Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 220: Profiteer Chu Feng

Su Yuan's "threat" was very effective and quieted many people.

Then, Su Yuan's command exerted a stronger effect, and everyone dealt with the insects in an orderly manner.

Those people who didn't want to fight when they saw the happy appearance of everyone drinking hot porridge began to get excited and asked to join the shift.

The insect swarms attacked at a lot of intervals, and there was a wave almost every ten minutes, and there were many sporadic insects coming over, but when encountering the Dawn Alliance, these insects were not killed.

Attracted by the meat porridge in Chu Feng's pot, people exploded with unprecedented enthusiasm. Those people who had been hungry for many days were as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood, and they almost died with the bugs for one bite.

After the shift, everyone started to hurry up and practice.

After all, the stronger one's strength, the easier it is to kill bugs.

In the constant running-in of everyone, one team after another was gradually formed, most of the teams were composed of 12-person teams, and the teams divided the trophies equally and performed internal work.

Some people kill insects in the front, while others dissect the corpses of insects in the back, or take the corpses of insects in exchange for food or weapons they need.

And Chu Feng did not make a single shot in these three hours.

It wasn't that he wanted to cook porridge. He later gave Chu Xiaoren and Xu Wei the porridge. His main task was to refine the porridge.

In the ancient books he obtained, various kinds of side-by-side knowledge were recorded. Because of the living environment in the previous life, he did not have too much time to delve into those side-by-side ways, but concentrate on the things that enhance his strength.

However, now that the situation has changed, he has spent a lot of thought on refining tools.

He refines the mouthparts and worms of each insect into the blade of a dagger, adds some zombies or animal bones, and refines it into a simple dagger, and adds a simple vitality formation to become a sharp edge. Rui Wubi, below Tier 3, almost no creature can resist.

However, such a dagger is also very expensive. Only five crystal nuclei can be exchanged for one. If it is the corpse of a bug, it will take 15 bugs.

Fortunately, most of the squads already have a "robes" friendship with each other, so that the entire squad's income can be exchanged for such a dagger to improve the squad's insecticidal efficiency.

"Hahaha, these daggers cut insects, just like tofu!"

Don't find the dagger. Killing insects is as simple as cutting tofu. It arouses the desire of many people to exchange for daggers.

As a result, everyone's enthusiasm for killing insects became even higher, almost all of them rushed to kill.

Some teams that were bolder and had confidence in their own strength even applied to leave the protective cover to kill the insects, and Su Yuan did not refuse them.

It's just that some of these people have returned with satisfaction, and some have never returned.

Risks and benefits are proportional. The dangers of killing insects inside the protective cover and killing insects outside the protective cover are fundamentally different.

Some people can't see through this, and the price they pay is their own lives.

After downsizing hundreds of people, many people's minds about going out slowly faded.

With such a safe pesticidal environment, coupled with stable logistics and support, and warm meat porridge to replenish their physical strength, what reason do they have to take risks?

It's not that they don't want to make progress, but that they are satisfied with the present.

Even if you want to go out to kill bugs, you have to wait until your "equipment" is a little more complete.

Prudence and aggressiveness do not conflict, and caution and aggressiveness are compatible.

However, some teams returned with loads of success, and then got the "Chain Armor" specially made by Chu Feng.

This is a chain mail made by cutting the price of a beetle into fragments and then connecting them together with a "chain" made of the hard parts of the bug. The defense effect is very outstanding.

There was even a person wearing chain mail who let him take a knife to slash himself, but he only made himself two steps back, and the defensive effect was very significant.

This stimulates many people even more.

"It seems like I want a pair of chain mail like this."

"How much credit can I get for this chain mail?"

"It needs 180 first-order crystal nuclei, or 6 third-order crystal nuclei."

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

Although I am envious of the outstanding defensive performance of the chain mail, the high price discourages most people. The price of a chain mail can raise the weapon level of the entire team by a level.

But there are also some ambitious teams who are ready to pool "money" to buy such a chain mail from Chu Feng when all team members are fully armed.

There was even a group of members who came to Chu Feng collectively, handed two bags of rice to Chu Feng, and said in an embarrassing tone: "Leader, can we exchange these two bags of rice for some weapons?"

Of course they knew that the price of food might be higher, but after obtaining a sufficiently powerful weapon from Chu Feng, they could accumulate wealth at a faster rate.

As long as you become stronger, can you still earn back these two bags of rice?

Thinking from another angle, the two bags of rice are raw in their hands, and only Chu Feng can leisurely cook the rice into porridge and add some meat. Who wants to drink white porridge if he can drink hot porridge with meat?

Chu Feng showed a "gentle" smile: "Of course, as long as I have something, you can all exchange it with me."

Then, he provided several people with spears and long swords made from zombie bones, as well as long knives made from metal (different materials are suitable for different types of weapons), so that the whole team returned with a full load.

After simply trying the magic weapon that was just acquired, the members of the team smiled contentedly.

Chu Feng also showed a satisfied smile.

Seeing Chu Feng's smile like a profiteer, Zhang Ziqing looked contemptuous.

But after Chu Feng assigned her 30 crystal nuclei, she immediately smiled.

"It absolutely cannot be done often, it will fall."

Chu Feng took a deep breath. When a businessman's profit is too high, don't be a businessman who can provide various types of food and weapons.

More importantly, these weapons can be self-produced and sold.

But if you are a businessman for a long time, it is a very dangerous behavior in the last days. After all, the more wealth you accumulate, the more coveted you will attract.

If you don't have strong power to protect these wealth, no matter how lofty your status is, the difference in your body is your only end.

While Chu Feng was full of gains, he kept reminding himself not to get overwhelmed.

Only by keeping enough caution can you live longer.

Of course, such large-scale trading opportunities are not very common, so Chu Feng does not need to worry.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from a distance.

The violent explosion made many people wonder and even caused some riots.

At this time, several members of the military received a communication request from the military.

After hanging up the communication, the soldiers came to Chu Feng with an anxious look, and said with a serious face: "Mr. Chu, just now the army camp found a powerful insect emperor attacked, and we barely repelled it with rocket launchers. Just received the news. The direction in which the insect emperor flees is here."

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