Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 216: Gu Nanfei's suspicion

In the end, Chu Feng put the matter down first.

In places where there is no one, he can kill someone because of a suspicion, but if he kills in public, it will have a great impact on his image.

If at this time when people's hearts are floating, because of this trivial matter, the alliance will be distracted, then it will be more than worthwhile.

He just told Xu Yan to be more vigilant and calm.

The military and Gu Nanfei's interrogation of Gu's family was almost over. Gu's family went up and down, except for those in the prison, almost all of them were killed.

Those in the prison are also people who are at odds with the Patriarch.

After disposing of the Gu family, Gu Nanfei approached Chu Feng: "Gu Changwen found a spring with water. The water there is very clean, and after drinking it, it can slightly increase vitality without harming the body. They In order to cover the news of the spring, all the survivors in the two nearby towns were killed."

At this point, his eyes were glowing red and his fists were clenched.

It is not that he has not seen the sinister heart of the people, even when the family seizes the first-in-law, he himself is the victim of the conflict of interests.

But he had never seen such a sinister human heart.

In the era of peace, if they do something that is angry and grievous, there will definitely be a country that will sanction them, and the last days will let them let go.

Just to cover a spring, survivors in two towns were killed!

Why can the human mind be so terrible!

In this regard, Chu Feng didn't know how to comfort him: "The dead are gone, and the dead will not be resurrected. What is more important to us now is how to live."

After hearing the news that there was a spring eye, Chu Feng's mind became active.

Before the end of the world came, springs appeared in the middle of the Sahara Desert, and then an oasis was created.

He knew that such a spring is actually a place where vitality meets, and it is also the best place to build a survival base based on it.

Originally, he wanted to find a spring that was discovered in his previous life, but he has not been discovered yet, but now that he has found such a news, he certainly saved a lot of effort.

At this moment, Chu Feng found that Gu Nanfei was looking at him with weird eyes.

"What do you see me doing?" Chu Feng asked.

"I think you seem to have experienced something like this, that's why you are numb to this kind of thing."

Gu Nanfei said seriously, "Your acting style seems to have no bottom line, but in fact, you have a very precise grasp of the human heart. Compared to those who break through the human bottom line, you are more like a adherent of the human bottom line. , More determined than anyone."

This is a very contradictory thing. Chu Feng's decisive killing and decisiveness should be easier to become a murderer than ordinary people.

But in fact, Chu Feng had never killed any good person. His cruel methods were aimed at the enemy and the person who should be killed.

Chu Feng said, "Even in the old days, aren't there many bad guys?"

Gu Nanfei shook his head: "It's different, I always feel that you are adapting to this era too quickly."

Chu Feng's heart trembled, and Gu Nanfei still saw some clues about him.

There are a lot of people who can go bad quickly, but there are really not many who can adapt to this era. His performance is too bright, and he still attracts the attention of some smart people.

He even wondered if Su Yuan had discovered something, but she pretended not to know.

However, Chu Feng was unwilling to turn his face with Gu Nanfei, so he quickly thought of a saying: "Maybe, it has something to do with my parents!"

Gu Nanfei was taken aback and said, "I heard that your parents were supposed to be ordinary farmers, but they were sent to the military laboratory."

Chu Feng said, "Do you think that based on your understanding of the military, do they put farmers in such an important place as the laboratory?"

Gu Nanfei was startled: "Do your parents have special identities?"

Chu Feng said: "Yes, they are a researcher in a biochemical laboratory..."

Then, he picked some important points to talk about some things he knew about his parents, and left a lot of blank imagination.

After listening to Gu Nanfei thoughtfully: "So, you look carefree, but in fact you spend every day in fear. No wonder you can adapt to this era so quickly."

In his eyes, Chu Feng's family had become a family with biochemical research materials and evidence, as well as secrets that could be pursued by an international company, and had to be kept incognito.

If this is the case, then it is normal to plan ahead for life-saving methods.

Seeing that Gu Nanfei had dispelled his doubts, Chu Feng was also relieved.

He still believes in Gu Nanfei's ethics. At least Gu Nanfei's ethics is much higher than him. Now that he exposes some of his own "past", he can also narrow the distance between the two sides.

After Zhao Yuan's lesson, Chu Feng didn't think that feelings and newcomers could be squandered unscrupulously. Even for a few years of brotherhood, the breakup process may only take a few seconds, let alone he and Gu Nanfei have not known each other for long?

After listening to what Chu Feng said, Gu Nanfei also "understood" some inside stories.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Chu Feng remind him: "Don't tell Xiaorou about this matter. Just tell her that our parents are a researcher. Don't say that they have done wrong things. She still can't accept much about right and wrong. If you know too much about black and white things at once, you will doubt your parents."

Gu Nanfei nodded and said, "I understand."

However, his heart lost his understanding of Chu Feng through Chu Xiaorou.

Chu Xiaorou is the closest person to Chu Feng, so she must know Chu Feng the most!

Su Yuan came to Chu Feng's side and whispered a report: "Leader, many people who drag their families and even bring their children want to join our alliance. What should we do?"

Chu Feng was stunned: "Shouldn't this kind of person be more suitable for the protection of the military?"

If you want to take care of your children, finding a private organization will only be seen as a drag.

Su Yuan said: "Now the military has implemented militarization regulations. Anyone who wants to accept the protection of the military must abide by the rules set by the military. Everyone must participate in the construction of trenches and wait until reinforcements arrive. Many people can't stand such strict rules and even regard the military as a tyrant."

Chu Feng understood that the military was so good to people at the beginning, and now they didn't even let them go to the front line. They just participated in some coolie activities, and they couldn't bear it.

This is not because the military has done too much, but because the contrast between the front and the back is too great.

Chu Feng sneered: "Even some hard work can't be done. Why do we take them in? Can they fight?"

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