Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 199: Cohesion

The source of the sound was a middle-aged man in his 30s. He was wearing a tattered suit and ragged appearance.

When he made his request, more and more people's eyes were bright.

At this time, many people looked at Chu Feng.

Now is the time for the Dawn Alliance to gather people's hearts, as long as they do well enough, it will be easy to gather some people's hearts, and then easily receive them under their command.

It's just that Chu Feng needs a charter for these matters.

But Su Yuan and other deputy leaders, or the members of the Alliance Council, had a wry smile in their hearts.

A flat-headed young man smiled bitterly at Su Yuan: "How do I feel that our previous behavior of wanting to take advantage of the leader is like playing a house?"

After hearing what he said, several deputy leaders all looked at him with "bad" eyes.

What nonsense!

is not that right? They worked so hard to recruit members, win people's hearts, and constantly build their confidants and team to expand their influence.

When they were preparing to take Chu Feng over the air, they were already ready to fight for power with Chu Feng. Several people even arranged for some people to probe Chu Feng’s abilities and prepare to seize power from them. At that time, there was a sudden outbreak.

But when the disaster really came, they discovered that Chu Feng turned out to be the only Dinghai Shenzhen in the alliance.

As long as he is there, it can give people a sense of security.

Only he can make everyone feel at ease.

Chu Feng said: "Joining the Dawn Alliance will not bring any direct benefits. We will not distribute food and water to you directly, but we will give you a chance to get everything you want, which is to take your hands. Use the corpses and crystal cores of those monsters to exchange everything you want with me."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, some people sighed, and even retreated.

But some people showed a decisive look in their eyes. They shouted: "We are willing to join, we are willing to fight those monsters!"

Chu Feng turned his head and said to Su Yuan and others: "The next step is your performance."

Recruiting members and arranging each person's position are all left to his subordinates. At least Chu Feng will not waste time on such things.

His duty is to be a mascot, not right, it is a Dinghai Shenzhen.

If he puts too much energy on recruiting members, then he will be useless.

Strength is the root of everything, she has never forgotten this.

A flat-headed young man smiled bitterly at Chu Feng: "Leader, I apologize for our previous irrationality. Now we know one thing, that is, we can only live by following the leader."

In the swarm attack last night, countless people lost their lives, even if they were supernaturalists, many had their throats bitten by bugs in their sleep.

Strength is the foundation for survival, but how useful they can be used is the fundamental factor that determines whether they will survive in this era.

Other powers also said: "Leader, you have a large number of you, I believe you will not care about us!"

"What kind of person is the leader? He is like the savior. How can he care about this with us?"

"Yeah! The leader must have seen all of us Xiao Jiujiu in his eyes, but never said it."

Suddenly, no matter if it was true or against it, everyone knew one thing, and that was that Chu Feng was the most important person among them.

Therefore, they don't have much overhead thinking.

The act of playing is really boring.

And Chu Feng smiled and said to them: "If you want to really build the alliance into a monolithic one, it's definitely not enough to rely on me alone. We still need to support each other. I don't object to some people wanting to pull their own team, but this There is a bottom line, that is, it must not harm the overall interests."

Su Yuan solemnly promised: "The alliance is the alliance of everyone. I believe that this will never happen, and I will not let this happen."

In the first half, she believed in people's IQ, and in the second half, she understood that in the face of some people who are flooded with brains, only the use of force is the guarantee of maintaining order.

When all the supernaturalists were busy working, Gu Nanfei also made a decision.

Gu Nanfei looked at all this, and then said to several people in the military: "I know you are not willing to give up everyone, but the reality is much crueler than you expected. If you continue to hold on to your previous ideas, it will be worth it. Those who are protected cannot be protected."

The military saluted Gu Nanfei and said, "We will seriously consider your opinion."

Gu Nanfei said: "I am going to take a different path from yours next, but I hope that even if I take a different path, we will still not be enemies."

The humanity of the military: "We will not become enemies with those who are kind to us."

Because Gu Nanfei took a different path from his previous life, his exercises were more helpful to the military than Chu Feng expected. Such exercises directly saved countless people.

Although it also caused some casualties, the people in the army were the most grievances and grievances, and they had nothing but gratitude for Gu Nanfei.

As for Chu Feng, their gratitude to Chu Feng has actually been consumed by Chu Feng’s repeated attempts to test the bottom line of the military. Now Chu Feng’s relationship with the military is not based on character, but on contribution. Up.

But Chu Feng didn't care about this either. He had no intention of relying on others.

And Chu Xiaorou laughed happily when she saw Gu Nanfei preparing to join forces with Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Xiaorou's smile, Xu Yan instinctively became wary, but in the end she was relieved.

In the following time, people with insufficient sleep began to take turns to sleep, and under Su Yuan's command, everyone started their respective positions and division of labor in an orderly manner.

When Su Yuan talked about her past, she once said that she controlled the family business. This is an understatement, but only people who have experienced the darkness of shopping malls understand that at her age can take the family from the hands of the elders. What kind of skill does an enterprise need?

Therefore, under her amazing commanding ability, everyone's cohesion has not only relied on the temporary enthusiasm, but has begun to real cohesion.

At this time, Su Yuan, under Chu Feng’s instruction, consciously or unconsciously reminded everyone of one thing: "The leader intends to build a special residence. Around their residence, they will be completely surrounded by such a protective cover, although There are certain limitations, but it is not a problem to ensure that everyone sleeps at ease, so that everyone does not get their heads bitten by bugs while sleeping."

This news made everyone even more excited.

They already understood that Baoli was no longer the safest place to live. Since the leader possessed such supernatural powers, they naturally became loyal to Chu Feng.

Maybe such loyalty will not make them shed their blood, but they have now begun to regard their partners who are fighting side by side as their own family.

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