Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 221: Chu Feng's decision

After hearing the news of the insect emperor, Chu Feng's first reaction was: the military actually let these soldiers pass the message.

His communicator was given to him by the military, and it is easy for the military to contact him with a communicator, but they have to communicate to him by contacting soldiers every day.

The reason behind this is also easy to analyze: because the military wants to prove the value of these soldiers.

They knew that they were arrogantly arranging manpower next to Chu Feng for surveillance, which would easily arouse the opposition of the other party, so they had to use this method to enhance the value of these soldiers.

As long as the value created by a few of them is large enough, even if they are going to leave, Chu Feng will have to find a way to keep them.

It's no wonder that the military has such careful thinking. After the severe beating by the society, everyone will grow up.

The core members around Chu Feng are paying attention to another matter.

Xu Wei's pupils shrink slightly: "You mean, you have encountered a monster that is difficult to repel with a rocket launcher?"

Several other people also showed a look of horror.

They don't know the concept of the insect king, but they know the power of thermal weapons, a monster that even rockets can barely repel, how powerful is this?

If the monster does come in this direction, how should they deal with it?

The soldier continued: "There are many mutant zergs around that monster, so even if we barely hurt the worm emperor, we can’t kill it. Shangfeng’s suggestion is to immediately abandon the base here and go to the army in batches. Fang’s camp, where there are enough rockets and ammunition, it’s safer than here."

The military has not given up on the desire to win over Chu Feng, and this news is also an opportunity for them.

With the help of Chu Feng, it would be easier for them to deal with the Zerg.

A soldier continued to add: "When facing monsters, we are all on the same front. At this time, we should work together. After all, only by joining forces will the probability of survival be greater.

When the disaster is over, it will not be too late for us to part ways. "

Everyone looked at Chu Feng, waiting for his choice.

There may be people who are not afraid of death, but everyone is eager to survive.

Now they hadn't seen the insect emperor's figure, and they had a faint fear in their hearts.

If there is really such an enemy that a rocket can't deal with, can they really deal with it?

Chu Feng said to the leading soldier: "What is your name."

The soldier was shocked and said, "My name is Gao Yangsong."

He was a little surprised, why did Chu Feng ask his name at this time?

Chu Feng said to Gao Yangsong earnestly: "Gao Yangsong, please report to your chief. I will kill this insect emperor as much as possible. If I fail, those who stay here will break through as much as possible. Go to the military, please help me, if I succeed, then there is no need to say."

Gao Yangsong was a little anxious: "We don't have to ask you to join our military, why are you so relentless!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I am not stubborn, but because you don't understand the horror of the insect emperor. During the day, I saw many insects lurking down, and even many insects flew outside the city in turn, but stayed Wandering outside the city gate and refusing to leave, do you know what this means?"

Gao Yangsong was silent for a moment and said, "These insects are wise."

After the disaster strikes, mutant animals have a high aggressiveness, especially those bugs that are not wise, but now these bugs actually choose a fighting time that is beneficial to them, which means they have wisdom.

"Perhaps it is not that insects have wisdom, but that insects obey orders from intelligent beings."

Chu Feng said seriously, "We assume that the insect emperor has wisdom, so what will the insect emperor do? First, they must be able to detect. At first, they could not understand the existence of thermal weapons, but knew that they would not be able to defeat humans during the day. After the insect emperor is harmed, they will choose to attack the'soft persimmon', which is here."

After listening to Chu Feng's words, everyone realized that it was not just a coincidence that the insect emperor might attack the barracks first and then choose this direction.

If the insects are the eyes and ears of the insect emperor, then it is reasonable to make such a choice.

Gao Yangsong wondered: "But, in this case, should we unite more?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, we can't unite. The insect emperor is attacking a crowded target. This means that it desires a lot of food, or the children under it need a lot of food, but since it has wisdom, then if we go to the military camp When it breaks through, it is likely to be in ambush halfway."

Gao Yangsong took a breath: "This is impossible!"

He was a little hard to believe that the insect emperor really has such wisdom?

Or is it just a fabrication by Chu Feng?

However, since Chu Feng decided to risk killing the Insect Emperor, does this mean that Chu Feng has absolute certainty?

Su Yuyan said: "If we retreat in the direction of the military rashly, then the safety along the way cannot be guaranteed. I agree to risk killing the insect king."

Gao Yangsong is a little anxious: "Do you know how powerful the rocket launcher is? Even the terrible monster that the rocket launcher can't kill, you will die if you go."

Chu Feng said, "Since I have made this decision, I am sure of it."

Seeing that Gao Yangsong still wanted to continue to persuade, Chu Feng continued: "I am willing to take risks not just for the Insect King, but for the Dawn Alliance.

"The Dawn Alliance is in a stage of rapid improvement in cohesion. It is now in need of one victory after another. It will continue to gather morale. When it comes to danger, it will leave an eternal shadow in their hearts.

"If we retreat, then the Dawn Alliance will be disbanded, and most of the members of the Dawn Alliance will be spent in decadence in the future."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was shocked.

Their understanding of people's hearts is not as thorough as Chu Feng's, but think about it carefully, if you pour cold water when everyone's enthusiasm is high, this situation can really happen.

Chu Feng looked around, looked at the people who compared the weapons, armors, and even barbecues that he had gained through credit to each other. Looking at their enthusiastic smiling faces, Chu Feng whispered:

"In the last days, many people are forced to become beasts, but if they can always be humans, how many people are willing to be beasts?"

Could it be that some people who retreated were silent.

You look at the smiles from the heart of the people around you, and look at the comrades who cross your shoulders. An unnamed emotion breeds in their hearts.

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