Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 200: Strength improvement

Chapter 200 The Improvement of Strength

When the Dawn Alliance began to organize neatly, and some crazy hungry people began to hunt and kill insects, and then exchanged for food, Chu Feng was not idle.

Since he planned to build a survival base, he didn't intend to perfuse things, but wanted everything to be the best.

"The most important thing to build a survival base is to stabilize the source of food. At the beginning, you can get food by searching out, but in the long run, it won't work."

Chu Feng opened a map searched from the newsstand, "So our best choice is actually in the countryside. Fortunately, there are many suitable farmland near the southern capital. We can choose one of them."

Gu Nanfei said: "However, if you don't rely on the old buildings, but the buildings close to the countryside, everyone's safety cannot be effectively guaranteed."

Chu Feng retorted: "Don't you realize that these buildings have been less and less helpful to us? Houses made of concrete and masonry cannot be a guarantee of our safety."

Gu Nanfei frowned and said, "But, what are we going to do? It is not easy to build a truly safe fortress. Although many electronic products and machines have returned to work, we want to build very strong buildings. It’s not easy."

Chu Feng said, "You don’t need those machines. The Awakened of the Earth Element is the best architect. With the Awakened of the Fire Element, it is not a problem to build a solid building. The only thing to worry about is various daily necessities such as buildings. But you can search from cities, and now the most unoccupied rooms in cities."

Hearing this, Gu Nanfei's eyes were also sad for a while.

According to rough estimates, more than 60% of the population has been lost near the southern capital, and 30% of them have become zombies, and more people have become food for zombies. If this proportion of deaths extends to the entire China, So in such a short time since the end of the world, China has lost hundreds of millions of people.

This is a terrifying number, even if it has never appeared in the history of China.

Of course, from an individual point of view, the joys and sorrows of human beings are never connected, and the fear of those around them is reduced by half, which is far less than the fear of the surrounding environment.

Chu Feng continued: "Considering the problem of the house skeleton, you can find some gold-type supernatural powers, or directly use the spine of zombies and wild beasts as the skeleton, so that it will be stronger."

Gu Nanfei nodded, he had already noticed something wrong, that is, Chu Feng's performance was a bit too professional.

But he didn't ask too much, because he felt boring.

Now that the two had decided to join forces, of course he decided to trust Chu Feng.

During the discussion between the two, Su Yuan came to interrupt once: "Leader, our food has already been exchanged. Is there anything else that can be exchanged here?"

The number of people in the alliance has suddenly increased, and of course the number of insects they killed has also increased a lot. Now Chu Feng can get food from him even the corpses of the insects, causing their reserves to be stretched.

Chu Feng said: "Wait a moment, I'll get it in the car."

As he said, he flipped down from the roof of the car, took down several boxes of canned food and water, and handed them to Su Yuan. He also gave her some medicines and daily necessities by the way.

In fact, taking things in the car was just a blinding method for him. Most of his supplies were placed in the Yuan Mansion. It was only because he did not want to expose the secrets of the Yuan Mansion, that he made such a fake action.

Anyway, the structure of the armored vehicle is very complicated, and no one knows how many things are hidden on it.

Su Yuan asked hesitantly: "Leader, now everyone exchanges crystal cores and bug corpses for food. They have already exchanged too much. The leader of the alliance should not consider raising prices or restricting exchanges, so that the water will flow."

Chu Feng said: "Your consideration is very reasonable, but now is the time when people are upset, so no matter how much they ask for, we can provide as much as possible. Those who have already exchanged enough food and water for several days. People, you can use other things to make them have the desire to exchange."

Just kidding, the corpses and crystal cores of these insects are the guarantee of Chu Feng's improvement. Even if he wastes some materials, he can't waste it.

Now the members of the Dawn Alliance have increased to more than 2,000 people, which is equivalent to more than 2,000 people helping him with day labor. How could he miss this opportunity?

After all, what he is going to do is too dangerous, and it is not time for him to stop and improve.

After Su Yuan ordered several people to hand over the exchanged items to Chu Feng, she continued to preside over the command and exchange matters. She only made a suggestion to Chu Feng and had no decision-making power. She understood this very clearly.

Chu Feng handed the crystal nuclei to Xiaoxi: "After purifying these crystal nuclei, you and Xiao Rou Ziqing will be separated! The more you improve in strength, the more you can help me. By the way, use you. The ability to help some wounded, and then appropriate fees, not too high, but definitely not free."

Xiaoxi nodded obediently.

To her, Chu Feng's words are the imperial edict, no matter what this order is, she will meticulously execute it.

Zhang Ziqing curled his lips: "But, I don't think I can help you much!"

Chu Feng comforted: "What are you talking about! Without your power, where can I go to take a bath!"

Zhang Ziqing only felt as if he had been directly inserted into the heart by a knife. Is this comfort? This is called a crit, right?

Such a straight steel man, because he is in this era, otherwise he will be single for a lifetime!

Zhang Ziqing thought angrily.

However, she still went to join the treatment.

She has seen the sinister heart and understands that it is very important for Chu Feng to ask her to charge, because if she pays for free, then others will take her contribution as a matter of course, but if it is an appropriate charge, it will Arouse the dislike of others, but will not cause too many disputes.

After giving the crystal cores to Xiaoxi and the others, Chu Feng also began to refine the corpses of the Zerg race.

A few days ago, because he wanted to prepare for today, he prepared a lot of Yuan Talisman at the cost of sacrificing the speed of cultivation, because he not only had to face the insect swarm, but also took the opportunity to solve the threat of Gu family.

He didn't have to worry about Gu Nanfei's feelings, because Gu Nanfei was the person the Gu family wanted to kill most.

However, his preparations have been done a few days ago. The most important thing for him now is of course to improve his level.

With more than 2,000 people working for him, Chu Feng collected countless zerg corpses, plus the mutant insects refined and absorbed during the battle, so that Chu Feng's strength increased rapidly.

"Three-tier seven-tier, three-tier eight-tier, three-tier nine-tier..."

With the supply of sufficient resources, Chu Feng's strength quickly reached Tier 9 and then he fell into a bottleneck.

This bottleneck is not because of lack of vitality, but because he found that after he reached the third-order peak, all the vitality absorbed afterwards was absorbed by the Yuan Palace. No matter how much vitality, he can only expand the Yuan Palace, but not allow himself. The strength is improved.

"Could it be that my strength has improved too fast? Yes, I didn't have such a good training environment in my previous life. It seems that after the Gu family's threat is resolved, the plan to deal with Jinling creatures has to be postponed."

Chu Feng was not impatient, but silently continued to refine the corpse of the Zerg race and transform it into vitality.

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