At the moment Su Yuyan's body was pierced, Chu Feng only felt that his brain was about to explode.

He didn't know why Su Yuyan refused to step back. Only the moment Su Yuyan was pierced through his body was in his mind.

Why do I live my life again?

This is my belief to protect the people around me.

But what am I doing now?

Why, let me lose the person I want to protect again?

Why, why should I let Teacher Su do such a dangerous thing?

At this moment, a strong unwillingness filled Chu Feng's body, and his vitality rushed in his body, almost piercing his skin.

One after another Yuan Talisman appeared at his fingertips, but even if it was an attack comparable to a Tier 5 ability person, it could not cause too much damage to the insect emperor, and could only deepen its injury a little bit.

Su Yuyan felt that her consciousness was gradually blurred, but a strange power came from the blood-drinking sword, which caused her to regain her short-term sobriety.

"I really like this place. In this dangerous apocalypse, many people have been reduced to beasts in order to survive, but here, the glory of human nature is still shrouded."

Su Yuyan's eyes were full of determination, she desperately poured her strength into the blood-drinking sword to make the blood-drinking sword more powerful in absorbing blood.

If such a terrifying monster can be weakened a little, it will be more helpful to the battle.

Now even Tier 4 abilities can not cause decent damage to this monster, and only in this way can she recover the situation.

"What is this?"

At this time, several supernatural beings who were harvesting the lives of the Zerg race suddenly saw a few insect silk entwining them, and they desperately cut the insect silk, but the number of insect silk was more and more.


A supernatural player was directly reshaped and penetrated through his left arm, and then his left arm shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. He smashed his heart with a stab, cutting off his left arm directly.


Blood spewed out, and a holy light landed on his left arm in time, helping him to stop the injury.

Su Yuan's figure appeared beside Su Yuyan and said loudly: "Sister, enough, come back soon!"

Su Yuyan didn't seem to hear her, her eyes were filled with determination, but gradually dimmed.

"Ms. Su!"

A crimson light appeared in Zhang Ziqing's eyes, and then, she only felt that her spell-casting obstacles seemed to be reduced a lot, as if even more powerful abilities could be displayed.

"The ice dragon is coming!"

A long ice and snow dragon that was more than ten meters long appeared beside her, and flew away in the direction of the insect emperor. The ice dragon breathed out a cold breath, directly freezing the insect emperor's body in half.

Su Yuan took advantage of the situation and pulled Su Yuyan away, and then she disappeared. She appeared next to Xiaoxi in the next moment and shouted anxiously: "Help her, help my sister."

Xiaoxi immediately poured a holy light technique into Su Yuyan's body.

"Sister, you must be fine!" Su Yuan shook Su Yuyan's hand, feeling full of helplessness.

Xiaoxi felt the fading vitality of Su Yuyan and a new and peculiar vitality, and his heart was full of determination: "She is a very important person to the master! If she dies, the master will definitely be sad."

Then, a pair of light wings unfolded behind her, and the holy brilliance enveloped her whole body. She seemed to be an angel at this moment.

The power of the holy light fell on Su Yuyan, and a magical scene happened. Su Yuyan had gradually lost his **** complexion, but now it has regained its luster.

The light of hope reappeared in Su Yuan's eyes, and tears couldn't stop streaming down.

What she didn't notice was that Xiaoxi's temples had white spots.

"Are we going to survive on the protection of women?"

A warrior yelled and rushed towards the insect emperor, "Kill this group of worms."

Another warrior's eyes were also full of blood: "Kill these worms!"

"Go! Fight with this monster!"

The third and fourth warrior rushed in the direction of the insects desperately.


The warrior who rushed to the front was directly penetrated by a thread of insect in his throat.

However, there was no fear in his eyes, instead a fierce expression flashed.

"Damn it, this one, monster!"

He exhausted his last strength and threw the dagger in his hand toward the insect's eyes.


The dagger hit the look of the insect emperor, but did not leave a trace of scars, but this unknown man had already died in anger.

However, his murderous aura is still there.

His fighting will is still there.



Those who should have been evacuated, now holding the weapons in their hands, desperately covering them in the direction of the insect emperor. They ignore their defenses, and desperately have to use their weapons in the body of this monster. A scar was left on it.

Even if it's just cutting off a bug's silk.

They have almost forgotten why they did this. They may have been infected by others, or they may have been just a moment of enthusiasm.

But this is not important, what is important is that at this moment, the distance between life and death has been forgotten by them.

They have only one thought in their minds now, and that is to kill this monster.

"Are they crazy?"

Gu Nanfei stepped forward, pointing like a sword, cutting off the silkworms one by one, trying to save people as much as possible, but these silkworms seem to be endless, they are inexhaustible. .

"It would be great if there was a trick that could fix the universe with one blow."

Faced with the hard shell of the insect emperor, Gu Nanfei also felt powerless.


The ice dragon wailed its last cry, and then fell to the ground. It had exhausted its last strength, and finally it could not escape its fate of becoming a piece of broken ice.


The thunder corpse dragon wailed in pain and fell to the ground in pain. The scars on its body caused by the insect claws are already deeply visible. The invincible thunder corpse dragon who played several times in the game, at this moment, under the huge level gap, is not this monster Opponent.

At this moment, it looked back and looked in the direction of its owner.

At some point, Chu Feng was surrounded by black energy, and then he walked in the direction of the insect emperor step by step.

Seeing Chu Feng like this, the humanized fear flashed in the eyes of Thunder Corpse Dragon. It couldn't help shrinking its body, but because of the injury, more black blood flowed out of its body.

"Keep away."

Chu Feng raised his right arm, his right arm seemed to have been transformed into a powerful sword, even if it was just a glance, there was an illusion that his vision was cut away.

"This is, innate sword energy!"

Gu Nanfei's pupils shrank, "No, your body will not be able to bear this level of sword energy."

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