Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 213: You can never call someone who pretends to sleep

After seeing a long flame dragon appearing in Chu Feng's hand, everyone was shocked.

"What is he going to do?"

"Does he want it?"

Many people who saw Chu Feng's sudden move inevitably had bad thoughts at this moment. Could it be that he was jealous of the power of an ancient warrior like Gu Nanfei?

Their doubts were quickly dispelled.

The flame-like dragon passed by Gu Nanfei's side, rushed to the ground beside him, and then directly brought out a figure that blended with the environment.


A scream came from this figure, and then his body turned into a fireball.

At this time, people realized that someone wanted to take the opportunity to attack Gu Nanfei, and Chu Feng had solved the attacker for Gu Nanfei.

"Too despicable."

"Gu's people are really mean."

"If you lose, can you do whatever you want?"

"It's too much."

Of course they would not admit that they had misunderstood Chu Feng just now, and would only blame the enemy for their wrong judgment.

So everyone set off a wave of condemning Gu's family.

When the flame dragon flew by, Gu Nanfei did not move at all. It was not until "Shadow" was killed that he came to the Gu family's patron: "Patriarch, the times have changed, and I am the future of the Gu family."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, stroked it gently over the eyes of the lord, and closed the eyes of the lord.

At this time, Gu Changwen's body slowly fell.

In the attack just now, he was directly exasperated to death.

The eyes of Gu Nanfei and Chu Feng were full of jealousy by those supernaturalists. The Patriarch of the Gu family had defeated the existence of several supernaturalists, but such a master, under Gu Nanfei's attack, turned out to be like this. Was killed directly by a trick?

But Chu Feng had just issued a fire dragon that was the same as the dragon-shaped innocent energy. What level of strength did he reach?

Ignoring the shock of everyone, Gu Nanfei said to the people of the Gu family: "From now on, everything in the Gu family will be in charge of me. Are you unsatisfied?"

Everyone in the Gu family knelt to the ground immediately: "See the Patriarch, everything depends on the Patriarch."

Regardless of strength or form, they now have no room for rebuttal.

"It seems that I have done a little more preparation."

Chu Feng smiled bitterly. He originally thought it was not so easy to solve the Gu family, but he knew he had made a mistake, that is, although the monster he faced was ferocious, the human heart had not become as sinister as 10 years later. Look like.

Simply put, they have experienced too few severe beatings.

Apart from other things, it is almost rare in the future that things that appeared a little bit but did not feel smooth and caused the chain reaction of a complete collapse.

It's not going to fight to the death, but it's quite possible to lie in ambush.

And the Gu family not only picked the wrong opponent, but also miscalculated the people's mind and the situation. They used the old and stale concepts to consider the current era. Sooner or later, destruction would happen.

Taking advantage of his invincible power, Gu Nanfei shouted to the onlookers: "In this brand new era, in this dangerous era, everyone must be united to survive, but this unity is not about becoming a careerist. The **** in hand is to find partners who can fight side by side with oneself, and the unity of fighting side by side with those who can be trusted."

Is he going to start speaking too? Wouldn't it rob the leader of the show?

The expressions of the people in the Dawn Alliance are a bit strange.

But considering that Gu Nanfei could build momentum for the Dawn Alliance in this way, they just let it go.

Gu Nanfei continued: "Awakened people have a lot more power than ordinary people. I don’t ask you to use this power to protect ordinary people. You just have to understand that even ordinary people can perform as long as they have a firm will. A tremendous strength."

His words resonated with many "ordinary people".

Many ordinary people have been bullied by the awakened. This is why the spread of the exercises is so fast. The reason why many people practice is simple, that is, they don't want to be bullied.

So many people stand directly on the opposite side of the awakened.

Now Gu Nanfei, as the representative of cultivators, has naturally become their idol.

However, his next words changed the faces of many people: "Now a brand new order is about to be established. I don't know what the world will become in the future, but I know that only those who find their own position and the division of labor in society If you can live, if you just want to rely on others for protection, want to hug your thighs, and are unwilling to play their role, sooner or later, you will be eliminated by this world."

His words were chicken soup, but they attracted a lot of curses.

"Do you think you are great?"

"Do you think we want to be like this? If we awaken, we will be great."

"We are ordinary people, no matter how hard we try, we can't keep up with the Awakened."

"Yes, the talent is not enough, no matter how hard you try, it's useless."

"Don't believe him, he just wants to persuade us to work for the awakened."

There were some silent and thoughtful people in the crowd, but most of them in turn cursed Gu Nanfei's remarks, and then left cursingly.

Gu Nanfei felt a little puzzled. Is he wrong?

In this new era, it is very difficult to survive on the protection of others. The only ones who can really survive are those who rely on their own firm beliefs and then exert their own values.

People who are worthless are destined to be eliminated.

I just want to remind everyone to live in their own way.

However, he also noticed one thing, that is, the original members of the Dawn Alliance, with this moving light in their eyes, seemed to be moved by him.

Chu Feng came to Gu Nanfei's side and patted him on the shoulder: "A good speech does not lie in how gorgeous the words are, but in which emotions of the audience it can arouse. Your first speech mobilizes everyone's positive emotions. , The subsequent speeches hit everyone's pain points."

Gu Nanfei also understood something: "You mean, I told them what they thought?"

Su Yuan said: "Most people actually aim for stability. For them, being able to hold a thick thigh to live is the happiest thing. Unless it is a real juncture of life and death, they want to mobilize them. The initiative is really difficult."

Gu Nanfei lowered his head and said, "Sorry, I didn't think so much."

He originally wanted to use his influence like Chu Feng, but he didn't expect it to have the opposite effect.

"No, you did a great job."

Chu Feng pointed to the people who remained around, "Those who want to demonstrate and prove their worth have been screened out by your speech."

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