Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 211: Patriarch's Decision

Only children are right or wrong!

This sentence blocked Gu Changwen's subsequent words.

Gu Changwu took a step forward and said, "There are so many monsters outside now, shouldn't we unite? Just like before, the sand is scattered..."

"Are you more united than the soldiers?"

Chu Feng interrupted the other party, “In order to disrupt the military’s order, you spread panic directly in the military’s barracks, and even killed the military’s people who were protecting the people. This directly led to the deaths of more than 8,000 people and caused a chain reaction. Directly let the survivors under the military collapse, is this what you call unity?"

Gu Changwu was speechless. If he was an old Lai or an expert, he could continue to fight back with Chu Feng, but now in front of so many people, how could he be stunned?

When those onlookers listened to this, the look in their family members' eyes became even worse.

In any case, most of the people were rescued here by the military, and Gu's approach is beyond the bottom line of mankind.

Chu Feng kept walking forward and said as he walked, "Those who are students who are few in order to protect the majority. Although I can't understand their way, I can understand it, but I don't know that you are doing this for the minority. And what is the face of sacrificing most people?"

Now he has shirked all the military accounts on Gu's head, and of course no one opposes it.

Because many people have done things that are shameful to the military, and now there is a person who has committed the crime, of course, those people will not argue for the Gu family.

As for the Gu family, they are going to perish anyway.

The Gu family's calculations are also pretty good, but it is a pity that Chu Feng has experienced ten years of apocalypse. This level of conspiracy is not much better than that of the family in front of Chu Feng, but the foundation is a little higher.

So he will encounter danger when dealing with monsters, but when dealing with people, it is really much easier than dealing with those monsters.

Gu Changwen looked at Gu Nanfei: "You are also a disciple of our Gu family. Do you think your approach can be worthy of our Gu family's ancestors? Privately taught exercises. When you are under Jiuquan, can you really make your ancestors peaceful?"

The righteousness has been lost, and he wants to find face from other places.

For such people, sometimes face is more important than life.

Gu Nanfei said: "The Gu family’s ancestors are taught by the ancestors of the Gu family. The disciples of the Gu family will not be born, and they will accumulate blessings.

Gu Changwen looked up to the sky and laughed: "Okay, okay, okay, really a good junior of our Gu family! You really have the same virtue as your father."

Gu Nanfei's expression changed: "Where is my dad?"

Gu Changwen said: "Don't worry, I still can't do this kind of threatening thing about the enemy's parents, but how can I allow outsiders to intervene in the affairs of the Gu family? If you have the ability, you will fight me fairly. If you win, you are New Patriarch, if you lose, I will be cleared."

Chu Feng is very disdainful of this old traditional thinking.

The other party had obviously given up the hope of survival now, but still put on a lofty and arrogant look, thinking of clearing the door at his deathbed.

However, he also knew that this kind of thinking was the glory inherited by the ancient martial family for thousands of years, and it was also their proud capital. Chu Feng didn't say anything.

Just when he was about to do it, Gu Nanfei said, "Okay, I agree."

As he said, he took a few steps forward, and Chu Feng stopped Gu Nanfei: "You are crazy, now the situation is in our favor, what hero do you have?"

Gu Nanfei said: "I am not acting as a hero, but the things I can bring out of the Gu family are limited, and the help to others is also limited. If I become the owner of the family, then I can bring out more things from the Gu family. Not to mention, even the allegiance of those Gu's collaterals can also allow them to protect more people."

Chu Feng said, "Have you never thought about the consequences of your failure?"

Gu Nanfei smiled and said, "Why don't you save me if I lose? It's just a shame. I've seen such boring things a long time ago."

Hearing this, Chu Feng was also relieved.

Gu Nanfei is a person who insists on implementing his beliefs. For this belief, he is willing to risk his life, but what he implements is the belief itself, not the method.

Those stale rules and regulations really have no binding effect on someone who has publicized family martial arts.

For him, the result is important.

Even with the protection of Chu Feng, the battle is still dangerous, but Gu Nanfei is not a weak person with a soft example, and he will not even be unable to bear this danger.

So everyone gave way to make room for the duel between the two.

The people of the Gu family looked at the Patriarch with expectation. They still had naive illusions, thinking that as long as the Patriarch's unworldly authority was established, there was hope of a comeback.

It's not that they are ignorant, but because of the care they have received since childhood.

The strong are respected, this is carved in their bones.

Gu Changwen threw a sword to Gu Nanfei, holding a sword in his hand: "I know that you are good at using swords, and it happens to be the same for me, so let's use kendo to compete!"

Gu Nanfei shook his head and sighed: "The essence of ancient martial arts lies not in the ancient inheritance, but in absorbing the essence left by the ancestors, and then constantly advancing with the times. It is clear that the new era has arrived, but you still hold the old fighting style. What a sad approach."

"Humph! Playing with mystery!"

Gu Changwen snorted coldly, "Then I want to see how many catties do you have? How much do you have for keeping up with the times?"

As he said, a powerful aura burst out of him.

The invisible air flow lingered on him, and the sword pointed at him, as if dividing the space.

The supernaturalists around Su Yuan were shocked and said: "Be careful, even his sword aura can be directly cut open, and he must not be hit by his sword aura."

"Yes, be careful of these ancient warriors."

As supernatural beings, they were supposed to be arrogant, and even some arrogant people didn't even look at the Awakeners of the Body Art Department, thinking that the Elemental Element was the strongest.

But when confronted with Gu's ancient warriors, their pride was torn apart.

After listening to their reminders, the onlookers became even more excited.

Most of them are "old humans" who cannot be awakened. Guwu is the only way out they can see now. They also want to see what the peak of the ancient warrior is like.

Chu Feng looked at Gu Nanfei, I'm afraid, he also wants to set a benchmark for those people!

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