Become a superpower?

Upon hearing the news, Ye Xiaohui's eyes beamed.

She leaned close to Chu Feng desperately, her eyes widened: "How can I become a supernatural player? I am willing to pay no matter what the price is. I will kill as many monsters as I want."

Equivalent exchange is Chu Feng's firm principle, and she knows this.

But even if it was an equivalent exchange, Chu Feng's move still gained a lot of people's hearts.

Because at this time, such an opportunity for equal exchange is originally the most precious thing, and it is also the guarantee for many people to survive.

Hearing her words, Tian Jing and others also leaned over.

"Boss, we are the ones who have been with you for the longest time!"

"Boss, there are good things, shouldn't they be given to us first?"

"I also want to be a superpower, the boss tell me what to do."

Tao Jinghua, Huang Tianhua, Xu Wei and others all had their eyes bright. They were Chu Feng's confidants, but when they saw one after another gathering of supernaturalists around Chu Feng, they had doubts about their status.

Now that they heard that there is an opportunity to become a superpower, they certainly don't want to let it go.

Currently, there are only two ways to become a power user. The first is awakening, which is an uncontrollable factor, and the second is that the power user gives his power to the person he trusts most before his death.

However, there are too few examples of this, and one needs to sacrifice a supernatural player. Each example is an existence that cannot be replicated.

Now, they heard that Chu Feng actually had a way to become a supernatural person, how could they not be excited?

Chu Feng shook his head: "You are all the people who have followed me for the longest time. If this method does not require a price, I will definitely awaken you, but the danger of this method is second, and the most important thing is you. Some conditions are still missing, and I also need a test product."

Several people hesitated when they heard that they wanted to become a test product.

But, become a superpower!

It seems that even if it becomes a test product, it is not unacceptable!

Chu Feng continued: "The reason why I put my energy on cultivating you, not those with supernatural powers, is because you have enough potential. You don't think I will do things that waste time!"

Hearing this, the few people relaxed.

They all have a certain understanding of Chu Feng, knowing that Chu Feng is not the kind of person who takes loyalty seriously, so since he is willing to focus on them, it means that they will definitely be able to play value in the future.

For those who are useless, Chu Feng will not care about their lives.

Tian Jing nodded and said, "I believe in the boss."

Xu Wei: "Me too."

Tao Jinghua: "Me too."

In fact, even if they don't believe it, there is nothing to do.

Chu Feng first took out a bottle of water and handed it to Ye Xiaohui, and said, "Drink it and tell me the detailed feelings."

Ye Xiaohui drank it without hesitation, and after earnestly feeling it for a while, said: "I feel that the meridian injury in my body has recovered a bit, a bit like the effect of the boss using the rejuvenation charm to help me heal my injury."

After hearing Ye Xiaohui's report, Chu Feng was thoughtful.

Chu Feng's Yuan Palace did not know when there was a group of fresh air, and later this group of fresh air turned into a small pool of water during Chu Feng's breakthrough, only the size of a sink.

However, the water in the small water pool is not real water, but is made of special substances. Chu Feng tried to get it out. Then, upon inspiration, he poured the water from the pool into a mineral water bottle, only to find it here. Water can blend with ordinary water, producing a special effect.

This is a change he hasn't had in his previous life. It seems that some strange changes have taken place in the cultivation path of the two lives.

However, it seems that this kind of "yuan water" has nothing special about it. It only has a healing effect. Compared with the healing ability of the awakened, it is quite different.

Chu Feng brought out a special bowl of white meat and ordered Ye Xiaohui: "Eat them."

Ye Xiaohui ate it without hesitation. The moment she ate it, she felt a strong discomfort on her face. It seemed that the food was not meat at all, but something like a knife, but she gritted her teeth and persisted in the end. Finished the whole bowl of meat.

When she was about to say something after eating, she suddenly dropped the bowl.


Ye Xiaohui clutched her throat, rolling on the ground in pain, black lines appeared under her skin and surfaced.

Seeing her in pain, Tian Jing couldn't help asking: "Master, what did you say to her?"

Chu Feng said, "It's the flesh of insects!"

Hearing the meat of the insect, several people have an urge to vomit.

Xu Yan, with her face as usual, said, "But I heard that the meat of these insects is poisonous. After eating, they will undoubtedly die and cannot be saved."

When people are hungry, even bark can be eaten, let alone the flesh of insects?

In addition, some people are naturally fond of doing things, so many people have tried to eat the meat of insects, but unfortunately those people are no exception, all of them died on the spot.

But Chu Feng ate so much insect meat for Ye Xiaohui, it seemed that she couldn't survive.

Chu Feng explained: "Most of the meat of these insects is actually non-toxic, but most people's bodies are relatively fragile and cannot withstand the energy contained in the insects' flesh. Have you heard of any supernatural being who eats insects? Did the meat happen?"

Xu Yan shook her head: "There is no ability to eat insects."

In this age of the weak and the strong, the supernatural beings can always live better than ordinary people.

In the fortress, some people were holding some food and wanted to threaten the psychic to work for him. As a result, he was in a different place that night, and the face of the psychic who was threatened by him became rosy.

After that incident, ordinary people with large amounts of food immediately sought the protection of the supernatural beings, and of course the protection of those who were fairly good-natured.

However, Chu Feng sneered at their behavior. Since there is no ability to protect himself, why not join the military? How do you say the military is more disciplined than those strangers!

Ye Xiaohui's body kept twitching, blood lines bursting out of her body, which looked miserable, while Chu Feng silently cast her a rejuvenation charm to help her recover, making her struggle constantly on the edge of life and death.

When Tian Jing and others saw such a terrible scene, they had already given up.

Xu Yan was even more pale, and said, "Is the awakening of the acquired supernatural being so terrible?"

If this is the case, she doesn't know if she has the courage to try.

"No, everyone is different."

Before Chu Feng's words had time to let the few people breathe a sigh of relief, they once again shattered their illusions, "She is very close to the supernatural power, so the pain she endured is less than others."

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