Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 201: Honest surveillance

When Chu Feng finished refining the corpses of the Zerg race that could be collected in a short time, the Yuan Palace space in his body doubled.

Seeing Yuan Mansion whose body was empty, Chu Feng had the urge to fill it up.

"It's really a phobia of lack of firepower!"

Chu Feng sighed in his heart. It was obvious that he had gone out to collect these few days, and the stored materials had been enough for 2,000 people for half a year. Various types of daily necessities were piled up like a mountain, but he still instinctively saw the empty space.

But this is not to blame him, this is a phobia of insufficient firepower passed down by the Chinese ancestors, which most people have.

While inspecting the Yuan Palace, Chu Feng discovered that a small water hole appeared in the space of the Yuan Palace, which gave him an inexplicable impulse and decided to study it later.

After refining most of the Zerg corpses, Chu Feng dissected some more insects.

This is not for him to study, but to take out the meat from the bug.

It's not that he regrets the meat, but because he wants to explain to outsiders. Otherwise, what is he doing with the corpses of these insects?

However, after the worms mutated, the edible part of the body did not increase too much. A worm the size of a human head can often only take out half the size of a fingernail. This is a very challenging and careful job.

Considering that such behavior was a little weird, Chu Feng took off the hardest parts of the insect body, such as the mouthparts and wings. These things will be useful for him in the future.

Seeing the pile of insect remains next to Chu Feng, the people in the league were puzzled, but no one asked.

Chu Feng's ability to lead people to survive has been perfectly demonstrated. Maybe this is what the leader is considering for future survival?

When picking up the corpses of insects, there were conflicts between some teams, and Su Yuan was always able to resolve them quickly, which made Chu Feng very satisfied.

Several members of the military who came with Gu Nanfei contacted the military once, and their faces became very ugly.

After a while, a talent came to Chu Feng with red eyes and murderous intent in his eyes, but he still tried his best to keep Chu Feng as peaceful as possible: "Mr. Chu, Chief Hu died."

Chu Feng's expression was sad, then he said, "I see."

He thought he had become accustomed to death, but when he heard the news of the death of an acquaintance, he still felt a little sad.

However, considering that all members of the military should have died to protect others, Chu Feng was relieved.

In the last days, this way of death is already the most handsome way to die.

For those who are unable to live, such a method of death is enviable.

The soldier said to Chu Feng: "The sacrifice of Chief Hu was because after encountering the insects last night, some people felt that they could not escape, so they pushed Chief Hu into the insect tide."

Chu Feng's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent: "Did the person who did this die?"

If they are not dead, let him send them to die.

The soldier said: "Because of the sacrifices of Chief Hu and the soldiers who led the team, there was a gap in the defense line. More than 5,000 survivors under the protection of the military died. Under their anger, they have all the survivors who disrupted order. Killed. We have just received an order to kill anyone who threatens the lives of others."

The killing intent in Chu Feng's eyes finally faded.

The army has the most numbers and masters, and they protect the most people.

Death to protect the innocent may seem worthy of admiration, but if those spirits are thrown away, if they die, who will protect more innocent people?

The last order must be that people in the military are aware of this problem.

He suddenly remembered what happened in his previous life, that is, when this fortress was attacked by the Zerg, all the soldiers who stayed in the fortress died in battle.

He originally thought that these soldiers died because they abide by their duties and stick to their posts, but he didn't expect it to be for this reason.

If it were not for him to remind Gu Nanfei to give priority to those cultivation techniques to the military, I am afraid that the tragedy of the army's annihilation would continue.

"It's no wonder that the army will change its behavior after this incident. I thought they had a long memory. I didn't expect it to be because of the lessons of blood. If Luo Xingyao did not have my relationship, I am afraid he would have died last night, even if he was a 5 It’s the same with the abilities of rank.

Chu Feng clarified the cause and effect, and felt a little grateful that he could save someone like Luo Xingyao.

This is the impact of the butterfly effect.

Thinking of this, he asked the people in the military: "Are you going to return to the army next?"

The soldier shook his head: "I have reported the conversation between you and Gu Nanfei yesterday to Shangfeng. Shangfeng ordered us to stay by your side. As a connection between the two parties, we will take care of everything that happened to you except privacy. Report it up, but the opposite is that the above will also tell you the information that the military has obtained the first time. Of course, if you refuse, we will leave immediately.

This is equivalent to a blatant surveillance, but this surveillance is not malicious.

In exchange for a surveillance qualification from the intelligence that can be obtained by the military, this is already a very fair business, and military intelligence can play a key role in many cases.

So, Chu Feng said straightforwardly: "Yes, I don't have anything shameful here, as long as it's not a private matter, just report it."

Because he wouldn't let the other party find out about privacy matters, so he didn't have any concerns.

On the contrary, being able to have a few more military masters is a great help to him.

Among other things, if ordinary people manipulate guns, they will often hurt their own people more than their enemies. Even if they are not good enough, they will at least not hit their own people.

At this time, there was a restless sound not far away.

Without waiting for Chu Feng's order, Su Yuan took someone to understand the situation.

On the other hand, Chu Feng called Ye Xiaohui, who was so scarred,: "Didn't I tell you that people can only do what they want to do if they are alive?"

Ye Xiaohui lowered her head and said, "However, the improvement of the martial artist's strength is too slow."

Her level is actually not low among the martial artists. She has reached the first level and seventh level. Except for people like Gu Nanfei who have practiced before the catastrophe, her level is already considered high.

She cultivated so fast, not because of her aptitude, but because of her madness. Regardless of harm, she collected the vitality of heaven and earth into her body, and she wandered on the edge of life and death several times.

At the same time, she was also the most murderous person around Chu Feng, killing monsters the most.

Because of the vitality she provided for herself, Chu Feng saved her time and time again.

Seeing the firm will in her eyes, Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, and said: "I can give you a chance to become a supernatural person, but this has to be exchanged at the same price."

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