Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 218: Build a survival base

Su Yuyan often leads people to fall and save people regardless of their lives. This is kind and responsible.

And to kill those who are not grateful, this is cruel.

However, the two are not incapable of coexisting. Human nature is inherently a very complicated thing, and it is difficult to investigate deeply.

This style of behavior is very much liked by Chu Feng, and it relieves some worries.

After all, in the event that a person like the Virgin appears in the upper floors of the survival base built by myself, it will be a disaster for the entire survival base.

Su Yuyan's changes during this time also made him feel relieved.

Then, Chu Feng told Zhao Fan Luming and others about his future plans: "I want to build a survival base where people can sleep peacefully under the protection of an energy shield and form a The ecological cycle can give people a safe protection."

Lu Ming respected Chu Feng the most, and he shouted on the spot: "Okay! I support what Feng Ge does. If it can really make people have a good night's sleep, I will definitely be willing to go."

If it weren't for Chu Feng's insistence, he would want to follow Chu Feng even when Chu Feng was looking for his sister.

It was just that Chu Feng was worried that Su Yuyan's character would be in danger, and insisted that he follow Su Yuyan by his side, which was considered an extra strength.

Li Xiao and Li Ran also hurriedly said: "We are also willing, but Teacher Su, she..."

They have become accustomed to following Su Yuyan during this period. For them, Su Yuyan is a closer person than Chu Feng, and they are more willing to listen to Su Yuyan's opinions.

After all, Su Yuyan's personality charm is also very influential.

And Zhao Fan frowned slightly.

Chu Feng asked strangely: "Do you have any concerns?"

In his opinion, an otaku like Zhao Fan should be the most willing to stay in such a place. Why does he appear to be worried?

Zhao Fan pondered for two seconds, and said in a serious tone: "I'm only Tier 4 and Tier 8 now, and there is still a distance from the fifth step where the energy shield can be built. If we build the energy shield now, it is still a bit reluctant. I am worried that there will be faults. "

Chu Feng: "······"

If he didn't know Zhao Fan's character, he really thought Zhao Fan was showing off.

He also chose to save Zhao Fan because he couldn't bear it for a while.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fan was such a genius.

This kind of talent, as long as it doesn't fall in the future, it will probably be a character second only to the "Nine Kings".

The difference between him and the "Nine Kings" is not talent, but temperament and consciousness.

At present, Chu Feng met only Luo Xingyao who had the qualifications of the "Nine Kings".

Of course, Gu Nanfei took a different path, and he couldn't predict Gu Nanfei's future.

Li Ran covered his forehead and said, "Except for the fact that I have distributed too many crystal nuclei, the distribution of crystal nuclei in our team has always been evenly distributed, but he has improved more."

They all felt very speechless for Zhao Fan's talent.

Obviously staying in the same team, why is his talent so high?

However, because of the many lives and deaths, and Zhao Fan's character, they couldn't get jealous.

Chu Feng comforted: "It doesn't matter, I can build the energy shield. Once you reach Tier 5, you can maintain it."

Zhao Fan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I can rest assured."

But Li Ran and Li Xiao looked at Chu Feng with a perverted look: "You have reached the fifth rank?"

Lu Ming even exaggeratedly covered his heart, and said in a funny tone: "Why, why do you treat me like this."

They had already felt unbalanced because of the perverted Zhao Fan beside them, but what they didn't expect was that Chu Feng had reached a higher level.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I'm only the third-tier peak, so don't worry."

However, these words made everyone even less calm.

You can play Tier 3 when you are at Tier 1, and Tier 4 at Tier 2, and now Tier 3 can build an energy shield. There is no reason for this.

Are we awakening the same system?

Of course, it's really not one.

They have all seen the power of Chu Feng's entire line of abilities.

No matter what kind of opponent he faced, Chu Feng had the corresponding restraint methods, and his methods seemed to never be exhausted.

Zhao Fan didn't have any feelings. He would not be proud of himself being stronger than others, and naturally would not feel inferior or jealous for others being stronger than himself.

He was simply happy for Chu Feng: "If this is the case, the survival rate of the people we rescued will be even greater."

Hearing what Zhao Fan said from the heart, Chu Feng felt a sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, it was Zhao Fan who met himself and Su Yuyan. Otherwise, his character would really not last long in the last days, and his strength would be useless.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, being used by others to become others' thugs.

In comparison, he is now very lucky.

On the other hand, the drama of the sisters reunion is also over.

Su Yuyan came here non-stop after knowing that her sister's fortress had been attacked by insect swarms and had suffered numerous casualties.

This is, she realized that even if there are differences and misunderstandings between the sisters, no misunderstanding can really separate their sisters.

And Chu Feng also took advantage of the situation and told Su Yuyan about his idea: "You have saved many people during this period, but now you have also seen that even the fortress built by the military is not a completely safe place, so I Want to establish a truly safe survival base, just like in the movie, so that the rescued people will not worry about life all day long, even if they still need to go out for adventure, but at least they don’t need it when sleeping. I'm worried about whether I will be bitten by a bug."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, Su Yuyan was also moved: "Well, if saving people can't save people to a safe place, wouldn't it be a waste of work."

Then, she took advantage of the situation and added: "But let me say one thing first, and that is to leave a certain blank space for your survival base. I will not give up continuing to search for survivors.

Chu Feng said: "I also put forward a condition. All survivors must accept the rules of the survival base. Everyone must have their own division of labor. The survival base does not support idlers."

Su Yuyan smiled: "Of course."

After these days of experience, she has also seen a lot of people's sinisterness, so she can also understand the meaning of Chu Feng's formulation of this rule.

However, even though she has seen a lot of human darkness, she still loves the world, still loves her motherland, still loves her human identity, and is proud of it.

Darkness can't wash away the light in her heart, no matter how long the night is, she is unwilling to give up the glory of her humanity.

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