Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 219: Hot porridge

Today's night came very early. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still hanging high in the sky, but it couldn't stop the sky from becoming gray.

It seems that even the eternal and immortal sun cannot illuminate the world.

"Dark power, is it rich again?"

Chu Feng said to himself.

Zhang Ziqing had some doubts: "What dark power?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Nothing. After the notification, everyone is in a state of preparing for war. Now there are more insects outside the city. Once the sky is dark, the insects will definitely attack."

There are many types of insects, both day and night, but humans dominate during the day, and all insects that are active during the day have basically been cleaned up.

However, the insect swarms outside seemed to be wise, staying outside the fortress, just not attacking.

It will take some time for the army's reinforcements to arrive, and the army that cannot lead too many people away is ready to fight a protracted battle.

Among the people in the fortress, some have already ventured to take advantage of the daytime to go to other fortresses, while others, like Chu Feng, took advantage of this opportunity to expand their power.

Relying on the city wall, Chu Feng built 12 five-element formations as the foundation for absorbing vitality, and formed an isolated wall with 24 light curtains, and put a weak light source inside.

The distance illuminated by these lights is not far, but it is not a problem for people to see the huge bugs.

After seeing Chu Feng's supernatural means, the Alliance burst into cheers.

"As expected to be the leader, these bugs can't get in, hahaha..."

"Don't be happy too early. These light curtains have limited energy and can only make everyone safer. In the end, everyone will kill the bugs together."

"Whoever said such frustrating remarks dare to question the leader."


"My lord, we were wrong. I don't know if you, lord, said."

It is unreliable to rely solely on the energy shield to resist the insect swarm's attack, so Chu Feng deliberately left some gaps to let these insects in.

But in this way, the direction and number of bugs can be controlled.

Su Yuan began to command in an orderly manner: "Everyone is divided into teams during the day. Each team guards its own entrance. When encountering ordinary bugs, ordinary people can take action. Ability holders can save their stamina and deal with powerful bugs and wind powers. Those who are best at detecting, should pay attention to monitoring the emergence of powerful bugs."

Because it is related to my own life, even if there is no unity of the upper and lower levels, everyone has roughly acted according to Su Yuan's requirements.

Gu Nanfei and some Tier 4 abilities were in the middle to respond, and wherever powerful bugs appeared, or where there was a gap in defense, Tier 4 abilities were on top.

Soon, the insects launched the first wave of offensive.

The existence of the protective shield makes everyone's defense work very simple. Those ordinary bugs are easily solved by everyone. Not many people are even injured. Even if someone is injured, they are quickly treated.

After repelling the first wave of bugs, everyone burst into strong cheers.

"We won."

"Long live!"

"Long live the leader!"

"With the leader, no matter how many monsters we are, we are not afraid."

Compared to the time when there was no protective cover, bugs may emerge from all directions. The current situation makes them feel that this is heaven.

Human happiness is so simple. Only when there is suffering as a contrast, there will be happiness.

Su Yuyan looked at the crowd who had surpassed 10,000 people but was still not flustered, she couldn't help but smile at her sister: "I am still a far cry from you. I have saved many people these days, but without your command to reduce casualties. More."

She now understands a little bit about her sister's approach. Maybe she is a person with strong ambitions and ambitions, but even if she doesn't have the desire to save others, she can help more people.

Not everyone's kindness can play its best role.

Su Yuan said, "Without Chu Feng's protective cover, my command would not be effective."

Lu Ming looked around and said, "Huh? Where's Brother Feng? Good fragrance."

When they were looking for Chu Feng's figure, they found that Chu Feng did not know when there was a stove. Something was being cooked in a big pot, and a strong fragrance came out of the big pot.

Chu Feng said: "Here are some rice porridge with dried meat. Now it's time to change defenses. Let those who have repelled a round of bug attack retreat and rest, and let them drink a little hot food while resting. So I can regain strength."

Su Yuan swallowed, and then ordered someone to share the porridge.

"Fuck! I haven't eaten anything hot for more than 10 days."

"I have eaten compressed biscuits for 10 days!"

"Salt, rice porridge puts salt and meat, I feel so happy."

"This is the best food I have ever drunk in my life."

"Me too, but it's only half a bowl."

"I miss my previous life so much!"

"Suddenly I feel that this kind of life is more fulfilling than playing games."

"Hehe, that gives you a chance to go back to the past, whether you will go or not."

Although people who joined the Dawn Alliance do not lack food, most of the food is canned food and bread. Now suddenly they can eat the fragrant hot porridge, which makes everyone excited.

You must know that most people live on compressed biscuits distributed by the military camp. Although they are not going to starve to death, such days make them miserable.

Now a mouthful of fragrant hot porridge can make them feel extremely fulfilled.

Only when you have lost can you know the preciousness, and only when it is hard-won can you cherish it.

Seeing everyone's smiles, Su Yuyan also showed a satisfied smile.

She originally thought that she couldn't see the light anymore in this dark age, but seeing everyone's smiles, the flame of hope in her heart became even stronger.

At this time, some people want to **** food from those people.

Su Yuan immediately sent someone to kill those who wanted to take the porridge directly, without even giving them a chance to argue.

At this time, if there is a little kindness, it will chill the hearts of those fighting, and it will greatly dampen everyone's enthusiasm to fight against bugs.

After killing those people by means of thunder, Su Yuan sternly said: "Only those who have made contributions are eligible to get good food. Just now they were able to get food because they used their lives to protect everyone’s safety. If you I also want to kill a few more bugs when changing defenses."

After hearing what Su Yuan said, everyone became even more excited.

"I want to go to war."

"For defense, I apply for defense in advance."

"I want to kill bugs, no one can stop me."

"Quiet, everyone has a share."

Seeing everyone's chaos, Su Yuan yelled: "Those who don't obey the instructions don't have food!"

Suddenly, the camp was quiet.

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