Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 214: Aftercare

Gu Nanfei felt that his speech was a failure, but Chu Feng felt it was a success.

Because Chu Feng understands one thing, not everyone is suitable for living in this new era.

Those who want to find a stable environment to eat and wait to die, and those who feel that their lives are going well now, and then they don't want to make progress, will be eliminated sooner or later.

When Chu Feng established the Dawn Alliance, why didn't he directly use the benefits to win people's hearts, because he understood that the effect of using this method to win people's hearts was too bad.

The exchange system he set up in the Dawn Alliance is to give people a chance to make progress, so the group of people who joined the Dawn Alliance at the beginning were all very motivated people except those with ulterior motives.

The same is true for Gu Nanfei's speech. His speech pricked most people's pain points and aroused most people's disgust, but what Chu Feng needed was those who remained.

Maybe some people who are good at management are willing to use their leadership to give play to the value of those who are not enterprising, but Chu Feng is unwilling. He doesn't have this idle time.

Leaving those people is just a waste of food for him.

After the matter here is over, the troops from the army are long overdue.

This is not to blame for their low efficiency, but that the number of survivors in the area controlled by the army is too large. When the swarm attacks, the army has the lowest casualties of survivors. If it weren't for someone to drag back and cause trouble with the family, The military may even keep the casualties under 1%.

When he saw the people in the army again, Chu Feng found that they had changed significantly.

The soldiers now had red bloodshot eyes in their eyes, and they almost wanted to burst into flames. When interrogating those who care for the family, they used criminal methods without mercy.

The casualties of tens of thousands of survivors taught them a bitter lesson, letting them understand that if they were kind to those lawbreakers, they would treat most people's lives as a trifle.

So under such painful lessons, they finally changed.

Seeing this, Chu Feng could only sigh. Compared to later generations, it is better for the military to change so early, and at least it can reduce the occurrence of many tragedies.

At this time, the Dawn Alliance also ushered in a new wave of enrollment expansion.

Chu Feng originally planned to take the people from the Dawn Alliance to evacuate, because the swarm will continue to attack, but seeing such a good opportunity, he decided to take the risk and stay one more day.

From a numerical point of view, staying for one more day will cause some casualties, but it can recruit more people.

Although somewhat cold and ruthless, Chu Feng understood that this was not a time to soften his heart.

When expanding her enrollment, Chu Feng specifically confessed to Su Yuan and told her to tell everyone clearly that all those who join the Dawn Alliance have the obligation to fight monsters, even ordinary people are the same, facing ordinary monsters. At the time, they have to save energy for the superpowers and set aside the energy to deal with monsters.

If you don’t accept this, just drive away.

If Chu Feng enacted this rule from the beginning, it would cause a big backlash, then after seeing a mob like Gu Jia, no one opposed it anymore.

"But our subordinates are the waste collected by the Gu family's forced oppression, so we might as well do it alone."

This is what the abilities of the Dawn Alliance think now.

Now the Dawn Alliance has formed a cooperative relationship between the supernaturalists and ordinary people. Everyone must play their own role. Useless people, go to death.

However, they also encountered a problem.

"In our recruitment process, some women want to be protected by supernaturalists, and the price they pay is their own bodies."

When Su Yuan mentioned this, her face was a little ugly, "What should we do with these women?"

When she asked this question, many male psychics had a little shame on their faces.

Obviously, they were moved.

After thinking about it for a moment, Chu Feng said: "If a woman is unwilling to fight, she can play an auxiliary role, such as learning some nurse skills, but if she wants to survive through the protection of supernatural beings, then all the resources such a woman consumes All are borne by this ability person, as long as the ability person is willing to bear it, there is no problem."

After thinking about it, he added: "Even ordinary men are the same. If they want their women not to risk their lives and fight monsters, they only need to teach them how to not drag others back and not affect the team. It’s okay to fight against them, but those who don’t fight will be borne by those who protect them."

Tian Jing frowned and said: "If this goes on, will there be no problem? Our Dawn Alliance has just established a principle of no waste, and now we have opened a gap by ourselves. Isn't this slap your own face?"

Chu Feng said: "Not all women can be like you. Even if they don't have supernatural powers, they can stand on their own feet. From the perspective of their own value, abandoning is the best choice, but if you consider men, then you don’t. It's the same."

Tian Jing was a little puzzled: "It is their own business not to survive."

Su Yuan helped Chu Feng explain: "But men are animalistic. If you suppress them for too long, it is easy for the animalism in their bodies to burst out, but if you provide them with a woman who can protect, this will not only Suppressing their animality will also stimulate their desire for protection and ensure their humanity."

Tian Jing was silent.

The people around Chu Feng were self-improving women, but she ignored the feelings of men.

Chu Feng said: "Those with powerful powers, even slightly stronger warriors, may do irrational things when they have powerful powers and are in extreme environments. I can prevent them from being Women do compulsive things, but if they even deprive them of the way to obtain women with their own power, then they will rebel sooner or later."

Tian Jing nodded, she understood.

Those with eavesdropping abilities are happy, as long as the leader can not oppose them. As abilities, they can naturally rely on their own strength to create wealth and gain the favor of girls.

In this environment, the identity of the supernatural being can be much more attractive to women than the millionaires of the old age.

However, Chu Feng added a sentence: "The ugly words are in front. Since I have provided them with such a path, if they still want to use forced or semi-coercive methods to deal with women, don't blame my ruthless men. "

Several eavesdroppers immediately jumped out: "Don't worry! Boss, if there is a chance to be a man, who would be willing to be a beast?"

Chu Feng nodded: "I hope so, you can do what you want, remember not to delay business."

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