problem.

Order where there is an army is totally different from order where there is no army.

Even in the peaceful and prosperous times, it also needs the existence of Yamen.

Chu Xiaojudo: "In this case, why not let the military build a survival base, and let ordinary people build a survival base, and compare the two, and then improve each other?"

Not only Gu Nanfei, but even members of those armies, are all being moved now.

At this time, they also understood what Chu Xiaorou meant. Something managed and unmanaged are two different things, so they need to have pioneers.

Chu Feng thought that his sister could actually think of this key point, so he hit the railroad while it was hot:

"If I want to build a survival base, although military personnel are not allowed to intervene in my management, I can calmly tell the military the contents of the survival base."

Gu Nanfei thought for a while, then smiled bitterly: "You have moved me. I can exist as a link between you and the army."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation."

Gu Nanfei stretched out his hand and shook hands with Chu Feng: "Happy cooperation."

And Chu Xiaorou also jumped up happily.

After receiving Gu Nanfei's help, Chu Feng had more confidence in the future of the survival base. After all, he believed in Gu Nanfei's behavior.

If Su Yuan persuades Su Yuyan and others, then his team is almost finished.

After his power building is completed, some enemies can let go and solve them. After he has solved the problems in the south, he can go to the north to make up for some regrets.

To live a life again, the most important family for him, is to make up for the regrets of the previous life.

Chu Feng said, "Next, you help me protect the law. I will build a simple energy shield so that you can see the usefulness of this energy shield."

With that, he began to walk out of the queue.

Streams of light flew out of Chu Feng's hands, and after falling on the ground, they turned into beams of light. Then, these beams of light were connected, and they became light curtains after another.

Seeing Chu Feng's movements, everyone's eyes were attracted by Chu Feng.

"What is the leader doing?"

"do not know."

"What do these beams of light do?"

"Don't look, another bug is coming."

The curiosity of everyone was quickly attracted by the insects that came again, and they picked up the guys to continue fighting with these insects.

Then, an incredible scene happened.

A bug hit the light curtain, like hitting a wall, and flew back a few steps after being bounced back.

The worm did not believe in evil, and continued to fly forward, but after just a few steps, he was bounced back again.

After seeing this scene, a few sharp-eyed people exclaimed excitedly: "These light curtains can block bugs!"

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