Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 212: Dragon shape infuriating

This is a highly anticipated battle. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, this battle will represent the current peak level of ancient warriors.

Their performance determines the confidence of people who practice ancient martial arts in themselves.

Gu Changwen raised a sword, and in a flash, three extremely sharp sword auras were emitted at the same time. The one in the middle wanted to cut Gu Nanfei in half, and the other two blocked the route for Gu Nanfei to dodge.

In addition to the three main sword auras, there were some escaping sword auras, which made the onlookers feel a little pain in their skin.

"Me, why am I bleeding?"

An audience member who felt as if his face was slashed by a knife reached out and touched his face, but was shocked to find that his face had been cut with a small cut at some point.

But they are ten meters away from the center of the battle! Can the escaping airflow alone create such a deterrent?

As a result, the onlookers retreated again and again in amazement.

However, although the panic on their faces did not subside, there was enthusiasm in their eyes.

Is this the power of ancient warriors? This power is no less than that of a superpower!

Is it possible for them to become such a strong in the future?

The three swords flew sand and stone, and went straight towards Gu Nanfei to kill.

Gu Nanfei didn't evade, but gently raised his hand. The sword aura in front of him disappeared invisible, and the other two sword auras passed by, and had no effect on him.

Such a thunderous blow was disintegrated by him lightly.

After Gu Changwen's blow, he didn't rush to continue his hands, but said: "Because the strength has improved too much during this period, some of them can't control their own strength. Otherwise, the move just now should be without smoke."

His words made the onlookers sigh for a while, thinking that he was justifying himself.

After all, his massive blow was disintegrated so lightly, and of course he couldn't hold back his face.

But Chu Feng knew what he said was true.

Unlike his innate sword aura, the sword aura of the opponent is less sharp, but it is the most orthodox kendo and can adapt to any environment.

Originally, such an attack by the other party should be invisible and silent, but because of the advent of the new era, these ancient warriors have become bugs like superpowers, so they are a little uncontrollable.

"Gu Nanfei, don't you want me to see how powerful you are?"

Gu Changwen shouted as he cut out three sword auras again, but what was different from the last time was that after the three sword auras were cut this time, he made a sword reduction movement.

If Gu Nanfei still uses the method just now to counteract the sword qi, then the next person to greet Gu Nanfei will be his stunning sword.

Swords can exert their greatest power only when they are stabbed.

To be able to practice "stabs" well can be regarded as a real introduction to kendo.

After seeing this scene, the people on Chu Feng's side couldn't help but worry about Gu Nanfei.

Even Chu Feng was ready to shoot.

Gu Nanfei said indifferently: "I said, the essence left by ancestors should be inherited, but the best way to respect inheritance is not to copy it, but to incorporate it into the new era, and then carry it forward."

As he said, his right leg stepped back slightly, the center of gravity sank slightly, his left arm was lifted up, his right hand received his waist and abdomen, and he made a movement to prepare for a punch.

Seeing Gu Nanfei's stupid response, everyone in the Gu family was delighted.

Gu Liyu even uttered two words directly: "Idiot."

To use your fist to directly catch the sword qi, this is simply unattainable in their opinion, because even if you can break the sword qi with your fist, to Gu Changwen, it is only a loss of true qi, but Gu Nanfei will definitely do it. Damaged by the shock.

Why they, these ancient martial masters, still use weapons, not because weapons can increase their strength, but because they can use weapons instead of their bodies to get injured when the two sides are at war.


At this time, a roar appeared.

After hearing this roar, many people were a little surprised.

"What was it just now?"

"It seems that something is calling."


"Is it an illusion?"

They seemed to have heard something just now, but when you think about it carefully, they can't remember when they heard it just now. People just feel that they are an illusion.

Gu Nanfei slowly pushed out his right fist, and a dragon-shaped phantom appeared on his fist.

Then, this dragon-shaped phantom directly shattered three sword qi, and then soared in the sky, flying straight in the direction of Gu Changwen.

"What is this?"

Gu Changwen was shocked, he hurriedly pierced through the phantom of the long dragon of true energy.

However, the True Qi Longlong seemed to have no effect at all, hovering in the air, and then penetrated Gu Changwen's body.

The surrounding crowd exclaimed:

"Fuck, this trick is so handsome!"

"I want to learn too."

"Is it the legendary Jianglong Eighteen Palms?"

Gu Nanfei's trick looks really eye-catching, very similar to the special effects of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, but it is a little different.

"The dragon is really angry, how is this possible?"

Those with supernatural powers in the physical arts department were shocked. This trick is unknown to others, don't they know it?

As they understand the knowledge of their awakening, they know this trick.

This trick is called Dragon Form True Qi, and it is only qualified to learn after reaching the fifth rank.

It is qualified, because even if you reach level 5, you only meet the minimum requirements for learning this trick, and you have to go through repeated practice to not hurt yourself.

However, this trick was used on an ancient warrior like Gu Nanfei instead of a supernatural person.

"Could it be that he is already a peerless master of Tier 5?"

Many people with supernatural powers are a little trembling. As the awakened, they will inevitably have some eyes higher than the top, even the appearance of the warrior did not make them doubt their status.

And this battle started to leave a trace of flaws in their lofty beliefs, allowing them to understand that the distance between them and ordinary people is no longer an insurmountable distance.

The ancient martial artist reaches the extreme, it is really comparable to the ability person.

Of course, Gu Nanfei did not reach the fifth-level level, but he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his mastery of true qi far exceeds that of ordinary people. After understanding the existence of this trick, he has already used the knowledge he has learned. Researched out this trick.

If you don't consider that this trick already exists, he can say that he is creating his own martial arts.

At this moment, the eyes of many people who have been slow in their cultivation are diligent. They understand that the methods of their cultivation are not without prospects, but practical.

When they reach the extreme, they are really comparable to those with supernatural powers.

At this moment, a fire dragon appeared in Chu Feng's hand and flew towards Gu Nan.

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