Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 217: Re-encounter Su Yuyan

For Chu Feng, apart from enemies and family members, there are two types of people.

Valuable and worthless people.

If it is a valuable person, Chu Feng doesn't mind taking it in, but it is too tiring to abandon the work arranged for them by the military, then it is not something he can accept.

What's more, why the military dig trenches is not because the evacuation of the brigade is too difficult, so they dig some bunkers to protect more people.

At this time, Gu Nanfei said: "In fact, it is not impossible to take in."

Chu Feng said, "But where does their consumption come from? Some family members are unwilling to do hard work. What do you think they can do for their families."

Gu Nanfei said: "Have you ever thought about a problem? They are not unwilling to do hard work, but want to let their children get some favoritism and special attention. What they reject is not trench digging itself, but themselves The identity of the cannon fodder.

If we make some promises to them, promise to raise their children and let them do the same thing as death squads for us, it is not impossible. "

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "However, this is not a simple matter."

After Gu Nanfei's reminder, Chu Feng also realized this problem.

What he said just now is indeed a bit extreme. What those people reject is indeed the identity of cannon fodder. They think that the military let them dig trenches just as pawns for use, so they treat the military with the most malicious speculation.

But even so, it is not easy to use them.

To put it simply, it's easier to use those who are self-motivated, or to use those who drag their families, and even the soldiers who rescued them were guessed with the most malicious eyes.

Controlling such people and brainwashing is not an easy task. Chu Feng is more willing to select suitable people instead of controlling and training such people.

Gu Nanfei's eyes were a little sad: "Although I don't like to do this kind of thing, our Gu family is really good at doing this kind of thing. After all, this is the foundation of our inheritance."

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng suddenly thought of Gu's servant.

Although the cannon fodder attracted by the Gu family was vulnerable, the servants and family members of the Gu family never abandoned them. Some surrendered to Gu Nanfei, but did not yield to the military's criminal methods.

It's just that Chu Feng is a little bit skeptical about whether Gu Nanfei can do this kind of thing cruelly: "Are you really willing to do this kind of thing?"

Gu Nanfei said: "This is not something I want or not. If you want the forces to be built to act in accordance with the rules we have set, then you must do this kind of thing, but to build this kind of troops, they are loyal to me. Not you."

He was a little worried about Chu Feng, worried that Chu Feng would reject his approach.

It's not about style, but about decentralization.

If Chu Feng pursued hegemonism, he would definitely not want to put such a power under the control of another person, even if this person is his friend.

This is not a question of trust, but a question of principle and bottom line.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "You may not know that when the Dawn Alliance was established, our leader had never contacted the six sub-leaders with supernatural powers, or even asked their names, recruited and wooed them. The leader of the alliance has never asked about adult matters."

Gu Nanfei was a little surprised: "Then how did you gather people's hearts?"

Chu Feng said frankly: "Let them clearly understand that they can't do without me, so you don't have to worry. The problem of dividing power that you are worried about will at least not appear before we solve the survival problem."

Chu Feng didn't worry too much about Gu Nanfei's establishment of his own direct line.

Excluding the issue of trust, Chu Feng also judged that Gu Nanfei would not be separated from himself based on his rationality.

If he does not know the future, he may have to worry about the disadvantages of decentralization.

But after knowing the endless calamities in the future, Chu Feng knew that this kind of worry would never appear in the face of those calamities.

Gu Nanfei and Chu Feng stretched out their hands at the same time and slapped them together: "Then let us join hands to create a real survivor's home!"

At this time, someone reported to Su Yu Yanhui: "Deputy leader, some people said to look for you, she said she is your sister."

Su Yuyan!

Su Yuan was overjoyed, and then said: "I'll go right away."

Chu Feng said to Gu Nanfei: "Go and do what you want to do! I'll meet an old friend."

Gu Nanfei nodded, and then took a few military "surveillance" personnel and a few henchmen brought out of Gu's family, under the leadership of a few Su Yuan's men, to carry out the compilation work.

And Chu Feng followed Su Yuan and found those familiar figures.

After seeing Su Yuan, Su Yuyan immediately pounced on her, and then her tears kept streaming down: "I heard that you were attacked by bugs here, and I almost thought something was wrong with you."

Su Yuan couldn't help but shed tears.

The last time she and Su Yuyan were separated, she was still quarreling, but in this world where she might face life and death at any moment, what else can't be resolved between the sisters?

When Lu Ming saw Chu Feng, he rushed over excitedly: "Brother Feng, you are here too! I haven't heard from you for a long time, and thought you were dead!"

Chu Feng said in a huff: "Can you say a few good things about this crow's mouth, I have established such a big Dawn Alliance, you don't even know my news?"

Lu Ming spit out his tongue and said: "We have been here several times, and we came to the Dawn Alliance last time, but I heard that the lord Shenlong didn't see the end, and I didn't expect it to be you!"

Chu Feng was also a little speechless.

Obviously the other party has been to this barrier more than once, but because of the interruption of communication, he always missed it skillfully.

If it weren't for this attack by the swarm, they wouldn't know when they would meet again!

But speaking of it, if he hadn't helped the military when he was in Yuanling, he wouldn't be able to find his sister so quickly. God knows if he can save his sister in time.

It can only be said that for those who are worthy of help, they can still help.

Zhao Fan and the others also came to Chu Feng and began to talk to Chu Feng.

Under the leadership of Su Yuyan, after they settled down the rescued students, they felt that they could not waste their abilities, so they searched for supplies and helped some survivors as much as possible.

Only after experiencing some lessons from the white-eyed wolf, even Zhao Fan is no longer naive.

Of course, the survivors who know how to be grateful can be saved, but as long as they are brought back to the fortress, even if they show signs of taking things for granted, Su Yuyan will directly find a place where there is no one to execute. Up.

After hearing this, Chu Feng was also in a cold sweat.

He thought that Su Yuyan still had the character of the Virgin, but he didn't expect to become so fast secretly.


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